Megan's 15th Birthday

Birthdays during a Worldwide Pandemic and social isolation aren’t the greatest — but we made the most of it. Megan woke up to balloons all over her bedroom floor and a door full of sticky notes listing the reasons we love her, which she got emotional reading.

We had Christmas breakfast for breakfast and sweet potato fries for lunch. Mondays the kids don’t have any school work so she watched Alladin, worked on her bullet journal and read and answered the never-ending wave of texts, Instagram messages and happy birthday videos.

When Dad got home at 4:30 we were ready to open presents.

Matt just wanted to be in ALL the pictures and even willingly changed into his wrinkly khaki pants ‘just for Megan’. She loves when he wears them.

Fun to have Ryan here to help us celebrate. Ryan gifted some ‘coupons’ for her to choose and redeem over the next month or two. Games and things the two of them could do together.

Of course Megan got a new soccer ball for her birthday. And not from Matt, but he couldn’t help but jump in the picture.

The boys gave Megan some pretzels and her own bottle of Sprite. And some cute letters.

Megan got a cute card from Emily with some fake Megan money to be redeemed when Megan picks out something fun online. The got new running shoes from Dad and I… and a yeti and two skirts and a 7 wonders game expansion. Katie sent her a Book of Mormon all marked with tabs and text for her favorite scriptures. Adorable… and such a thoughtful gift.

After opening presents Dad and Megan headed up to Costa Vida to pick up our order. Definitely a favorite for Megan. Then Megan and the boys played soccer in the backyard.

The Jacksons came up and sang to Megan - so nice! Romney gave her a present and plate of cookies. Natalie Garlock dropped off some things too and stood outside to say hi with her mask on.

We opened up the 7 Wonders expansion and Ryan got it all set up and figured out. He was pretty excited about it too. It made me laugh when Megan opened it and Ryan sat forward in his chair with his eyes wide. A present for both of them. We like it! Meg was able to Zoom with Romney and Owen which she loved. I think she had a great day! Meg, we love you!!!

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