Study of the Restoration
“General conference next April will be different from any previous conference. I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel. Select your own questions. Design your own plan. Immserse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration. As you do, general conference next April will be not only memorable; it will be unforgettable. — President Nelson”
General Conference Prep
I ordered a subscription to Work + Wonder’s new publication THE COLLECTIVE just after Christmas and have loved every article. Stories about the Restoration in Church History, sections on Meditation and Restoring our physical bodies, salad recipes, a how-to for the Restoration Timeline that came as a digital copy with the publication and so much more. Beautifully done and a great way to dive into the Restoration and the word RESTORE as preparation for General Conference.
“You are worthy of Restoration, the kind that brings back to life what once was. Fine youself apart from the noise, in the stillness of your own grove. Let your questions guide you there, and when that darkness comes, to distract and deceive you, don’t let it. Pray on. Fight still. Light will prevail and will soon descend upon you, filling every fiber of your being. His redeeming love and infinite grace begins to work within you. You are whole once again.”
Six Weeks before Conference I had this timeline printed out and we began our Restoration Wall. At first it was just the timeline but as we did different activities around the restoration we added more and more. Each Sunday, after Come Follow Me we did a Restoration Study or Activity.
We looked through New Era’s, Friends and Ensigns for pictures of Joseph Smith and cut them out to add to our wall. We got stuck reading good things along the way.
We got the water colors out and painted pictures of the First Vision or Sacred Grove.
We watched a devotional led by David Butler and Emily Belle Freeman talking about the First Vision and highlighting specific words that can teach us of our relationship with Heavenly Father through his story.
HEARD — He hears us.
KNOWN — He knows our name.
DELIVERED — God delivers us from our fears and doubts
FORGIVEN — I can be forgiven through Him.
BELOVED — I am ‘fully loved’.
We started the 7-Day Prayer Challenge — In a place of solitude with a pure desire for truth, Joseph Smith did something he had never done before. He prayed vocally to our Father in Heaven (JSH 1:14). By trying something different, you may learn you have a greater capacity for revelation. Then we gave a devotional to the Richins about our experience with our 7-Day Challenge and challenged them to do it as well. The kids were rewarded with a Ghirardelli’s chocolate when they finished their prayer journal — which totally helped. : )
We watched a video about the First Vision and then read the scriptural account of the First Vision in Joseph Smith History.
We started reading WORK and THE GLORY as a family. A chapter or two every day. So fun!
Additionally I enjoyed studying several things on my own. A 4-part Restoration video series from David Butler, a conference led by Emily Freeman, the LDS First Vision Podcasts, the beginning of THE SAINTS (not finished yet) and some readings in D&C 25, 87 and 107 as encouraged by President Nelson. Loved having a page to fill out and help me plan.
7 Day Prayer Challenge
Restoration Timeline
For General Conference Weekend we added the picture of the current First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. Then the Sunday morning Session of General Conference President Nelson revealed a new Proclamation — “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World”. Immediately Ryan printed it out and we added it as the finishing touch to our Restoration Wall. I loved having this visible reminder of what we were studying.
General Conference
Saturday, April 4th
We gathered in the family room off the kitchen. Megan and Emily pushed the kitchen table forward so that it touched the back of the couch. Sometimes the kids like to sit back there and take notes. So excited to hear the words of our Prophet and General Authorities and see the ways in which this unique Conference is both memorable and unforgettable.
Conference was broadcast from the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. Just 5 or 6 General Authorities were in attendance —just ones that would speak during the session — and they all sat 6 feet apart. The music was pre-recorded. Some from just a few weeks ago and some they used from passed Conferences. Such a difference. Still… grateful for the technology that allows Conference to go on. We are blessed. Because of this special Restoration Celebration and then again because of the unique timing of this Pandemic, we all sat anxious to hear what would be said. President Nelson started with a message of how during this time of COVID 19 and other trials we have the need to BE PREPARED — not only physically but that we need to fill our personal spiritual reserves. We need to seek Jesus Christ and HEAR HIM. We enjoyed messages of Peace, Restoration, Revelation, our Savior, and the Priesthood from:
President Nelson — (Be Prepared physically and spiritually. Hear Him)
M. Russell Ballard — (A Call to Action)
James R. Rasband — (Christ’s suffering HEALS and RESTORES)
Joy D. Jones — (The Lord loves Effort and Effort brings REWARD)
Neil L Andersen — (Acknowledge, Share, record, and treasure spiritually defining experiences)
Douglas D. Holmes — (Let our youth choose and then get out of the way. ‘They have the capacity to be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any other generation.’ President Nelson)
Henry B. Eyring — (New Joy in the ongoing Restoration. Pray with joy in your voice. Find Joy in the Work)
Afternoon session included
Ulisses Soares — (Every part of the Restoration and coming forth of the Book of Mormon was a miracle)
John A. McCune — (Christ will always keep His promises)
Gérald Caussé — (The Christus was sculpted 200 years ago — the same year as the First Vision — Tenderly extending His arms of Mercy)
Dale G. Renlund — (God is Good. Remember every day his goodness, compassion, empathy)
Benjamin M.Z. Tai — (Christ is our Spiritual physician - our heart and countenance will be transformed)
Gary E. Stevenson — (The Salt Lake Temple; a time of renewal instead of closure. We too could do some maintenance.)
Dad, Emily, Luke and I played Castles in-between sessions. After the second session I took a nap, we played 7 wonders and then prepped dinner: Mediterranean Tacos, which we ate just as the evening session began. Really wonderful and powerful talks.
Gerrit W. Gong — (Restoration and Easter - Hosannas and Hallelujahs)
Messages from a Young Woman and Young Man — (Priesthood and Patriarchal blessings, Priesthood Service, the Holy Ghost, the Temple)
Jean Bingham — (Adam and Eve - Men and Women act in unity and love; equal and complimentary. Choose to be United) *so good
Henry B. Eyring — (Sacrifice brings forth more blessings. HE invites us to the work and joins us in it.)
Dallin H. Oaks — (Priesthood Power and the difference between Priesthood in callings and Priesthood in the home)
President Russel M. Nelson — (New Logo of the church, worldwide fast)
Then Rootbeer floats as we listened to two chapters of our Work and the Glory book. A great day.
Sunday, April 5th
We dressed in our church clothes for Sunday morning because of the Solemn Assembly. It was a great session.
Ronald A Rasband — (The doctrine of Christ unites all of us. The truth of God will go forth. Pay heed to ancient prophets and modern prophets)
Bonnie H. Cordon — (Let your Light so shine — Focus our light so others can find their way to Christ.)
Jeffrey R. Holland — (WOW - Hope We’re not done. The future is going to be as blessed as our past.)
David A. Bednar — (Temple and Family History: We come to the temple not to escape from evil but to go and conquer evil.)
Russel M. Nelson — (Revelation continues to flow from the earth during this ongoing Restoration. Satan’s messages are loud Heavenly Father’s ae plain, and quiet and clear. We need to HEAR HIM — HEARKEN: Hear with the intent to obey.)
President Nelson introduced a new PROCLAMATION. “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World”… which he read to us from the Sacred Grove (a video recording). So great!
After President Nelson spoke we did the HOSANNA SHOUT with our white napkins. It was Matthew’s first time doing it, but the rest of us remember it from previous experiences. It was really neat. We headed straight into the choir singing the Hosanna Anthem and then THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Powerful. Of course I couldn’t sing because I was emotional.
We ate crepes and then started the second session:
Dallin H. Oaks — (4 Assurances learned from the Atonement)
Quentin L. Cook — (Revelation is being received through channels the same as in the past — and often comes as we try to sere others.)
Ricardo P. GIménez — (Storms of Life, Jesus Christ is the refuge. Suffering is universal. How we react to suffering is individual)
Dieter F. Uchdorf — (Come and See, Come and help, Come and Belong)
L. Whitney Clayton — (FINE HOMES: Image of Christ reflected in the members. Take Time to study everyday. Follow blueprint of the Temple)
D. Todd Christofferson — (The ultimate promise of the Restoration is Redemption)
Russell M. Nelson — (Summary of everything occurring at this conference plus announcing new temples and giving an apostolic Blessing of peace)
Then we sang We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet — very emotional. We love and sustain President Nelson and are so grateful for new words and revelation from him.
I purchased a General Conference Workbook from Work + Wonder and really loved it. It was fun to take some notes and have another page ready to dig deeper. Love the setup.
We got an email from our Stake Presidency which was a great overview so I thought I would add it as well. Grateful for local leaders as well!
Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Colorado Springs North Stake,
What a wonderful weekend as we had the opportunity to participate in an historic General Conference. As we have visited with family, friends, members and nonmembers, we are continually amazed how each person is able to receive answers to specific questions or concerns through the messages shared by the General Authorities and Officers of the Church. The influence of the Spirit is real and provides the comfort, answers, and assurance that we seek as we extend our faith and prayers to our Heavenly Father who knows each one of us.
We thought it appropriate to review and share just a few of the important announcements that were made during the two-day conference. Please take the time to reflect on the stake focus and how the messages that were shared in conference can help us individually, as families and as a stake, to…
Seek Personal Revelation through the Holy Ghost
Make and Honor Sacred Covenants
Gather Israel on Both Sides of the Veil
We are convinced that as we “activate our faith” and “go to work”, personal revelation will increase in our lives, our covenants will take on added meaning, and our desire to assist in gathering Israel will increase.
A New Symbol The Church has a new symbol to identify the faith. President Nelson announced the new symbol and explained its significance on Saturday evening. It can be found on the church website. He shared the symbol portrays the resurrected, living Lord reaching out to embrace all who will come unto Him. This symbol should feel familiar since we have long identified the restored gospel with the living, resurrected Christ.
Global Fast on Good Friday In a second call to participate in a world fast, President Nelson asked all of us to fast and pray for relief from COVID-19. This global fast will take place on Good Friday, April 10, 2020. He shared, “Let us unite in pleading for healing throughout the world. Good Friday would be the perfect day to have our Heavenly Father and His Son hear us! … Let us prayerfully plead … that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized.” Please ponder about who you might be able to share this day of fasting and prayer with, especially those not of our faith. Think for a moment of the power that will be felt as members of all religions and faiths unite in fasting and prayer.
Restoration Proclamation President Nelson also presented a proclamation in honor of the 200th anniversary of Joseph Smith’s First Vision. The proclamation is titled “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World,”. This document outlines core Latter-day Saint beliefs and can be found on the church website. We would encourage you to read and ponder this important declaration. Discuss it with your family and allow each of them the opportunity to share their thoughts, impressions and feelings about its significance at this time. Like many proclamations, it could be months or even years before we truly know and understand the importance of the coming forth of this at this time.
In President Nelson’s closing remarks, he shared two very important announcements.
New Temples First, he announced plans to build eight new temples throughout the world. Of most significance is the building of one temple in Dubai, which will serve thousands of Latter-day Saints in the Middle East, northern Africa, eastern Europe, and western Asia. The second temple in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. Again, we invite you to review the entire message shared by our prophet on the church website.
Apostolic Blessing Second, he concluded his remarks and the conference by giving an Apostolic blessing. He shared that during this time of tension and uncertainty “I bless you with peace and increasing faith in the Lord. I bless you with a desire to repent and become a little more like Him each passing day. I bless you to know that the Prophet Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fulness. Should there be illness among you or your loved ones, I leave a blessing of healing, consistent with the will of the Lord. I so bless you, adding once more my expression of love for each of you”.
At the conclusion of our Ward Conferences, President Rogers assured at that as we become more skilled in seeking, recognizing and following the spirit of revelation given to each of us, we will come to know our Father in Heaven and our Savior more deeply and we will feel more joy, peace and love regardless of the circumstances of our lives.
Warmly, President Rogers, President Johnson and President Lovejoy