3 Word Answers
Dad’s 3 Word Answers
What I’m proud of today: My lovely Wife
What I’m thinking about: My lovely Wife
Who is home: All but Kaite
Plans tonight: Whatever Lisa wants
Feelings about love: It is good
Feelings about life: I am happy
What I need: Time with family
What I want: To play golf
What I have: A blessed life
My pet peeve: People wasting time
My guilty pleasure: Better Call Saul
What you don’t know about me: I’m not telling
What I can hear: The kids talking
What I can smell: Leftovers from Dinner
My Style: I am cool
My hairdo: Growing it out
My outfit: Sweats and sweatshirt
My mood: Happy and content
The weather today: Sunny but cold
Thoughts on family: I am blessed
Thoughts on marriage: I lucked out
Thoughts on beauty: I married her
Thoughts on sleep: Critical to health
Thoughts on writing: Happy when completed
My favorite thing: Lisa Walton Johnson
My favorite food: Lasagna with peas
My favorite splurge: Going on Vacation
My favorite treat: Soda, Ice Cream
Ten years ago: Moving to Germany
Five years ago: Left the Army
One year ago: My shoulder injury
One year from now: Katie is home
Five years from now: Four kids gone
Ten years from now: Ready to retire
I’m famous for: Needing little sleep
I’ll never be famous for: My artistic skills
Who I am: Husband, father, athlete
Who I hope to be: Beloved by family
What I’m thankful for: wife, family, gospel
Lisa’s 3 Word Answers
What I’m proud of today: Being a Mom
What I’m thinking about: The week ahead
Who is home: Seven of us
Plans tonight: Talk with Mom
Feelings about love: Grateful for Chris
Feelings about life: So so good!
What I need: Peace, Love, Family
What I want: Vacations, sunshine, Family
What I have: Wonderful husband, kids
My pet peeve: Fighting, Complaining, Noise
My guilty pleasure: Yorks, Ice Cream
What you don’t know about me: ?
What I can hear: Kids asking questions
What I can smell: Nothing of note
My Style: Organized and simple
My hairdo: long and curled
My outfit: Comfy and warm
My mood: Happy and Grateful
The weather today: Sunny but cool
Thoughts on family: I’m so blessed!
Thoughts on marriage: Love my man.
Thoughts on beauty: Beauty on inside
Thoughts on sleep: I need it!
Thoughts on writing: I love journaling
My favorite thing: BBC shows, Chris
My favorite food: Sweet pork tacos
My favorite splurge: peanut butter cheesecake
My favorite treat: Yorks, Gelato, Oreos
Ten years ago: Moved to Germany
Five years ago: All Kids Home
One year ago: Girls Germany trip
One year from now: Coronavirus all gone?
Five years from now: Two boys home
Ten years from now: Grandparents? Travel, Retired
I’m famous for: So many photos
I’ll never be famous for: remembering song lyrics
Who I am: Daughter of God
Who I hope to be: Thoughtful spiritual woman
What I’m thankful for: health, family, security
Thoughts on the Coronavirus: Blessing and Curse
Ryan’s 3 Word Answers
What I’m proud of today: Making mom cry
What I’m thinking about: going to Utah
Who is home: My awesome family
Plans tonight: Ice cream, video chats
Feelings about love: Think about lots
Feelings about life: Unexpected, exciting, meaningful
What I need: girlfriend - actually though
What I want: girlfriend, lol, jk
What I have: Many priceless friendships
My pet peeve: Misunderstandings and anger
My guilty pleasure: Good Nintendo Music
What you don’t know about me: Next Right Thing
What I can hear: The dishwasher running
What I can smell: I can’t smell
My Style: exact and right
My hairdo: short and sweet
My outfit: my watermelon socks
My mood: tired and content
The weather today: good for s’mores
Thoughts on family: Six kids please
Thoughts on marriage: Let’s get going
Thoughts on beauty: My future wife
Thoughts on sleep: It’s m favorite
Thoughts on writing: very fun, interesting
My favorite thing: Showers, Creativity, Christmas
My favorite food: Watermelon, Granola, Albanian
My favorite splurge: Buying Nintendo Products
My favorite treat: Ice Cream, Yorks
Ten years ago: Had high voice
Five years ago: Senior Year upcoming
One year ago: Good bye Katie
One year from now: Senior Year Upcoming
Five years from now: Husband and Father
Ten years from now: Happy, Hardworking, Selfless
I’m famous for: my Positive Attitude
I’ll never be famous for: My Cooking Abilities
Who I am: Joyful, Discerning, Learning
Who I hope to be: Like Jesus, Buff
What I’m thankful for: Christ, Family, Creativity
Thoughts on the Coronavirus: Blessing for me
Thoughts about Mom: Practically Mary Poppins
Thoughts about Dad: a studly man
Thoughts about Katie: my Provo Buddy
Thoughts about Emily: my reading buddy
Thoughts about Megan: Makes me laugh/7 Wonders Buddy/Very Sudden Breaths
Thoughts about Luke: Me but younger
Thoughts about Matthew: My Mario Buddy
Emily’s 3 Word Answers
What I’m proud of today: doing my hair
What I’m thinking about: I want s’mores
Who is home: the whole fam
Plans tonight: nothing, then sleep
Feelings about love: we love that
Feelings about life: excited to start
What I need: dessert and treats
What I want: boyfriend lol jk
What I have: addiction to candy
My pet peeve: CHEWING too loud
My guilty pleasure: sugar, sugar, sugar
What you don’t know about me: I’m a savage
What I can hear: the boys talking
What I can smell: I can’t smell
My Style: whatever is comfy
My hairdo: it’s just straight
My outfit: sweatpants and sweatshirt
My mood: lazy all day
The weather today: it’s FINALLY sunny
Thoughts on family: love them all
Thoughts on marriage: excited for that
Thoughts on beauty: already have it
Thoughts on sleep: not early bird
Thoughts on writing: I HATE it
My favorite thing: tiktok, Gilmore grills
My favorite food: pizza and chinese
My favorite splurge: donuts after seminary
My favorite treat: ice cream, donuts
Ten years ago: georgia to germany
Five years ago: a low point
One year ago: ?
One year from now: prep for college
Five years from now: meet the ‘loml’
Ten years from now: married with kiddos
I’m famous for: prettiest person alive
I’ll neverbe famous for: actually being famous (I’m most likely to be famous in this family – just saying)
Who I am: best person evaa
Who I hope to be: cute baseball mom
What I’m thankful for: family and friends
Thoughts on the Coronavirus: wanna see people
Megan’s 3 Word Answers
What I’m proud of today: making mom cry
What I’m thinking about: wanna go camping
Who is home: me and fam
Plans tonight: skype the fam
Feelings about love: I’m kinda excited/I miss boys
Feelings about life: a wild adventure
What I need: to be smart
What I want: better at soccer
What I have: an awesome family
My pet peeve: the boys fighting/not being clean
My guilty pleasure: food and treats
What you don’t know about me: ?
What I can hear the boys laughing
What I can smell: campfire cause Matt
My Style: casual and comfy
My hairdo: it is straight
My outfit: jeans and sweatshirt
My mood: happy and grateful
The weather today: sunny and windy
Thoughts on family: we have fun
Thoughts on marriage: when I’m youngish
Thoughts on beauty: well, I try
Thoughts on sleep: sleep is dope
Thoughts on writing: I like journaling
My favorite thing: soccer and people
My favorite food: all of it
My favorite splurge: peanut butter pie
My favorite treat: cookies and ice cream
Ten years ago: 5 years old
Five years ago: in 5thgrade
One year ago: was the best
One year from now: driving and dating
Five years from now: going to byu
Ten years from now: married with kids
I’m famous for: forgetting my cleats
I’ll never be famous for: being a singer
Who I am: a soccer player/daughter of God
Who I hope to be: wife and mother
What I’m thankful for: family and soccer
Thoughts on the Coronavirus: not my favorite/kinda the worst
Luke’s 3 Word Answers
What I’m proud of today: Card for mother
What I’m thinking about: Mario Maker 2
Who is home: Family, except Katie
Plans tonight: Sunday sundaes, games
Feelings about love: Part of plan
Feelings about life: Excited for future
What I need: Family, gospel, god
What I want: To see friends
What I have: Many, many blessings
My pet peeve: People disobeying rules
My guilty pleasure: Playing/listening: Nintendo
What you don’t know about me: Writing a book
What I can hear: Birds in morning
What I can smell: Food mom makes
My Style: Adidas, cool, chill!
My hairdo: Spiky, short, sick!
My outfit: Khakis, t-shirt, socks
My mood: Glad, excited, happy
The weather today: Warm, blue sky
Thoughts on family: Awesome to have!
Thoughts on marriage: Amazing, I’m excited!
Thoughts on beauty: Marry beautiful wife
Thoughts on sleep: I need it!
Thoughts on writing: Fun writing books
My favorite thing: Soccer, gospel, family
My favorite food: Tacos spaghetti, Christmas
My favorite splurge: Playing video games
My favorite treat: Peanut Butter Pie
Ten years ago: Learning to talk
Five years ago: In 1stgrade
One year ago: A new deacon
One year from now: Done with 7th
Five years from now: Driving, dating, kissing!!
Ten years from now: Might be married
I’m famous for: Running and flipping
I’ll never be famous for: Breaking the rules
Who I am: Nice, and funny
Who I hope to be: loving husband + father
What I’m thankful for: Family, blessings, gospel
Thoughts on the Coronavirus: Curse and blessing
Matthew’s 3 Word Answers
What I’m proud of today: Giving mom presents
What I’m thinking about: Root beer, Pool
Who is home: Me, My family
Plans tonight: Ice Cream Sundaes
Feelings about love: Family loves me
Feelings about life: Everyone makes mistakes
What I need: Food and Water
What I want: Power of Teleportation
What I have: A Big House
My pet peeve: Don’t Follow Instructions
My guilty pleasure: Drinking Root Beer
What you don’t know about me: I don’t know
What I can hear: Birds in morning
What I can smell: Candles with flame
My Style: Hat and shorts
My hairdo: cute, beautiful, awesome
My outfit: shorts and t-shirt
My mood: Happy, excited, fun
The weather today: Sunny and Hot
Thoughts on family: They love me.
Thoughts on marriage: I want to
Thoughts on beauty: Good pool shots (“Oh that’s beauty!”
Thoughts on sleep: Waking up early
Thoughts on writing: Takes up time
My favorite thing: Sports, friends, Christmas
My favorite food: Pizza, Spaghetti, Donuts
My favorite splurge: Switch on Fridays
My favorite treat: Really good brownies
Ten years ago: I was one!
Five years ago: Was in Kindergarten
One year ago: Hanging with Anders
One year from now: Will be Deacon
Five years from now: Dating cute girls
Ten years from now: Home from College
I’m famous for: My super speed
I’ll never be famous for: Stealing people’s vegetables
Who I am: Funny, happy, helpful
Who I hope to be: a famous runner
What I’m thankful for: God and Jesus
Thoughts on the Coronavirus: I hate it.