The New Mazda 3
It’s kind of a funny picture of Chris handing over the keys to Emily. It’s not really her car, but she will be the one to drive it for the next year and a bit. Then on to Megan. In the past few months the Audi — which Emily affectionately named ‘Carl’ has starting acting up. When Chris took it in to see how much repairs would be they estimated that the car was worth $2,00 and the repairs would be $3,200. Yikes. Chris definitely didn’t want to put money into the Audi, so he started doing some research. We looked at old and new but ended up settling on another Mazda 3. Our other Mazda 3 has been a good car for us — currently driven by Ryan — so we thought we’d get another one. The dealership ended up giving us $1,750 for ‘Carl’ and that was after Chris pressed them for another $250. Turns out European cars just don’t last passed 91/2 years. It was a good car! So many memories of us driving it — especially in Europe.
Emily was sad to lose Carl but is thrilled about this new car… Stanley. : )