Father's Day Questions for GRANDPA
We were in Provo for Father’s Day so I decided it would be fun to ask my kids the same ‘FATHER’S DAY QUESTIONS’ for Grandpa as well. It was pretty funny. They had a hard time knowing some of the answers but it was fun to have them think about it.
1. How old is Grandpa?
Ryan – 70
Katie – 71
Emily – Wait. Is he 70 or 69?
Megan - 71
Luke – 71
Matt – 68 or 69
2. What year was Grandpa born in?
Ryan – 1949
Katie – I have no idea. Do you want me to do the math? 1952?
Emily - 1950
Megan - 1949
Luke – 1949
Matt - 1958
3. What do you like to do with Grandpa?
Ryan – Play pickleball. That’s #1. Talk about his interests and expertise – he tells us about being Bishop and about cars. He spent hours trying to teach me how to drive a stick shift and I still haven’t gotten the hang of it yet. Go on adventures. Learn from him.
Katie – So much. Play O-Heck, watch movies and have popcorn and juice with him, and have my friends over at his house. I just like talking to Grandpa actually. I like going to his house for dinner every Sunday.
Emily – Play o-heck and eat popcorn because his popcorn is really good.
Megan – Play o-heck, Do Grandpa questions, play pickleball, and all that jazz.
Luke – Going on Jeep rides, shooting BB guns, playing pickleball, talking to him about stuff or learning about stuff from his childhood.
Matt – I like when he makes popcorn for us. I like to play shuffleboard, darts and the flicking game with him. And ping pong and a lot of things.
4. How are you and Grandpa the same?
Ryan – I would like to know that. We love our family and also have our own interests and like to do our own things sometimes. We make popcorn.
Katie – We both love the gospel and we love families (and we both love LISA especially) and BYU.
Emily – We like watching movies and we love learning about the gospel and spending time with our families. And we like popcorn.
Megan – Hmmm… we both love spending time with family.
Luke – We both like a huge variety of different things. We’re both really adventurous. And we’re both handsome.
Matt – We both want to constantly make popcorn. We both like BYU.
5. What is Grandpa’s favorite thing to do?
Ryan – Make popcorn and watch videos about cars.
Katie – He likes to spend one-on-one time with people. He likes pickleball and bocci.
Emily – He likes when his grandkids come and his kids. And he likes watching car crashes. And doing research about stuff.
Megan – He likes to watch airplane and motorcycle crashes.
Luke – He likes to play card games, pickleball, shuffleboard, to ride around in his jeep and it seems like he likes to be a grandparent. He’s great with kids.
Matt – He likes to make popcorn, play shuffleboard, play the flicking game and he likes to spend time with us.
6. How tall is Grandpa?
Ryan – 5’10.5’’
Katie – 6’0’’ He’s pretty tall I think. I’m trying to think if he’s taller or shorter than Dad. How tall is Mike? I’m going to say 6’1’’.
Emily – 5’11’’ which is like my height so that’s crazy. I need to stand next to him. Maybe 6’
Megan – He’s kinda tall. 6’1’’ maybe.
Luke – I feel like he’s shorter than Dad. But he’s not that short. Maybe like 6’? I’m going to say 6’.
Matt – 6’5
7. What is Grandpa’s favorite food?
Ryan – Popcorn. Ice Cream. And Pie.
Katie – Whatever Grandma makes and POPCORN. I feel like he likes a good burger too.
Emily – I don’t know. A lot of things. And Popcorn.
Megan – Popcorn.
Luke – Popcorn… and he really likes pie.
Matt – Popcorn.
8. Where is Grandpa’s favorite place to be?
Ryan – outdoors or in a jeep.
Katie - In his office doing stuff.
Emily – He really loves his jeep so driving around. Also in Canada is a fun place.
Megan – In his bed and his office.
Luke – In the mountains, hiking or camping. On a motorcycle or in his jeep.
Matt – Utah.
9. What is Grandpa’s favorite movie?
Ryan – Ford vs. Ferarri
Katie – Probably a history movie.
Emily – I don’t know. I have nothing to base this off of.
Megan – Probably some old movie that’s really old and kindof boring or like a history movie or a black and white movie.
Luke – I don’t know. I feel like it wouldn’t be Marvel or Star Wars or any of the ones I like. Maybe like an old movie – like from when he was a kid or a young adult. I image him liking movies with humor.
Matt – We never really watch movies together, do we? Probably just funny movies.
10. What is Grandpa’s favorite thing to do during quarantine?
Ryan – Rub Grandma’s back and cuddle. Haha
Katie – Play pickleball, facetime his kids and grandkids
Emily – Doing research about stuff.
Megan – Probably sleep, I don’t know. Maybe play pickleball. Or just vibe with grandma and the younglings.
Luke – Playing games, playing with Whitney and Mara, watching shows with Grandma.
Matt – I bet he plays shuffleboard with Grandma and works on whatever he works on, and watches airplane crashes, the Titanic crashes and the other sister of the Titanic crashes.
11. What did Grandpa do when he was a teenager?
Ryan – He worked hard in school. He was diligent and got good grades and had an awesome social life on the side.
Katie – Go to dances. ?
Emily – He hung out with his siblings Bryce and Jim. He dated girls. Was he a player?
Megan – I don’t know. Did he work on a farm? Did he have a farm back in the day? He went to school. He had friends probably. Oh…he got in trouble a lot. He had fun adventures.
Luke – I feel like he liked being outside, doing fun things with his siblings. I think he was serious.
Matthew – I think he hung out with a lot of his friends. He kissed some girls. And played Dr. Mario.
12. What was Grandpa’s first job?
Ryan – Newspaper delivery boy
Katie – Delivering newspapers?
Emily – He probably answered this is the zoom question thing we had. So… ?
Megan – He probably did jobs on the farm. I still don’t know if he had a farm. Real official job? I’m going to guess he… I can’t think of any jobs… maybe working at a fast food restaurant?
Luke – Did some sort of help with cars.
Matthew – As a teenager he probably helped his mom clean the house a lot and do the dishes, and stuff around the house.
13. What is Grandpa’s favorite trip he’s ever been on?
Ryan – Well, his retirement cruise with Mom and Dad, and Telluride.
Katie – Visiting us in Heidelberg and going to London – of course. Or going to the Oregon Coast to visit the Tillamook Factory.
Emily – Coming to visit us in Germany.
Megan – Well, that I would not know. I’m going to say Telluride because that was a gnarly trip.
Luke – Camping trips or little trips with his jeep or Telluride last year.
Matthew – Telluride!
14. Is Grandpa an early bird or a night owl?
Ryan – Night owl. He watches videos about cars and technology and news.
Katie – Early bird. Very early bird.
Emily – I feel like he’s the Early Bird type.
Megan – I think an early bird. Maybe not either of them. He’s a Day Dinosaur.
Luke – He seems like an early bird. But he could also seem like a Night Owl. I could see him waking up early and staying up late. I’m going to say Early Bird.
Matthew – Night owl. He plays games with us and watches movies and makes popcorn.
15. What is a quality about Grandpa that you love?
Ryan – He’s diligent in his callings and does everything he can for his ward.
Katie - I love that he makes time for every individual and he makes me feel special. I remember in Georgia before he headed to Germany then he took each one of us aside and asked us what we were excited about and then gave us some advice. I love that when I visit him from college he always had time to talk to me.
Emily – I love that he loves spending time with us and that he has a strong testimony.
Megan – He’s always happy and optimistic. He’s just a happy fellow.
Luke – He’s good at telling stories and he’s really good with kids and he’s great at teaching lessons.
Matt – I love that he’s so willing to do whatever we want.