New Years Day
We celebrated the New Year by filling a mason jar full of family activity ideas. We brainstormed together and came up with a great list. The rule was that everyone had to participate in whatever activity was pulled from the jar. We were so excited for this and it turned out awesome. We started at 11:00 when Dad got home from work and physical therapy. When we talked to Katie the night before she suggested that we ‘take a family selfie and send it to her.' That inspired us to take pictures of all of our days activities - which was really fun!
Always fun to have the Richins join us! They brought lunch food and joined in after our 8th activity and stayed for the rest of the day. Love them.
1. Play ping pong — First we played ‘Around the World’ and then we played several doubles games.
2. 15 minutes of Cleaning — We knocked out 3 baskets of laundry and cleaned the whole loft in 15 minutes.
3. Drink a glass of water — This is something we all need to be better at so we added to our day!
4. Eat Chocolate Covered Pretzels from Trader Joe’s — Love these treats.
5. Kiss in front of the kids — Love that picture : )
6. Watch 2 Pixar Shorts — We picked LAVA and LOU — so so good.
7. Help Ryan post on Instagram — Something Ryan wanted to do so helped him do it. Dad decided to post as well.
8. Play pool — We played the game where you have to hit the black ball and it can’t stop moving before the next person hits it. It lasted quite a while and was pretty fun. The Richins came so they watched us play and then joined in. So fun.
9. Watch a travel highlight video — We stopped to have sandwiches and salads for lunch and then picked this one - which was perfect timing. We watched our Johnson/Richins Hawaii and Mexico videos.
10. Play Chinese Checkers — Chris helped 6 of the kids play Chinese Checkers while Amy and I chatted about future vacations. : )
11. Kiss in front of the kids (again) — ; )
12. Family Hug
13. Send a selfie to Katie — Katie’s idea! Miss you Kates.
14. Play Quixx — Our new favorite dice game.
15. 15 minutes of Cleaning — We got the kitchen cleaned up in a record 7 minutes with both families speeding around the kitchen. Super fun. Scott was the last one working so we decided to point at him. He’s the man.
16. Play Overcooked on the Switch — The kids were pretty excited to watch the adults play the game and then they took a turn and easily beat our score.
17. Measure everyone’s Height on the Family Ruler — We haven’t done it in awhile — good to get it updated.
18. Family Workout — led by Amy. She had everyone pick their favorite exercise and we did each for 30 seconds. It was fun!
19. Write Thank You cards — We got our cute Christmas thank you cards out and wrote one to extended family to gave us gifts for Christmas.
20. Play Timberman on the Switch — An easy mini-game on the Switch that I actually like! ; )
21. Dude Perfect basketball trick shots — This was one of Luke’s Christmas presents that we stumbled upon at Target and was a real hit. It’s fun because you can hook it anyway. We attached it to the mantel and threw the balls from everywhere in the room. We shouted our cheers for every close ball. It was fun to throw from the balcony and on the stairs.
22. Just Dance Party — I think this was the most fun of the whole day! : ) The kids turned on their favorite songs: You Don’t Know you’re Beautiful, The Final Countdown and Never Going to give you Up. They have the choreography memorized so it’s fun to watch and join in. Amy LOVED it!!
23. Read an Article and have a discussion about it (no picture) — The article was called “Reasons Today’s Kids Are Bored, Entitled, Impatient with Few Real Friends. It was insightful and inspired us to talk about what we could all do better. Fun to talk about it with the Richins.
24. Eat Joe Joes and Sparkling Cider (no picture) — We decided to pull out all the lunch food for dinner and added nachos and a few other leftovers. And then Joe Joe’s and sparkling cider… a perfect way to end off the night.