January at a Glance...

Date Nights 

Chris and I enjoyed our lunch dates to Panera Bread twice at the beginning of the month - nothing like reviewing the previous year’s finances over Autumn Squash soup. We also enjoyed a night out at NaRai Thai. Lots of good conversation.

Luke loves Stake Conference

Stake Conference was held on Sunday January 12th. We enjoyed hearing the Bishop and President Rogers speak to us about Personal Revelation and continued with that topic in a combined youth and adult second hour while the Stake Primary Presidency took over Primary. It was a great discussion and so uplifting to hear everyone’s comments. As it finished, Luke said, “Wow, that was good. I really wish we still had 3 hour church.” He wrote to Katie: “Anyway, bishop Bullen and president Rogers both gave wonderful talks about receiving revelation, and also about the Holy Ghost. Then for the second hour we had a meeting with all the youth and adults, led by president Lovejoy, and the spirit was really, really strong!! It was amazing, and I loved it so much!” Then the next week he wrote: “Church was awesome, two people in Sacrament meeting spoke about the Book of Mormon, and it was very cool and spiritual!” I love that this kids’ focus and attention are very best when learning of spiritual things. Even in Come Follow Me he’s quickest to make comments and give insight. During a recent Come Follow Me devotional he brought up that his teacher says her husband reads the scriptures and then pauses to stare into space and really thing about what he’s reading. He told us that now he’s trying to do that when he reads. He’s amazing. Love that kid.

Temple Trip

Chris and I took Ryan, Emily, Megan, Luke and Matt to the Denver temple to do Baptisms on January 2nd. Matt came up with us and read his book while waiting in the Annex next door. Dad and I took turns being with him while the other kids were being baptized by Ryan. Neat to spend the time together.

Emily’s 17th Birthday Party

Imagine my surprise when Emily said she wanted to have a Birthday party and invite 18 people over. Fantastic! She had a big group of friends and had fun playing some Wii, listening to music and watching Star Wars. I set up a cute collage of Emily pictures and had a hot chocolate station with all kinds of treats and appetizers. I think it was a fun night!

Chris working Nights… and Chris in Nebraska

Chris worked night shift from January 1 - 11th. He starts call at 7:00pm but usually doesn’t have to head down to work until an hour or so later depending on how many studies there are. At some point in the night he tries to get some sleep on his office floor with mats and pillows he’s taken down. Whenever he wakes up in the morning he heads home and sometimes sleeps for a few more hours. He loves having his days free and especially loves going out to lunch.

Because of all the night call he was given the second week of January off — which he filled with another week in Nebraska doing some Moonlighting for a hospital there. They put him up in a hotel and it’s a pretty good wage but he works hard while he’s there. During his free time he worked on home videos, exercised and went to a movie.

Mexico Trip

Grandma Johnson gifted us another trip to Mexico for Christmas! Chris did a lot of research on other resorts but we loved what we had so much that we decided to do it again, and I’m glad we did. We flew on Saturday morning and stayed until Wednesday. Short but long enough to take advantage of the heat, yummy drinks and time with cousins. We love this tradition!

Emily’s CMEA Choir Performance

The day after we got home from Mexico Emily’s choir - Festival Singers - performed at the Broadmoor during CMEA. I picked up Megan Jackson and we headed down to watch them perform. It was fun to hear them and see them with friends. : ) Fun to see Mrs. Carmichael there too - Emily and Riley’s SILVER TONES Choir Director when they both made Middle School All-State.

Chris’ Course in Virginia

Chris flew to Virginia on Sunday afternoon and worked hard at a two day Conference Monday and Tuesday and then flew back on Wednesday morning.


Lindsey and the Grahams gave us Kingdomino for Christmas! Dad and the boys played it right after Christmas but I didn’t play until just a couple of weeks ago but I’m already addicted. It’s so fun! Lots and lots and LOTS of games this month — especially with Luke and Matt.

First Ski Trip for Chris and the kids

Chris took Megan, Luke and Matt up to Breckenridge to ski on Saturday, January 25th. Their FIRST ski day this winter because of many factors. Everybody said it was a great day!

Soccer Workouts and Practice

January has been filled with more soccer than in years past.

  • Bob is playing Futsal games on Saturdays at the SoccerHaus with her Pride United team (Coach Ted). She’s also at the SoccerHaus from 3:30-4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays with her High School teams warming up for Soccer Tryouts. On Mondays or Wednesdays Megan has been working out at a gym helping with endurance, speed and agility — also with the HS girls.

  • Luke has been practicing on Wednesday nights (7:30-8:30) and playing Futsal games on Saturdays with his Pride United team (New Coach: Coach Ben)

  • Matt has been practicing on Wednesday nights (5:00 - 6:00) and playing Futsal games on Saturdays with his Pride Red team (Coach Brian)

Remembering Grandpa Johnson

We celebrated Grandpa’s birthday on January 30th. It’s been almost 4 years since he passed away and we miss him terribly. Chris’ thoughts: “We had a good celebration of Grandpas birthday last night. When I walked in from work, mom had taken his picture and peg dolls from where they are usually displayed, and put them behind the pan of wacky cake on the counter. We ate cake and watched the slideshow and cried a lot. It has been a while since we watched that. Then everybody talked about memories of him and when I could finally talk again, I told the kids a lot of things about his growing up, his time in the Army, his college and work history, etc.  It was a great night. Sure miss him. We were excited when the Wacky cake picture came on the screen so later we had to take a picture of it. “

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