Matthew's 12th Birthday


Matthew is Twelve! We celebrated his birthday a few days early since Dad was going to be off to Bandon Dunes for a golf trip.

He was eager to open his presents. He’s pretty fun to give to since he gets excited for everything.

Mini-Frisbee from Megan

Megan gave him a small flexible frisbee. Ryan has one and we’ve given it to several cousins but now it’s Matt’s turn to have one.

Rock Climbing Adventure from Emily

Just Emily and Matt. So fun… especially since she’s leaving for BYU in just 6 weeks!

Gravitrax from Luke

So excited for another Gravitrax expansion. Luke was excited to pick this one out.

Gravitrax from Grandma and Grandpa Walton

Another two sets of Gravitrax expansions picked out and sent from Grandma and Grandpa Walton! Matt was so happy he could hardly contain himself. This makes five little additions to his collection.

A Smart Watch from Mom and Dad

Blurry pictures is all I can get when this boy opens a present. He unwraps the present just enough to see what it is and then bounces around the room. Love his energy! This watch will be for telling time, counting steps, doing meditation breathing, timing runs and a few other things. No phone or texting since he doesn’t have a phone. Still pretty cool. He loves it!

The game Duel from Ryan, Cassie and Katie

As soon as he saw the design on the side he smiled and said “Seven Wonders!” Ryan and Cassie introduced us to this game last time we were at the Lodge. Perfect gift for Matt!

A Hammock for Matt

This was our SIXTH hammock that Dad and I purchased and gifted within the last year or so. Matt could see the shape of it as soon as he opened the box and knew exactly what it was. So excited to be part of the Hammock Club.

Grey shorts

(and a new sweatshirt that needs to be returned and reordered because it was too small. ) Happy Birthday Matt!! We love you!