Megan's Family Party


Happy Birthday Megan! We celebrated on the 5th since we headed to Utah for five days on her birthday!

Leggings, candy, a plant for her room, jean shorts, water bottle tops and two sweatshirts for Megan’s birthday…

Men’s sweatshirt size Medium is the size that Megan likes. Dad decided to try one on too since that’s his size! So funny! These sweatshirts were definitely a win — especially at $13 each. Don’t be surprised if we get a couple more colors. Megan lives in leggings and sweatshirts.

Megan’s big present was bedding options for her new bed. Now that Emily is heading to college, Megan is switching rooms with the boys and we’re completely redoing everything - starting with a fresh coat of paint, a new black rod-iron queen bed and now bedding! Excited to try some different options and make some decisions.

Watching some March Madness playoff games with Dad while eating our cake and ice cream. Happy 16th my girl.

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