Mini Christmas with Ryan and Cassie

We wondered about just sending our Christmas presents back with Ryan and Cassie - since they will be in Arkansas for Christmas but they suggested we have an early Christmas morning at the end of Thanksgiving week so that we could watch each other open presents. We thought it was a great idea. We woke up on Friday morning and the kids finished a puzzle while Dad made Christmas breakfast. We ate and then gathered in the living room to open presents.

Excited for Christmas morning with Ryan and Cassie. Love all this cute wrapping paper.

A Green sweatshirt from Banana Republic. Of course he changed into it right away — perfect for Christmas morning. Love this picture of Ryan and Cassie. Adorable!

Katie put together a cute package of their favorite Christmas candy, a candle, red decorations for their tree and Sparkling Apple Cider. They loved it!

A signed copy of the new DRAGONWATCH book by Brandon Mull. Matt was super excited and even more excited when he found out it had been signed by the author specifically for him. What a thoughtful gift!

A mug, a Timothy coloring book!! and a very cool sequin Harry Styles pillow — the perfect Christmas present for Emily from Ryan and Cassie.

When Ryan handed me my present and it felt like the weight of a game, I jokingly said, “Oh is it a Castles expansion?” with a chuckle. And then I opened it and just stared at it in shock. It IS a Castles game. A new game with similar aspects as Castles of Burgundy. It was SO funny! Ryan and Cassie guessed from my comment that I must have known about it, but I had no idea. We ended up playing it several times that day and the next. It’s really fun! Thanks Ryan and Cassie!

Ryan and Cassie gave Katie a Christmas candle, and a mug filled with yummy Christmas chocolates.

Cute Mickey Mouse plates from Pottery Barn for these two Disney lovers. It was totally a surprise and a fun gift to give!!

A subtle Captain America and Avengers belt to Ryan from Luke.

A new Villainous - Despicable Plots - expansion for Ryan and Cassie - from Emily.

A DUEL expansion as a joint present for Matthew and Luke! Plus a present of $20 for Luke. They sure know how to spoil everyone!

A sleeping bag for Cassie, the new Brandon Sanderson book for Ryan, ESCAPE The Curse of the Temple for Ryan — so excited! — and audible credit for a book he’s been wanting to listen to.

I had fun putting together an ELF PARTY package with food and treats and paper things to host an ELF Party.

A puzzle tray and a new ‘ABOVE DENVER’ puzzle. We’ve used the tray SO MUCH! Who knew we even needed one?

In a conversation earlier in the week Cassie mentioned that she had read somewhere that eating bananas just before you get pregnant was a good way to get a boy and that she plans to do that. It was cute! Chris couldn’t help picking up a bunch of bananas and gifting them to her on our early Christmas morning. It made Cassie laugh!

Such a fun morning. We gave Ryan Dominion Base Cards, the game ESCAPE, two shirts from Banana Republic, audible credit for the book CYTONIC, the new Brandon Sanderson book SKYWARD. To both of them we gave Disney Plates, the framed picture of Amy’s Nativity and a fun ELF package with all the treats and papers to host an ELF PARTY. To Cassie we gave a new orange sleeping bag, a citrus candle from Anthropologie, a Target gift card for money towards fun Christmas treats and decor and bananas!!

Katie gave them Christmas decorations, a candle, candy and sparkling cider. Emily gave them Villainous expansion. Megan and Matt gave them the Toy Story puzzle, and Luke gave Ryan a few Avengers belts.

Ryan and Cassie gave Dad a puzzle board and new puzzle. They gave me a new CASTLES game and a mug. They gave Katie a Christmas candle, a mug and chocolates. They gave Emily a mug, a Timothee coloring book and a Harry Styles sequin pillow. They gave Megan a Nike soccer ball that says MEGAN ‘BOB’ JOHNSON. They gave Luke and Matthew a DUEL expansion. They gave Luke $20 and Matt an autographed copy of the latest DRAGONWATCH book.

Ryan also gave Cassie a surprise mug and a Christmas sweater that she’d seen and wanted. He’s a sweet husband!!

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