Pine Creek Soccer - Megan's Sophomore Year
Practice and Tryouts
Soccer Haus Practices and Work Out Sessions all January, February, March and April. Pre-Season lasted a long time since the Colorado HS Athletics Association pushed Women’s Soccer to ‘Session 4’ which goes from April 26th - June 16th. Crazy to be playing soccer for a month after school gets out - but that’s just how this year is going to go.
Monday, April 26 - Wednesday, April 28 - Pine Creek High School Tryouts 3:00-5:30pm - On Wednesday’s tryout she scored 2 goals!!
Wednesday, April 28th - Varsity Pool
I sent Megan to her last day of Tryouts with Gatorade, granola bars and a GOOD LUCK ON YOUR LAST DAY OF TRYOUTS note for her, Charlee, Kailey, Nikki and Courtney. After practice, Dan took Charlee and Megan straight up to Denver to watch the Boys High School Soccer quarter finals. They cheered for Coach Ted’s sons who were on Liberty against a Denver team. They lost. We were expecting news of which team Megan had made that evening and were checking our phones constantly for an update. Megan texted at 10:40 on her way back from Denver saying… it’s out… i’m on the varsity pool. Dad immediately responded with a “Wooooohooooooo!” When she got home moments later, she came sat by us and filled us in on everything.
The setup is going to look a little different this year. The coaches have separated the group of 50ish players into two groups. The Varsity Pool and the Junior Varsity Pool. From these two groups they will field three different game schedules - Varsity, Junior Varsity and C-team games. Being in the Varsity Pool means practice with Varsity players and being called upon to play in Junior Varsity and or Varsity games as needed. It’s a good spot. Practice and good coaching with Varsity and good playing time with a full Junior Varsity schedule. Hoping for the best. Two of Megan’s good friends made Varsity Pool with her and two friends made the Junior Varsity pool. Hard not to be together.
Thursday, April 29th - First Day of Official Practice
Thursday morning Megan met with Coach Fred. He wanted to have a little pre-practice meeting with each new Varsity player. She sent Dad and I a text saying… “he said that i need to be more aggressive and physical and play the ball a bit faster. But he said that i have everything else and that I definitely BELONG there and he said my speed will help the team.” When I picked her up she was a happy girl. Coach really made her feel great about her skills and belonging on the team. She kept asking ‘When is Dad getting home?’ When I asked her why she just said, “He likes to hear everything about soccer.” Yes, he does. When Dad got home she repeated everything to a glowing father.
Friday, April 30th - Uniform Distribution Day
“Uniform Day is my favorite day of the whole season. ”
Friday night Dad sent out this text to our families…
Megan made Varsity for High School - which is so exciting. She had a meeting with the head coach yesterday morning after the teams were announced and he gave her a lot of confidence with what he told her. She is not going to be starting Varsity but will always practice with them. Some of the non starters will occasionally swing down and play some JV. I am really hoping she plays a lot of JV in order to get more practice in game situations. They did a scrimmage today with all the varsity starters against the next 11 and she scored the only goal against the starting Varsity so she is doing some great things. I am so excited for her.
Friday, May 7th - First Varsity Game
Megan’s first game was supposed to be on Monday against TCA - but it got postponed because of the snow. Friday the Varsity Team gathered after school for their Team Bonding event. They talked and played some team games and then headed out to get some dinner before driving up to TCA to get ready for the Varsity Game as they watched the second half of the JV game which ended in a 1-1 tie. Charlee scored their goal.
It was a beautiful night but the one black cloud in the sky produced some lightning so we had to sit in our van for 30 minutes. Luke, Matt and I hung out in the van with the doors open. Megan and team headed into the school and turned up some music to dance to while they waited.
When the black clouds cleared we headed back to the field and Pine Creek quickly scored 3 goals in the first half. So fun to watch them — such skilled quick players. It’s going to be a great season.
Megan went in during the second half and played for 10 minutes. Coach put her in attacking mid and she did great there. (Dad has always loved her there.) The game ended in a 4-0 win.
So fun to be playing against such good friends - Lizzy and Alaina. They ran to each other to hug after the game. Sammy and Marin came to watch the game. Fun to have Pride soccer friends there to support them on two different teams.
May 13th, May 14th and May 19th
Back to back games. Thursdays game against Vista Ridge. 12-0 Victory.
Friday’s game was at the District 20 Stadium against Doherty High School. 10-0 Victory.
Wednesday’s game was at the Don Breese Stadium at Lewis Palmer. Pine Creek won 5-1.
Thursday, May 20th
Ryan, Cassie and Katie drove home from Provo to spend the weekend with us for Emily’s Graduation Weekend. Fun to have the whole family here to watch Megan play. Pine Creek beat Fountain Fort Carson 8-0
Thursday, May 27th
A good away-game win against Cheyenne Mountain. 4-0
Friday, May 28th
Fun to have the Silva’s join us for Megan’s Varsity game against Liberty! Such a fun rivalry game. Pine Creek won 3-1
June 1st, June 4th, June 8th and June 10th
A Palmer Ridge victory on June 1st. Pine Creek won 3-0.
June 4th: Win against Rampart! 5-2
Big win on June 8th against Air Academy. 2-0
5-1 win against Discovery Canyon on June 10th.
Fun to have the Jacksons show up for at least one game every season.
That makes Pine Creek Varsity Girls UNDEFEATED LEAGUE CHAMPIONS!
The girls played Columbine in the first round of the playoffs and won 2-1. They played Rock Canyon and lost 2-0. It was a great run! Way to go Pine Creek! YAY MEGAN!!