Waltons at the Lodge After Christmas
Saturday, December 26th
We drove from Colorado Springs to Midway arriving early — about 3:00pm. Immediately we took down the Christmas tree and other odd looking Christmas decor.
Dan and Sarah, Scott and Elisha, Chris and Amy, and Brian arrived and settled in to their rooms. Mike and Carly have COVID so they aren’t able to be here with us this week! SO SAD.
Scott and Elisha put on dinner for us. Rice and Teriyaki Chicken with vegetables. So good.
Sunday, December 27th
Grandma and Grandpa arrived on Sunday morning.
We held home church at 11:00. Grandpa and Ryan blessed the sacrament and I was emotional hearing them do it. Great to be together for a Home church experience. Matt had previously mentioned that he feels close to God when our extended family has church together. I agree.
We broke into groups to do a Come Follow Me activity. I had Brian read a Christmas essay and several of us bore our testimonies, which was awesome.
We played some games and then provided dinner for everyone: rice and sauce and pear salad.
We zoomed with Mike and Carly to open presents. We gave Brian four things which he loved… a wood slice platter, a black pitcher, a coffee table book and a little Sumo Wrestlers game. From Scott and Elisha we got sauna back rests — which we were shocked and delighted with — and a Midway restaurant gift card. We pitched in to give Dad a GO PRO and mom a coupon for a wig with a plan to meet up with Jennifer and Elisa to help her pick it out! So excited for her. I also gave her some slippers.
We played the TIE GAME — which became a new favorite. One of the funniest parts was Sarah frantically ripping off the tie and grabbing her necklace which broke and fell apart everywhere. So sad. We also played the ring game which led into a impromptu dance party.
We watched EuroVision upstairs in the loft.
Monday, December 28th
Chris, Ryan and I exercised at the workout room.
We watched the movie SOUL - everyone was upstairs on beanbags filling the loft. It was cute and fun to watch together.
Dan and Sarah provided dinner. Two soups and bread. The adults sat around the table to chat and then we moved straight into our white elephant gift exchange. Lots of funny things.
Emily opened her birthday presents and then we had birthday cake (made by the famous Leah Lou) and ice cream.
Emily opened a DONUT puzzle and all of us worked on it to help her finish it.
We took turns doing some VR with Brian.
Tuesday, December 29th
Mom, Sarah, Elisha and I headed to the workout room together.
Chris and the kids headed to Park City to ski.
We enjoyed a ROOK game: Scott and David lost and Mom and I won.
Chris took all the little boys swimming at the indoor pool - which they loved.
We stayed up late playing HORRIFIED and finally beat 5 hard monsters. We went to bed at 2:15am
Wednesday, December 30th
Exercised with Elisha and Scott
Got ready, did some laundry
Carly and Whitney came up for the day - since the two of them are done with quarantining.
We played games of Rook and Villanous. We did a puzzle together and put on movies for the kids.
A few random pictures of the week.
Thursday, December 31st
Mom and I exercised and sat in the sauna and then we cleaned up the Lodge.
Chris and the kids and lots of other people went skiing.
We had an epic New Year’s Eve… with dance party, delicious food spread and balloon drop - which was fun to put together.
Setting up the New Year’s Eve balloon Drop. Cassie came to spend New Year’s Eve with us!
Getting ready for the Epic Balloon Drop. Thanks to Dan and Sarah for getting it all organized!
Friday, January 1st
Headed to Soldier Hollow as a group and went sledding. So fun!
So many pictures of everyone sledding down the hill. Everyone had a great time!

Back home to do a puzzle race with two puzzles of our favorite 7 Wonders Puzzle!
Saturday, January 2nd
Amy and Chris left to head back home.
We headed over to the Midway Outdoor ice skating rink to skate for awhile. Cute atmosphere but the ice was pretty chopped up and hard to skate on. I think the kids had a good time.