Chris’ Mission–Cheboygan with Elder Bush

We put Sullivan on his bus at 9:55am and waved goodbye. My companion for the day was Br. Weiss. He is so fun to be with. We went to Rogers City, but Amina was sick so we came back. We talked to the Bourries for quite a while. Br. Weiss is so smart. He has such knowledge. He addressed all of her concerns. We also gave Michelle a blessing for her surgery tomorrow. Then we ran out to Mackinac City and picked up Elder Bush. He is a pretty cool guy. I like him so far. I hope he’s a good missionary so we can get some sweet work done up here. Tonight we showed “Together Forever” to a lady and her friends. It went pretty well.      Chris Journal, Thursday May 27


We had a pretty good day today. We went to the Vorbeck’s and had a good visit with them and dinner with them. Then we taught Pam Wheelock the second discussion. We were teaching and the spirit was strong and she was talking about Misty’s baptism and how cool it was. She is close to baptism.      Chris Journal, Tuesday June 1

We were in St. Ignace today. We had a sweet discussion with Lou Engle. We got very deep into the 4th discussion, plan of salvation. She learned a lot and accepted a lot. Br. Weiss was with us and that helped a lot. Well, I am really bummed right now. Misty left Wade and asked for a divorce. When I found out, I was devastated. It hurts almost as much as Hub and Leslie. I love Wade and Misty so much and I hope it will all work out for the best.      Chris Journal, Wednesday June 2

Tonight was Nikole’s graduation. I wish I could have been there but I’m sure it went great and I’m sure she had a great time. Tonight we went with Misty out for pizza. She just wanted to go out and laugh and have a good time and so that is what we did. I was laughing so hard. Then we went out to the pier and when we were walking back, they talked me into climbing up the locked lighthouse and then through the small window in the top and so I did. It was pretty fun. Misty is going through some hard times. Wade finally confessed that he is drinking 5 or 6 days a week and has just been hiding it really well. But maybe now he can get the help he needs to finally quit drinking.      Chris Journal, Thursday June 3


Today was so fun. We went to the St. Ignace road rally with Misty. We were also fasting for Wade and Misty all day and I know that will help them. At the road rally, our team was at a real disadvantage because Elder Bush doesn’t know the area at all and I have only lived here for 4 months and Misty for only 4 years. All the other teams have lived here for their whole lives. But somehow we ended up winning the whole thing. It was a great time.      Chris Journal, Saturday June 5


This was possibly the best day of my mission. We have been really worried about Wade and Misty and I have been praying so hard for them. Well, it works. Fasting and prayer really work. Misty was at church and then I turned around and saw Wade and his daughters coming in. I was so psyched. We had a sweet meeting. It was fast and testimony meeting and there were some really great testimonies shared. Then afterward, me and Elder Bush and Sister Debbie Weiss, and Wade and Misty went into a room and Wade asked me to baptize him. It was awesome. Then Br. Weiss and I talked to him for a while and he broke into tears and told us that he wanted to change his life and that he knew the church was the way to do it. It was so great to see him touched the way he was by the spirit. And it turns out that it was while we were fasting that he discovered what he needed to do. It is wonderful to see people change their lives for the better because of the gospel. The church is true and I love teaching it. Also today, Br. Weiss became President Weiss, the new Branch President. He will do a fantastic job. We taught the Vorbecks and Pam today also. Pam is ready for baptism but wants to wait for her husband and that is good. What a sweet day.      Chris Journal, Sunday June 6

Happy 8 month mark. I can't believe my mission is 1/3 of the way over. Time goes by so fast. It doesn't seem like I have been doing this for 8 months. Tonight we taught Wade the 6th discussion and it went so great. He is very sincere and ready to be baptized. I can’t wait. We have set a date for June 22, so just 2 weeks.      Chris Journal, Monday June 7


Today was pretty hectic. Tonight we taught Jessica and Samantha, Wade’s daughters, the first discussion. It would be great if Wade is able to baptize them.      Chris Journal, Tuesday June 8

Another Zone Conference over with. We have a pretty cool zone right now. This was probably the last time I will ever see President and Sister Taylor. We are really going to miss them in the mission. They are wonderful people and have helped me out a lot. President Taylor gave me 2 word of advice in my interview with him. Education and Tithing. President also gave me permission to go out to Mackinac Island so that is cool. The APs drove us home tonight and stayed with us after we had dinner with Olga. They are a couple of good guys.      Chris Journal, Friday June 11


Today we had P-day with the APs. We woke up early and played some good hoop games. Then we had breakfast with the Weiss’ at the Truck Stop. After that, we drove up to Taquahmenon Falls and Whitefish Point and spent some time up there. It was so beautiful and green and just lovely. Then we played a round of golf in St. Ignace. It was a fun day.      Chris Journal, Saturday June 12


Wade and Misty and Pam were all at church today and it was a good meeting. Wade is still progressing and preparing for baptism. We went to Gaylord for a priesthood meeting and then to Traverse City to spend P-day there tomorrow. Traverse City is an awesome place.      Chris Journal, Sunday June 13

This was probably the best P-day we have had up here in the Northern Country. We went shopping in the outlet mall and I got a sweet shirt and then all 8 elders went and played basketball, full court, so that was cool. We had some good games and my team won of course. Then we went to the park and played Soccer. It was so fun. I scored 6 goals and we won 9 to 5. I also had 3 assists. Olga came and got us and drove us home. She is so awesome.      Chris Journal, Monday June 14


I woke up so sick this morning. I had a bad head cold and sore throat and I just didn’t feel good. I slept in and then tried to get ready for the day. Tonight we went to Wade’s house and had a cool discussion with the girls while Wade got his baptismal interview from Pres. Weiss.      Chris Journal, Tuesday June 15

The Zone Leaders showed up today for trade-offs. Elder Dalley and Beaver and they are not great missionaries. They whine about everything we make them do. Me and Elder Beaver went to Pam Wheelocks and showed her “How Rare a Possession”. I love that show and she enjoyed it as well. Then tonight, we all drove to Wade’s house and we spent the evening and the night there. He is so cool. I love being around Wade. He fed us a great dinner and we watched a couple talks from Genera Conference, and we prayed with him and it was just a great night.      Chris Journal, Thursday June 17

Today I was with Elder Dalley and we had a really sweet day. We did some door knocking, had two discussions, and made contact with some good people. We have found two new families in St. Ignace that I am really looking forward to. Don Reid and Darlene Heckman. We have return appointments with both of them and they have baptism potential. Today was Elder Bush’s 18 month mark. His slump day. So he had been out for a long time. He is a stud. We get along so well and have such a good time together. I will be bummed out if we get split up next week.      Chris Journal, Friday June 18


This morning was the Mackinac City Fudge Classic, the race that the Wilson family put on. We helped by parking cars this morning. It reminded me of Silver Moccasin, which is probably what I would have been doing if I was there on Saturday June 19. We stopped parking at 8:55, ran back and pinned on our numbers, and then jumped in line as the gun went off. We were at the back and so we got a bad start. But for never training or stretching out or preparing, we did alright. I placed 44 our of about 150 runners and posted a 21:44 on the 5 kilometer run. That is exactly 7:00 minute miles. If Bush and I would have trained, we could have easily been in the top 3 in our division. But it was fun. This afternoon was spent at the Weiss’ for Todd Savards graduation party. Laura and Brady Mather were there, the former Elder Mather who taught and baptized the Weiss family. I had a good time talking with them.      Chris Journal, Saturday June 19

Today was a good day. Church was cool as always and Wade and Pam were both there. We had a meeting with Br. Truesdale, our new Branch Mission Leader and he is excited to missionary work. He will do a good job.      Chris Journal, Sunday June 20

What a sweet P-day. We woke up at 5:00am and met Wade at the truck stop at 5:45. Then we went fishing all day. We hit the Carp River, Pine River, and didn’t have much luck. But then we hit the trout streams. It was so much fun. At one stream, me and Wade had some success. He caught 3 small ones and I caught one. Then we moved back to the Carp River but farther upstream and Wade immediately caught 2, including a monster fish. Then I found a good hole and caught a big one right away. It is about 14” long and then I caught a 10” one. They are good looking fish. We cooked hot dogs over the fire. Then me and Bush and Walker walked down the river, literally in the middle of it. It was fun.      Chris Journal, Monday June 21


Sweet! Today was Wade’s baptism and it was awesome. It was a wonderful service. Misty gave the opening prayer, so that was special. Debbie Weiss and Kathy Belonga both gave excellent talks - I was very impressed. And I hope their Mom and Sister were also since they are the only ones left to accept the church. I played the piano and then I had the greatest experience of all as I was able to baptize Wade. It was so great. After we were all dressed, Wade gave me a big hug and thanked me for everything. There is not a better feeling in the world than that one, to see Wade make such a turnaround and be baptized. He is on the right path and I’m so glad I as able to help him on it. Pres. Weiss confirmed him a member of the church and gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost and gave him a beautiful blessing. The whole service was wonderful.      Chris Journal, Tuesday June 22



We just got a transfer call. Elder Bush is now my Zone Leader in Cadillac and I will be training a green. So I am going to be thrusting away. So the changes that were made are cool ones, except Elder Walker got moved back down south. I’m just glad I get to stay in Cheboygan. Elder Bush got all packed up and then we headed to Mackinac Island with Wade and Misty. It was awesome. The boat ride over was sweet and the island was incredible. We took our bikes over and just rode all over the place. We visited the Grand Hotel a little bit and played croquet on the front lawn. Wade was winning, but he was being extremely nice to Misty and she came back and beat him. It was so funny because Wade was just on cloud 9 all day. He was in an excellent mood and fun to be around. We also visited arch rock, a lookout point, and had a wonderful buffet at “Little Bob’s”. Wade and Misty had a great day together as well. Misty said Wade was acting like he used to when they first dated. The island was everything I had hoped it would be. It was awesome. Tonight, we stayed at the Weiss’ home and me and Pres. Weiss got into some deep gospel topics. It was really fun and interesting. Life is wonderful.      Chris Journal, Wednesday June 23

