Chris’ Mission–Midland with Elder Moon
It was hard today to leave Big Rapids. I grew really attached to that place. Chris and Lori drove me over to Mt. Pleasant and it was a fun ride. But when we got there and it was time for them leave, Chris had tears streaming down her face and she couldn't say anything. I felt so bad and I couldn't say anything. I wish just for a second that I could have given her a little hug. But I just had to say goodbye. They are such awesome people. We will see each other again and I look forward to that time. We have built a strong friendship in this short time. She is a good friend. This was a very productive day. Last night I just got all settled in and unpacked and I finished that process this morning. The apartment here is a sweet one. It is good and roomy and it looks like I will be very comfortable here. Elder Moon is a good guy. He has had some problems lately and I guess he almost went home. So I just ned to be really positive and upbeat with him. Today we did a lot of planning and got acquainted with the area. Elder Moon has only been here for three weeks so he doesn't really know the area. We did some productive door knocking and checked call backs and taught one of our investigator family, Stefan and Trisha Sezanias. They are a great family and they should be baptized. We also had dinner with Joseph Smith and his family. They are really cool and we had a good time there, but his name trips me out. The city of Midland looks like a really nice place. It is more an upper class area like East Lansing. I think I will really enjoy it here. The members seem totally awesome from looking at the dinner calendar and from what I’ve heard. My zone has been filled with a bunch of Gents, but I’ve got some good missionaries as well. Elder Dickinson, my first son, if my district leader over in Bay City so I will get to work with him on trade-offs and stuff. I love that, and I will be very happy here. Friday, March 25
The past two days have been good ones. Saturday was filled with a district meeting for the Mt. Pleasant district. Elder Howell is the DL and he has a good district. It was a sweet meeting. The rest of the day we just worked in our area and got some good things accomplished. We taught Yvonne, who is projected but has a long ways to go to be prepared for baptism. We also had a really neat experience with a family, Sherry and Bill Zablocki. They have had the first discussion but it was a couple weeks ago. So we stopped by and they only had a few minutes. So I pulled out my thought book and shared, “What it means to know Christ” and a scripture - John 17:3. And I talked about that for a minute. The spirit was strong and I asked if we could have a prayer and he said it was his turn to say it. Then he said a beautiful prayer and plead with the Lord to help him in his life to do the things he knows he must do. After he finished, he started crying and was really touched by the spirit. It was so awesome and it may be the turning point in his life. We will teach and baptize him and his family. Sunday was great. The ward here is so impressive. I know I will enjoy my time here. I spent a couple hours preparing my trade-off agenda and my discussion for Zone Leader Conference. It was a good Sabbath. Sunday, March 27
Wow. What an awesome couple of days. We headed down and played basketball in Lansing and that was really fun. There were a lot of cool missionaries down there and we had a good time. Then on Monday night, we went Personal Contacting on the Michigan State University campus and that was a blast. I was with Elder Moon and he only opened up his mouth one time, but it was still fun. We got 8 PCs in a couple hours. Then Elder Johanson found us and then we had a blast. We talked to everyone and got 10 more PCs in a little over an hour. It was awesome - Johanson is a total stud. Its so fun to just go up and talk to people. Monday, March 28
Today was Zone Leader Conference and it was so sweet. We have some really good missionaries there , some great leaders and it was fun to be a part of it. The APs are Elder Christofferson and Johanson and the Zone Leaders are myself, Eric Johnsen, Rowley, Miner, and Raybould. And of courser companions were all there as well as were President and Sister Waite. I led a discussion on the Book of Mormon and it went very well. I’m glad I prepared well for it. Elder Miner gave a great talk on “Challenging and Testifying”. And the APs gave an awesome talk on “What Think Ye of Christ”. We discussed that for a while and then we watched a video. The same video about Christ that I’ve seen twice before. But it was just as powerful this time. I was really touched by the spirit, especially in the part after his crucifixion when he visits the awaiting saints in the Spirit World. The tears streamed down my face and I felt the greatest desire to be a part of that kind of an assembly some day. That is my greatest desire. And I only want to serve my Lord well and faithfully so that I can thank Him one day. I’m so grateful to be a missionary. I love it and I love the work. I have to raise my dedication level up a notch. Because it all comes down to what I think of Christ. And I love him. I love this gospel and I want to be a better “Challenging and Testifying” missionary. This was a great day. I accomplished much at the office and had a good time being with all of these awesome missionaries. They just strengthen my and build me up. I have some good friends in that group and some I really look up to. The past 2 days have just been awesome. I am so glad to be a Zone Leader again to have these experiences again. I missed ZLC the last 2 months. But now I’m back in the Mighty Midland Zone and we are going to rip it up. Tuesday, March 29
We were in Oscoda on Thursday and Friday for trade-offs with Elder Hunker and Izatt. They are good missionaries, but not awesome missionaries. It seems like they are limiting themselves on how well they can do. Their attitudes still need to be adjusted but they have improved tons in the past few months. One thing they are doing is working out and taking care of their health. I worked out with them on Thursday night, and I am beat still. I am way sore. Today was an awesome day. It was General Conference so of course it was awesome. We heard some amazing talks today. The first session was incredible and my favorite one so far. I love Richard G. Scott. He always pumps me up. Also, since Marvin J. Ashton passed away a month ago, they had to replace him in the Quorum of the Twelve. The new apostle is former presiding Bishop Robert D. Hales. So that process was neat to see. I know that these men are prophets of God. And I love them. I wish we were able to hear and see President Benson, but I know why he has such awesome counselors, President Hinckley and Monson. So the church can move forward. I feel for Pres. Hinckley. He is carrying so much on his shoulders and he is getting criticized by many. But I love him and know he has been called by our Heavenly Father. I sustain all he does. Saturday, April 2
I have been a slacker when it comes to my journal. I hate catching up, but I have to because this has been an awesome week. But I’m going to start with today and go backwards. Today, we put on the mini-MTC for the youth in the Stake and it went very well. I am beat, though because it has been a long, spiritual, exhausting day. I had a lot of pressure with being a leader of the missionaries and youth, teaching a class, and helping with the overall organization. But of course that is the way I like it. It started at 11:00 and we had a brief orientation. President Hoover was in charge and it was so good to see him again. I really admire that man. He led us in a couple games as groups to teach the importance of unity, leadership, cooperation, etc. Then we had a great lunch. Then Sister Patton and Seymour had a baptism which we all attended. Of course the spirit was strong there. We then had 3 classes. Elder Johnsen and McMorrow taught one on the first discussion. Elder Christofferson taught one on the Commitment Pattern. And I taught one on “Preparing for a mission/Life as a missionary”. It went really well. I felt really led in what I should say and the Spirit was really present. I love teaching, especially about missionary work. After the classes, we took the youth out door knocking for just about an hour. And get this, I went out with 3 young women. It was really weird at first. But I guess it wasn’t a big deal. It just tripped me out to not be with a companion. I was with Sister Jenni Ryder, Sister May, and Sister Handziak. We had a good time and got three call backs. So we had a very productive hour. After that, we had a very nice testimony meeting. The youth here are very strong and they all had a good experience today. It is so rewarding when they talk about how they look up to us missionaries and when they thank us for the spirit filled day they had. It was neat. Then we had dinner and that was our mini-MTC. I also got to play the piano today for the missionary experience as well as for the baptism. I enjoy that and it helps me to improve a lot. Today was also cool just to be around my food friends like Elder Johanson, Christofferson, Dickinson, and new studs like Elder McMorow and Malan. It was a sweet day.
The past 2 days we were on trade-offs with Elder Dickinson and Malan in Bay City West. It was so cool to be with my son. He is so cool. But we spent a lot of time catching up and making future plans. We are going to hang for sure upon our return home. And he is a great missionary and a good leader. I am really proud of him. We were only there for one day so I mostly just had to do their paperwork. But it was cool to be with him.
I also learned Elder Howell’s song on the guitar. He wrote the following lyrics.
Wake up in the morning
Ya hear the alarm clock ringing
I’m tired and grumpy
My companion is singing
It’s a cold day in Michigan
Almost make ya feel like staying in
But the work must go on.
Knock some doors down
Find an awesome family
Teach the gospel
Open their eyes and they see
And the tears roll down your face
As you watch the change take place
There’s no place you’d rather be
The the telephone is ringing
It’s the President, you're leaving
Get packed - again
Why’s this happening to me - this time
A new companion
Trying to learn new faces
I’m in a new town
And teaching in new places
Where are the people who I’ve grown to love
I read their letters and it makes it tough
But there’s no place I’d rather be
Then you hear the phone
It’s the Prez, your going home
Get packed, again
How can it really be two years
This time … It’s time
Awesome song. I hope I can remember how to play it on the guitar. I want to learn that when I get home for sure.
Now let me jump back to Thursday night. We had a district leader conference in Bay City with all my district leaders. Elder Howell, Dickinson, Smith, and Hunsaker. It went very well. Elder Smith led a discussion on the Book of Mormon and Elder Howell led one on “challenging and testifying” and I got a discussion going on “What thin ye of Christ”. The spirit was really strong, especially as we talked of and bore testimony of Jesus Christ. It turned out just as I had hoped and planned. And most everyone there has a deep love for him and desire to serve him well. This was also my SLUMP DAY! I can’t believe it, but I have been out for 18 months. And it has been a great 18 months. I love my experience as a missionary so very much. It has been outstanding. And the last six months are going to be the best of all. I didn’t do anything to celebrate my slump day, but it was a great day. We were in Caro for trade-offs with Elder Smith and Elder Nielson. We got some good work done with them. We got a lot of PCs and a couple new finds and a discussion. It was very productive, plus fun. I always have a blast around Elder Smith. That’s another guy I will have to see when I get home.
Tuesday we had 3 appointments set up but we got dogged on every one. But we did our part and that is what we are called to do. So it was an alright day. P-day was pretty boring. The most exciting thing we did was teach a couple discussions and played the piano. And Sunday was great with General Conference and all. I love those GAs. This was a sweet week. Saturday, April 9
Yesterday I got to speak in Sacrament Meeting . I gave a talk on “How I prepared for my mission”. I enjoy speaking to people, and I think I did a pretty good job. It was a good experience. I get less nervous and better every time I do things like that. The rest of the day was good as well. We checked on tons of people with the Ward Mission Leader, Br. Wilson. And then we had a dinner with the Ryders. They are a cool family, and the daughters are really cute. We talked with them for a long time. It reminded me of home on Sunday dinners. Sunday, April 10
We didn’t have much to do for P-day. We got our shopping and laundry done of course. We also went to the mall and I bought a sports walkman so I can listen to music while I jog. I am definitely going to keep jogging every day. It feels good. We played the piano at the church and shot around in the gym for a while. Then I basically wrote a few letters. Elder Moon didn’t do hardly anything. Where I don't ever have enough time to do everything, he couldn't think of anything to do. I feel bad for him in a lot of ways. This was such an awesome day. Monday, April 11
This was such an awesome day. It was our Zone Conference here in Midland, and it is a day I have been worrying about and preparing for and praying for since I got called to this position. And all that preparation and heart felt prayer wasn’t wasted. It turned out to be a spiritual feast and one of the best Zone Conferences I have been in. I have been worrying a lot recently about how to make it a great meeting, and for a while, I though my fears might occur. The morning started out terrible. My building code to get into the church didn’t work, half of the zone was late, I put the wrong suit coat on and didn’t match. I was really starting to stress out. But things did come around. We had a great morning. Heard some counsel from President Waite President Hancock (who was just called to preside over the Utah Provo mission) and I did mission business and led a discussion on “Work”. While preparing for that discussion, I was having a hard time the day before. So I went into the bedroom and prayed to ask for guidance. And as I did, pure intelligence seemed to flow right through me. It was such an incredible experience. The Lord showed me, or reminded me, of things I knew and experiences I have had and I know that those are the things I was supposed to share. And I think it was a great discussion. The spirit was with me. I hope some of the missionaries benefitted from it. After lunch, we had a string of discussions from Sister Waite, Elder Howell on “challenging and testifying”, Elder Smith on the “Book of Mormon”, the APs on “Using Members”, and then myself on “What think ye of Christ”. They were all very well prepared and well presented. The spirit was so strong. I especially felt it during my discussion, only because of how special my topic is. I think all of those present were touched and hopefully will be better missionaries from it. I know I was touched and am better because of the great meeting we had. In my discussion, I asked questions like “What does Christ think of you?” and “What think ye of Christ?”. I shared scriptures and experiences and found out their answers. That really se the mood, brought the spirit in, and prepared them for what we covered next. I talked about “How we think of Christ determined what type of missionary we are” and taught them how and why we show him in this way by our attitudes actions, obedience, diligence, etc. I talked for probably 30 minutes about a lot of important things and it went so well. I’m so grateful for those experiences and opportunities because they help me to grow and progress and learn things about myself and who I want to be. I’m sure I learned a lot more than anyone else. That is why it is so rewarding. It was also very neat to see some of those missionaries whom we worry about as they bore humble testimony and were touched by the messages shared and expressed that. We fulfilled our purpose of Zone Conference. After Zone Conference was over, I hung out with Christofferson and Johanson. We visited a member (the Masons) and just talked. I love those guys. And I hope the three of us hanging out is a sign of things to come. They are awesome. I think that is one of the greatest blessings of being a Zone Leader. Being able to be in the presence of the best of the best missionaries. We had Stake Correlation meeting tonight as well, and I really felt grateful for the opportunity to associate with fine men such as President Waite, the APs, President Hancock, and Stake President Pulsipher. What a choice blessing. I learn so much from just being with them. I hope and pray that I can be servants like they are throughout my life. My greatest desire is to serve my savior faithfully throughout my life with all that I have, so that I can have their spirit and wisdom and power and the countenance of Christ. This was just an awesome day. The 2 days before Zone Conference were awesome as well. We had some great discussions, did some good door knocking, and accomplished some great things. I just want to do this work and do it well. I don’t want any regrets as I serve my Heavenly Father, through my mission and through my life. I love the gospel and I know it is true. I know Jesus Christ lives and loves me. I feel it a great honor to bear his name and to teach his gospel. I truly love this work. Thursday, April 14
The past 2 days we have been in Mt. Pleasant. They were some awesome trade-offs. We got some sweet work done. And I got to know whose Elders pretty good. Elder Howell is a total stud. We are going to have to hang out when we get home. He is awesome on the guitar and he taught me a few songs. It was so much fun. I am going to buy a guitar as soon as I get home. We also worked hard and had some good success. Me and Balderas got in a house door knocking and taught a sweet first discussion to a couple ladies. They were pretty interested. We also got some other good contacts, taught some good discussions, and had a good time doing it. We watched one video that was made by the church a while back called, “The Measure of a Man”. It was hilarious about a young man faced with all kinds of temptations anyhow he overcame them in the end. It was so funny. There were some hilarious lines. Saturday, April 16
The past few days have been good ones. We have gotten some sweet work done here in our area. We had a good natured bash with our investigator Keith Woodason. He is a very knowledgeable guy and really challenges my wisdom and knowledge. So it was a fun discussion. We did some good door knocking today. The weather got up to about 70 degrees and the sun was shining with blue sky. I was loving it. Maybe spring is finally here. I sure hope so. We door knocked for about 4 hours because I just wanted to be outside. Oh yeah, for P-day yesterday we went golfing with Br. Chew. It was so much fun. I was out in shorts and a t-shirt and it was a nice day I played excellent. I shot a 42, so only 7 over par. It was possibly the best golf I have ever played. My chipping was what really helped me out. I was on target from short range. So I have the golfing fever and want to go every P-day. Tuesday, April 19
Transfers didn’t affect the Zone very much. We lost Sister Patton and Wakefield and we will miss them the most. They are some good missionaries. It seems like yesterday that we were all hanging out in the MTC and now they are on the way home. That is the biggest trip. I don’t envy their position right now, however. There is no way I could go home right now. I’m so glad I get to serve for 2 full years; 18 months just isn’t long enough. But it is hard to see them go, because that means my time is short. I need to really sprint to the end these last six months and really make the most of them. The mission just goes too fast. We have had a couple of great days here in Midland. We taught a couple discussions, got some good door knocking in, and just worked hard both days. The weather has been beautiful and I love being out in it. We have been shedding our jackets while we door knock and getting a little sun. That makes door knocking a little more enjoyable. Elder Moon hates tracking and we have been doing a lot of it. I really have to drag him out a lot, but he comes along. It is really hard to get him to do things, that is frustrating because it places all of it on me. But I feel like I am helping him some as well. I sure hope so. I do love being a missionary. I even enjoy tracting. It’s all in the attitude. Why not have a good time doing the work? I hope I can keep that attitude throughout my life. Thursday, April 21
The past 2 days have been sweet ones. We have been working hard and seeing some success. Both Friday and Saturday we got some good door knocking in and got some awesome call backs. Today we were knocking out a trailer park and found good people, but one in particular was a golden contact. I tried to help her start her lawnmower, and then she let us in and I explained the Book of Mormon to her. She is very interested and will read, and we have an appointment for the 1st discussion with her next Wednesday. I know we were out searching for her because a few houses later we got kicked out of that trailer park. But we found our contact. It was awesome. Yesterday, we finally got Yvonne on the stop smoking program. I hope she does it. She is in a very bad situation right now. She is pregnant, her boyfriend is an alcoholic and a jerk, her friend is living with her, and she is in a much worse state than Yvonne is. Her friend Amy is going through a divorce. And they are both only 18 years old. I’m so glad I have the gospel in my life. Tonight we had a “Know Your Religion” class taught by Dennis Largy from BYU. He did such an awesome job. He took the Book of Mormon and taught it from a different way than I have ever heard. I seriously learned so much and so many things and approaches I can use in my proselyting. The spirit was powerful as well. I love meetings like this one. He is an instructor at the “Y” and I am going to take one of his classes for sure. He has an awesome teaching style. I love to teach - that is still a possibility for my future occupation. A seminary teacher would be fun. If I can ever teach like Brother Largy, I will be content. That is a definite goal. One of the things Br. Largy taught us was about Lehi’s dream, 1 Nephi 8:5-12. This sets forth a pattern that is followed throughout the Book of Mormon and throughout history and everyone’s conversion stories. We go through these steps: 1. In a dark and dreary waste, 2. Pray for mercy, 3. Remission of sins through the atonement of Christ, 4. Great joy, 5. Share it with others. Look at King Benjamins people, Alma the Younger, Enos, etc. to see this pattern. The whole purpose of the Book of Mormon is to testify of Christ. How? It talks of him and reveals his enemies. And he showed tons of other things that will be useful and are very enlightening. I love the Book of Mormon and I know it is true with all my heart. Saturday, April 23
The past two days have been so awesome. It was Zone Leader Conference so we met the Traverse City Elders in Mt. Pleasant and headed down to Lansing. The new Zone Leader in Traverse City is Elder Tuckfield, and his companion is Elder McMorrow. They are both studies, and we had a good road trip with them. We got to Lansing about 1:00 and we all cleaned up President’s front yard and back and did all the mowing and yard work. It was pretty fun - I haven’t mowed a lawn for a long time. After that was done, we headed to a park and played some sweet football. It was such a sweet blast. I caught one touchdown pass and threw for two more. It was a beautiful day and I was out with my shirt off. It felt good and I got some sun too. After that we got ready and then PC’d on campus. I went with Elder Tuckfield and we did awesome. We got 17 PCs. We killed everyone else once again. I think that is so fun to contact out there. You meet some cool people. Then one of the members who lives next to the APs gave us a magic show. He did the sweetest job. I have no clue how he did any of the tricks but they were good. He pulled a bra out of Elder Johanson’s pocket, he stuck what I thought was a magic hat on my head, but was really a plunger and everyone took pictures and I had no clue. It was hilarious. His tricks were amazing. This was a sweet P-day spent with good friends and missionaries. One I will always remember. Monday, April 25
Today was just as awesome. It was ZLC so we all headed to the mission home and had a great meeting. Elder Tuckfield and Rowley both led discussions and the APs did some good skill training. It was once again a spirit filled, pump me up kind of a meeting. I learned a lot and it helped me to know some more things I can do with the zone. After the meeting, we got pictures taken and then we just talked forever. Me, Johanson, Christofferson, and Gardner were making plans for when we get home and just chatted about everything. I really started to get to know Gardner pretty well, and he is a stud. All those guys are. I talked with President for a while and then ran around to get all my office work done. We didn’t get out of that office until after 8:30. We got our stuff from the APs, ate dinner at Arby’s, and then drove home. Traverse City stayed in Mt. Pleasant and we didn’t get home to Midland until midnight. Dang. And then me and Mom talked for about an hour. He wrote his Stake President and said that he wanted to go home and now his Stake President is trying to get hold of him. It died to talk things out with him and help him out, but I don’t know if I helped too much. He says he is worried about a friend and he feels like he needs to talk to him and help I'm out. But I know there is a lot more to it than that. I just hope we can help him be happy and get him demotivated before he does go home. That would be tragic because he is a good missionary. Tuesday, April 26
This is possibly the longest time I have slacked in my journal writing. So I am going to do just a short recap of the past week. We had trade-offs in Oscoda with Hunker and Izatt and they were pretty lame. Those missionaries don’t have too much motivation but we did get some good work done. We also had trade-offs with Howell and Utley over in Mt. Pleasant. They were very fun. We played the guitar some and I am improving pretty fast. I am definitely buying a 12 string when I get home. I love playing. We also made a video on Howell’s video camera called “Good missionary, Bad missionary.” It was such a blast to make and the video is hilarious. I had an awesome experience door knocking on Sunday with Elder Hall. We hit a street and got one New Find on our second door. Then we continued and met a lady who let us in after a couple tries. Her name name is Anna May Monger, and by the time we left she had our testimonies, a Book of Mormon, and total trust in us. I played the piano for her and she wanted to give me the key to her house so I could come practice anytime while she was at work or something. It was an awesome day door knocking. Elder Moon has been having a really hard time lately. He has been really depressed and kind of dragging me down a little as well. But I need to dig deep at this time and really work hard and be positive so that we can keep him out here on a mission where he belongs. It would be tragic if he went home. I can’t understand him because right now I am going through the opposite - I am worried about how short time is and I could never go home right now. I love my mission way too much. I hope he finds it within himself to do the right thing. Wednesday, May 4
Well, today was one of the weirdest Zone Conferences I have been to. We didn't have a very good morning. Some of the missionaries came without the spirit and with a grudge in their hearts and during our skill training they were goofing around and it wasn’t very productive at all. Well, President Waite took it for as long as he could but finally he got up and reproved everyone for a couple hours. It was very timely and much needed for many of the missionaries. I’m glad President Waite did it. It was very effective and totally turned our meeting around. After he was done, he called upon some to bear their testimonies and then I asked Elder Smith to offer a prayer for us so that we could have the spirit with us throughout the rest of the day. And the rest of the day was fantastic. We had some great discussions and instruction. And the spirit was really with us. As testimonies were being shared, I really felt the spirit and really enjoyed it so much. It was such a turn around from the morning that we had. It turned out to be a very uplifting and spiritual meeting. I love Zone Conference. I also got to hang with the APs once again. They are my hero. I really respect and look up to them a lot. They kept hinting about me going AP, but I don’t know. I would love to serve with Elder Christofferson and around Pres. and Sister Waite but I don’t know if it will happen or not. I love this gospel so much - and I love the ministry of Jesus Christ. It is so awesome to be a missionary. Thursday, May 5
Today is Mothers Day so my parents called quickly last night to figure out the best time to call today. It was so good to hear Mom and Dad’s voices. They are the greatest parents. Mom just talked away - she was very excited. They told me about Kim’s wedding and Carol’s wedding and the sharp contrast between a temple marriage and a worldly wedding. There is no comparison. The temple sealer before he started talked for a while and said that “President Benson told them all that the Savior often walked the halls of the temple and even peeked into the rooms to see what was happening. So those of us in the temple can truly say we have walked where the savior walked. What a fantastic blessing to go to his house to receive covenants, to get to know him, and to be sealed as spouses and families for time and all eternity. I feel so blessed to have and accept this knowledge in my life. It is true. Recently I have felt very overburdened by all my responsibilities and challenges which I face as a Zone Leader. Trying to please the people in the ward with baptisms, as well as President Waite, trying to set the example for the Zone and helping them to do better, trying to help Elder Moon to love his mission and want to stay by always being positive and enthusiastic about the work even while our investigators really aren’t progressing. Trying to please my Heavenly Father by bring choice souls unto him, and also trying to be happy with myself and what I am accomplishing. It has been very overwhelming and I started to slip into a little depression. But as I pondered upon this recently and looked at my blessings and all that I have, I have no reason to feel as I do. The Lord is with me because this is His work. I have the spirit with me because I am being a righteous and obedient servant. And my testimony, knowledge, and sense of inner peace continue to grow. During sacrament meeting today, the thought came to my mind that as in George Currant’s dream with carrying wood from the coal shed in his missionary tape that I love, “I can carry more”. As Matthew 11:30 says, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”. If I will put my total trust in the savior and do all in my power and yet rely on him, surely my burden will be light because he will take it upon himself and I won’t have to carry it. What a blessing. So I am resolved to just do more and give it my all and let the Savior handle the rest. I don’t need to worry about anything except having the spirit with me, and the rest will work itself out. I’m grateful to go to church and partake of the sacrament each week. I really feel the spirit today and learned a lot as well. Now I’m going to call home. Sweet!
Well, it was so sweet to talk to my family on the phone. I ended up talked for nearly 4 hours total, but it was a blast. Everyone sounded very good, it was so nice to hear their voices. They were having a Mothers Day celebration over at our house so I got to talk to Grandma and Grandpa Polson, Hub, Robin, Pat, Amber, as well as my family. It was awesome especially to talk to Hub for a minute. I got to talk to everyone in the family for quite a while. Me and Dad tentatively planned out our little post mission tour for when they come out to pick me up. That is going to be a blast. It was pretty weird to talk to them and then say, see ya in a few months. I won’t talk to them until I see them. Weird. I don’t know how it is all coming up so fast, but it is. P-day was pretty cool. We watched Liz’ video and then just played the guitar at Elder Hall’s place for much of the day. I love playing the guitar. I also played the piano for a time at the church and started writing a song. Tuesday was an alright day. We worked hard but didn’t get too much productive stuff done. It was kind of a frustrating day, but they will get better. Tuesday, May 10
We were on trade-offs in Bay City with Elder Dickinson and Malan and they were pretty sweet. I worked with Dickinson on Wednesday and we thrusted. We taught a sweet 6th discussion to Jenni Jones and door knocked and checked people and just had a good day. Dickinson is a total stud. Today I had to take Malan to the hospital because he fracture his wrists. So I spent much of the day there. It’s cool being with those guys, we had a good time. And we had a sweet burn on Wednesday night. We did the triple burn action celebrating Malan’s 6th month mark, Dickinson’s hump day, and my Slump day. We burned a tie, 2 shirts, and 1 pair of pants. They burned great out on the beach at the bay. It was awesome. Tonight we had our Stake Correlation meeting and it went very well. President Pulsipher is a spiritual giant. He totally inspires me. He was the only big wig there. President Waite is in Washington DC and President Matt Harding is in Texas. So it was me, the APs, and Br. Ostergaard with President Pulsipher. But it was a good meeting. The stake is going to be split here so exciting things are going on, but we didn’t get too much scoop. It will be awesome to see how it all works out. This may be the last time I get to hang with Elder Johanson on the mission. Dang, he is such a stud. I’m going to miss that guy a lot. It was hard to say goodbye. I totally got choked up. It would be awesome to see him one more time, which would happen if I went to the office. They gave me some more hints that I might. I totally play it off, though. I don’t want to aspire but I would love it, especially serving with Elder Christofferson. This was a good day. Thursday, May 12
I can’t believe it is Friday the 13th because today was an awesome day, one of the best in a while. We totally thrusted from 9:30am to 9:30pm. We were fasting also and I just had the spirit with me so strong. It feels so good. We taught Penny the second discussion and projected Yvonne Rosenbrock again after the 5th discussion for the 29th of this month. They were some good discussions. We also split with Dan Hall and Harry Chew and got some good door knocking. Hall and Moon did the whole side of Rodd St. (a big street) while me and Harry only got to about 5 houses because we got a call back and then got into a house and had a good discussion with an MSU college student who is intelligent and sophisticated. She was so cool and we have an appointment for the 1st discussion. We also had a good time checking call backs and setting up future appointments. Awesome day. And the coolest thing is that I have written my song. It is called “I am Here” and it is sweet. Not to brag or anything, but it is seriously a good song. Friday, May 13
The past few days have been pretty sweet. We have been working our butts off and it just feels so good to work hard and to have the spirit all the time. And the work is going really great. On Saturday, we had a good discussion with Emmitt Jenkins. We watched the Prodigal Son and taught the third discussion. He is really enjoying our visits and progresses all the time. We also found some pretty good people while door knocking. So it was a very productive day. Sunday was good also. Nobody showed up to church again, but it was an excellent service. Br. Mullen gave an excellent talk on the Lords Dream Team and we had an awesome lesson in Priesthood about Integrity and Honor. Also in Priesthood, they asked me to read Proverbs 6:16-19 as part of the lesson, but I accidentally read from Chapter 5 which talks about “let her breasts satisfy you, etc.”. It was very embarrassing but hilarious. We taught a really good 1st discussion to Jenni (MSU student) and her father Bob. They have very intellectual views about God, so it was an interesting discussion but it went well. And during the evening we went to Bay City and I interviewed Elder Adam and Alder to try to get those guys pumped up about the work. They have really been slacking off lately. But hey have the potential to be very successful. P-day was pretty average. We played the piano for a while, roamed the mall, did some checking on referrals and that was about it. But Tuesday was a much better day. We worked hard all day and got some good things accomplished. We taught Sheila Gibson and checked the entire area book and did some unsuccessful door knocking. It was a beautiful day out, it is warming up a bit and the sun was out. So I had a really good time all day. It just makes me feel good to serve Heavenly Father well. We got dropped by a couple people, though. And we got a new referral from someone who is already a member but just wanted a free video, so that was kind of lame. So I guess it wasn’t the best of days but I’m just happy because I am doing what I know I should be doing. This work is awesome. Transfers tomorrow? Tuesday, May 17