Health Journey List

Small Steps that will create Great Changes on a health journey - by Karalynne from Just Ingredients. It’s been fun to follow Karalynne on Instagram for the last year. I’m grateful for her knowledge and her approach. I’ve never felt overwhelmed… just motivated to work on one thing at a time. It’s been a great year of change.

  1. Find a medical doctor that will find the root problem, and not just treat the symptom — Interesting. Wish it were easier to find.

  2. Get blood work done — (And have routine check-ups, mammograms etc. more frequently)

  3. Figure out if you need to take certain supplements Chris has researched this some. I want to buy a pill box and start taking some more needed supplements… such as magnesium. Working on this.

  4. Stop buying items with artificial colors in them — Trying to do this

  5. Stop buying food with high fructose corn syrup in it — Done

  6. Learn what foods are sprayed with glyphosate and buy those organic — Buying most things Organic these days

  7. Stop buying food with hydrogenated oils in it — Done

  8. Switch out your oils to a better choice — Done. I use avocado oil and avocado oil spray for everything

  9. Exercise - go walking, join a gym, stick to a routine — Doing much better at working out consistently and doing more weights

  10. Find a sauna you can use to detox — Our house in Midway has a sauna! Chris has researched the benefits and is excited to use it!

  11. Add veggies to every dinner — Always doing this

  12. Add veggies to every lunch — Sometimes doing this

  13. Learn to read ingredients — I usually read the ingredients… I’ve learned a lot from Just Ingredients on what to stay away from and what to look for

  14. Replace items in your home that have artificial sweeteners in them - working on this

  15. Look at what’s contributing to polluted air in your home… candles, all purpose spray, laundry supplies, air fresheners. Replace with better choices. — I’ve switched my laundry detergent to Baking Soda and Wool Dryer Balls and all of my cleaners to Branch Basics. Anthropology Candles are a weakness of mine. I need to research more options and try them out.

  16. Reduce your sugar intake — We have… but seem to fall back into more sugar on vacations. Working on this.

  17. Find a drink to replace your daily soda with — Doing well keeping soda out of our day to day diet. We enjoy some soda on vacations only.

  18. Switch out beauty products you’re rubbing into your skin to products that nourish your body — I’ve switched my hand and body lotion to Nubian Mango - which I love - and is better for you. My Citrus face serum is from Just Ingredients and I love it. My girls do too. It’s a goal to figure out better make up this year.

  19. Have dinner as a family — The great thing about COVID and having everything cancelled is more dinners as a family. Love it.

  20. Teach your children the importance of the food you’re eating or about nutrition — Having lots of great discussions about how what we eat affects our brain health

  21. Be an example to your children — Yes, trying to be.

  22. Replace plastic food storage containers with glass ones — This one is on my list as well. Birthday hint!

  23. Get rid of PFOS in your cooking pans — Done

  24. Swap out some of your baking essentials for better choices (flour, salt, baking powder, etc.) — Now buying organic sugar and flour and pink Himalayan salt

  25. Swap out condiments to a better choice (ketchup, mayo, bbq sauce, etc) — Done

  26. Switch to better hand soap — I make my own hand soap with Castille Soap and water. Love it.

  27. Homemake some dinners - All dinners are homemade

  28. Buy less pre packaged snacks — We have mostly fruits/veggies for snacks. If we buy packaged then it’s Annie’s Organic or Organic tortilla chips etc.

  29. Read a health book

  30. If buying meat, buy grass-fed or wild — We’re buying organic ground beef but need to do more to discover where to buy grass-fed

  31. If buying dairy, try to find budget friendly grass-fed or organic — Our milk comes from Royal Crest, which I think is better than what’s in the stores. Organic milk is so expensive.

  32. Stay hydrated with clean water — Also interested in looking into a water filtration system

  33. Eat whole food ingredients — We’ve been doing this pretty well for a year or two!!

  34. Try a green smoothie — Chris and Ryan have a green smoothie every morning after working out.

  35. Make a salad with good ingredients — I need to make more salads!

  36. Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep — I need lots of sleep. With school starting soon we need to get to bed a little earlier than we do.

  37. Use adaptogens if stressed — Usually not too stressed, but I need to figure out what this is.

  38. Spend time outside to get vitamin D — Trying to go on lots of walks as a family or sit outside on our outdoor furniture. We could always do better!

  39. Use organic or non toxic feminine supplies — I switched the girls to only organic feminine supplies. We usually use CORA

  40. Notice how many added sugars are in processed foods you buy — So many. I try not to buy processed foods.

  41. Eat a food with probiotics in it - or take a probiotic — I have Silver Fern Probiotics — some for Luke and some for me. I need to take them regularly.

  42. Buy frozen fruit and veggies over canned — YES!

  43. Socialize with friends — Always

  44. Find a therapist if dealing with past emotions — See above. : ) Always open to counselors or therapists. Communication and expressing feelings is key.

  45. Meditate, talk to God, or a higher being — Absolutely. I need to focus on more meditation, more gospel study and more prayer. So grateful to know that there is a God and that he loves me.


Karalynne wrote this once and I loved it…

“I live a healthy diet, not a perfect diet.

In my home are all good choices for my kids. We have healthy snacks and healthy meals. We take healthy snacks when assigned the treats at sports games or preschool. We eat at healthier restaurants as a family. And when we make desserts we use good ingredients.


It’s impossible to send my kids to a birthday party and expect them not to eat the cake, ice cream, or soda.

It’s impossible to send my kids to school and expect them not to eat the birthday treats that are passed out in class.

It’s impossible to regulate what my kids eat at their friends homes.

It’s impossible to expect my kids to not want the candy or the treats on holiday.

It’s impossible to eat all organic when eating out.

Ad that’s all ok! Because I never want to be extreme in any aspect of my life.

And as a mom I can provide healthy choices at my home and educate them as to why we eat the foods we do. And guess what… as they get older and understand why they eat what they eat, they will make good choices for themselves!“

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