Wedding Trip - the Family Dinner


Ryan and Cassie


We held the family dinner in the backyard of some good friends of the Bean family. They had already agreed to let us use their yard for the reception but when I was struggling to find a location for 80 people to use without covid restrictions, Tyna reached out again to ask if we could use their yard for the family dinner the night before as well. They were so gracious to let us be there.

Because we decided to have the family dinner the night before, I needed center pieces for each of 10 tables. I love the ferns, the Hearth and Home frames and candles, and the acacia wood platters. The tables looked great.

I asked my sister, Amy, if she would create a ‘Who knows the couple best?’ questionnaire. We brainstormed on some of the questions. I love how it turned out… especially adorned with her own green watercolor leaves in the corner. (Now on her Etsy site: The Digital Peach)

The papers were on each table so that as family and friends waited for dinner they were busy answering questions.

Emily (Freshman at BYU) and Megan (16 and heading into her Junior Year ) — Katie (21 years old and BYU Sports Camp Counselor extraordinaire) — Matthew (age 12 and heading into 7th grade) — Luke (age 13 and heading into 8th grade) — Ryan and Cassie (love this look on them) — Chris holding baby Becca Lisa

So glad to have Spencer and Brinnley here for the Family Dinner. Ryan and Spencer have been forced friends since they were born and Brinnley and Cassie have been friends since they were 3. Seeing the four of these kids together makes me so happy. May the Johnson/ Christofferson best friend train keep on going!

Brian, Amy, Grandma Walton, Mike and Lisa.

Grandpa David Walton and Grandma Mary Walton with Becca.

So glad that my parents were here to be part of this great weekend. Last April after we learned that my Dad’s cancer had returned, my brother Scott gave him a blessing that blessed him to live so that he would witness special events of his grandchildren - including a wedding. Ryan wasn’t dating anyone at the time and we feel blessed to see the fulfillment of that blessing. (After a procedure to reduce testosterone and daily medicine his numbers are currently low and we’re enjoying each and every day we have with him.)

Before we ate, Chris welcomed everyone and then introduced our family - having each of us stand up from our different tables, then the Walton Family ( introduced as the ones who all were holding cameras), the Johnson family (introduced as the ones who would be first in line to hold your babies) the Bean Family and friends (introduced by Jeff) and then the Christoffersons — with the full story of how intertwined our families now are. Perfect introductions.

We hired Simply Thyme Catering to make and deliver our food. Fresh fruit, garden salad, fajita bar, black beans, and cilantro rice. Lemonade and water. Everything was so good. We were very pleased with how it all turned out. Chris and I sat with Ryan, Cassie, Tyna and Jeff and Grandma Johnson and her sister Carol — but we also had fun wandering from table to table talking with everyone and making sure there was enough food — which there was plenty!

  1. After dinner we moved several of the tables and brought our chairs in close to watch the Ryan and Cassie - OUR STORY - filmed and edited by my brother, Mike Walton (videographer extraordinaire). It was beautifully done. So fun to hear both Ryan and Cassie talk about how they met and fell in love. It’s just so them. Definitely brought some tears of emotion. So happy for them.

  2. Then Chris spoke for 10 or 15 minutes — about Ryan and what kind of a kid he was and man he’s become, and how grateful we are to have Cassie joining the family. He was emotional, I was emotional, and I think it meant a lot to Ryan.

  3. Then Cassie’s dad spoke for a few emotional minutes as well.

  4. Then Katie Bean - quoting a friends speech and then articulating how much she loved Ryan and knew that he was the perfect one for her sister.

  5. Then Katie Johnson - Katie mentioned that it’s always been ‘Ryan and Katie’ so it’s a little hard for her to get used to the new ‘Ryan and Cassie’ but she’s ok with it because of how much she adores Cassie. Her words were just perfect.

  6. At the end of her speech she said, “I have a few more things to say to welcome Cassie to the family, but I don’t want to do it alone… how about Emily, Megan, Annie and Leah? Will you join me?” They walked up like it was spontaneous, shocked that they were just carrying up ukulele’s, and then started into the CUTEST song for Ryan and Cassie. IT WAS ADORABLE. Love those cute creative girls!!

After clean up we headed back to the hotel and gathered our six kids in our room. Dad gave Ryan a blessing and then we each took a minute to share our feelings. It was tender - Emily, Megan, Luke and Matt got emotional sharing their feelings of gratitude for Ryan’s example and declaring that he is their best friend. Love these kids.

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