Mexico with the Johnsons

So excited to be back at our home-sweet-home in Puerto Vallarta. The kids were beyond excited to get their swimsuits on as quick as they could and meet up at the pool.

Love these three boys together again!

The Lazy River

The cousins love hanging out in the lazy river together. The sunshine feels so good in the middle of January!

Morning Beach Volleyball


Beach Volleyball became a daily morning ritual - thanks to Spencer - and the teens loved it!


Games by the Pool

Chris, Ryan and I played so many games hanging out by the pool - especially our new favorite, Azul Summer Pavion.

Playing at the Beach

The boys loved playing at the beach with Ryan. They made a big sand castle fort with beach wood and were so excited to show me the whole thing.

Mexico Sunsets


Resort Ping Pong Tournament

Several of the kids joined the resort ping pong tournament and played against adults. Matt made it to the finals and a crowd of fans - including adults he had just played - started cheering his name! Matt! Matt! Matt! It was so fun.

Matt ended up playing Spencer in the final match and Spencer won but it was so close! Way to go Matt! During the rest of our time at the resort people would come up to Matt and ask if he wanted to play them. And he always did.

Lots of reading and lots of drinks. Our favorite new drink this trip was a mango pina colada.

Matching Mexico Shirt Pictures

Johnson kids - our first year with both Ryan and Katie here together and of course Cassie’s first year. So happy to have my SEVEN together on this trip!

The Moons (with Emily standing in for Tyler), a silly pic of the Grahams and Grandma and Ashlyn and the boys.

Grandma and the Grankdids

The Big Johnson Family

We had a lot of fun taking family pictures this year. After a few basic group ones we started having a little fun with straight faces, laughing faces, silly faces and arms up. Then we decided to head to the side and I would yell for everyone to come running in with 10 seconds to get in place. It was fun!

Beach Pics


Ryan and Cassie - Married for 18 months

Sunset Dinner for 26, Please

This is the second trip that we’ve done this. So grateful for the staff who put this together so we could sit by the pool as the sun set. We were quite the sight in our matching shirts and several people had to comment on it. So glad to be here with everyone.

Poolside Games, Drinks and Fun

Lunch at La Ribera

Great food at the poolside restaurant. We liked the chips and guac and salsa and especially liked to make our own stirfry, which they offered every other day. So good!

Night Swim

Wouldn’t be a good trip for these kiddos if we didn’t have time for a night swim. The boys loved having a little more freedom this trip since they were a little older. They LOVE hanging out with their cousins, walking around, grabbing their own food and talking. It’s so fun.


Velas Vallarta

We’ve loved this resort. This is our third time here and it’s just the perfect place for us. Not too big, not too small. Great food and beautiful views! I really do hope we can make it back here again!

Morning Walk

Chris and I and the boys worked out together several mornings but today Chris and walked for a mile or two on the beach and it was just gorgeous. Love the peaceful mornings and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.


We staked our claim at the big pool every morning. It was fun to have more space all together with a better view of the ocean.

So great to have Ryan and Katie here together. Our first year here Ryan was on his mission and our second year here Katie was on her mission. This year Tyler is on his mission. It was fun to say hi to him when he FaceTimed the family on P-day!

More Beach Volleyball

Walking up the Beach

Since we really don’t leave the resort much, this is our one excursion together. Rob found out that they were going to release the baby turtles at 6:00pm so we gathered up and headed down the beach together.

The Turtle Sanctuary

We gathered around the benches at the Turtle Sanctuary and listened to the volunteers talk about how they help the endangered turtles to survive. They are just so cute!

Then they took us out to a line on the beach and gave us each a coconut shell and then a turtle for each person. They asked us to name our turtles and come up with a wish.

On their mark, we all let our turtles go at the same time and watched as they slowly made their way to the ocean.

It was so fun. We loved it!


Releasing the Baby Turtles

Releasing our own baby turtles as the sun set was one of the highlights of the trip. Everyone loved it! What a perfect way to spend our last night.

Mexico Towels

Granny J gave everyone these cute colorful Turkish beach towels to bring to Mexico and we ended up using them a ton. So cute!


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