Megan's High School Graduation

It was already hot and the stadium seats were already full when we got there at 7:30am. The field opened at 7:00am so we know for next time to get there on time. Katie, Emily, Luke and Matt found a seat together and Shelley, Chris and I squished in to the sunny and hot side of the field. The musical number was great and it was fun to hear the speakers and to cheer for Megan as she received her diploma and walked back to her seat on the field. Congrats Megan!!


Loved this big D that the graduates walked through after receiving their diploma. Go Dixie!

We wandered the fields so that Megan could get a couple of pictures with friends… Jordan, Chet, McCall and Taryn and then one with a few of the soccer girls all together.


We headed over to Pioneer Square to take pictures of Megan. Love this cute girl!


This Dad is going to miss his little girl. And I think this little girl is going to miss her Dad.


After pictures we ate lunch together at Benja Thai, which was Megan’s choice! Fun to have everyone here to celebrate together. While we were eating Ryan and Cassie FaceTimed. Fun to talk to them for a minute! Thanks for coming Granny J.


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