Friend Week at the Lodge


I spent the morning packing and cleaning while Matthew finished with one of his Utah Online Math tests. We got on the road about 11:30ish and I made it to my mom’s about 3:30 after dropping Luke and Matt off to help lay sod in Scott’s backyard. Mom and I worked for a bit in her basement, going through some things, decluttering and reorganizing. I think it was helpful. Emily and Megan came over and we ate leftover rice and stir-fry which I had brought with me. My mom and I went for a good walk around the neighborhood and then Katie came to hang out for a bit. At 9:00ish Megan, Luke, Matt and I headed up to the Lodge to unpack and settle in. Chris drove from Wyoming and met us there around 11:00. So good to be together again.


Luke and Matt opted to stay at the Lodge all day and toggled between working on their online Math assignments and playing a few Switch games.

Chris and I headed down to Provo to meet up with Dan and Sarah and kids, Scott and Elisha, Molly and Nate and my mom for lunch at Kneaders.

Annie is starting summer term at BYU and Dan and Sarah are dropping her off before heading to Florida for a week. It’s been fun to talk to Dan several times recently as they’ve been getting Annie all set up with things she’ll need for college. I’m so excited that Annie and Megan will room together in the fall!

Chris and I spent the rest of the day at the Utah Valley Parade of Homes. It was so fun to wander through beautiful expensive homes and get little ideas of things we wanted in our own home. Most of the homes were way more than what we will choose but it’s still fun to look at tile and cabinet colors and kitchens. We love looking at homes together. It was so fun. We ate dinner at a Thai Restaurant and then headed all the way to Mapleton for the last house - built by Adam and Marilee’s builders, which was beautiful.

Meanwhile the Theurers had Megan, Luke and Matt up to their cabin for dinner. So fun!


Katie, Maggie, Emily and Romney joined us up at the Lodge on Saturday night and joined us for breakfast and church at our cute Midway Ward. We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon. Maggie and Katie headed on a walk, Chris read, Luke worked on a math problem and Emily worked on her croqueting and then happily talked with Brynn on her mission in Australia for almost an hour.

We were happy to have the Jacksons and Theurers over for a salad bar dinner that evening. Fun to sit outside and talk for hours and then play some group games with the kids.


I got my hair done at Eliza’s place and had so much fun talking to her for a couple hours. Then I met Katie up at Fashion Place mall and we shopped with Maggie and Megan Jackson for a couple hours… Roolee, Athleta, Madewell and Albion. I bought Katie a dress and a few things from Madewell for her birthday, which was fun. Then we met Chris and the kids at dinner with Adam, Marilee, Annie and Avery. Fun to connect for a bit and then head over to the Saratoga Springs Temple Open House. A beautiful night to walk through the temple and enjoy being together outside. Love these people! - We missed Megan who was working as a counselor for BYU Sports Camps tonight.


We loved that the Theurers were at their Midway cabin at the same time as we were. We got to see them quite a few times this weekend and it was so fun. We spent Tuesday at the pool together. Megan and Jane came up. Megan and Romney joined us for a few hours during their BYU Sports Camp break and we got to chat with Audra and her little girl and new baby boy. So great.


Hanging out at the Lodge day… online math, games and a trip to the pool. Love being at the LODGE! That night the boys enjoyed hanging out at home and made pancakes for dinner. Chris and I headed down to try out a new restaurant - Aubergine - and enjoyed it. Then over to our favorite ice cream place - Handels - to get salted peanut butter cup. And then over to Costco to pick up food for Katie’s party. Love date night with Chris!


Golf Day for Chris! Adam’s brother in law, TJ organized a big Golfapalooza event where they rented out the whole golf course to try and golf as many holes as they could. Someone dropped out and Chris happily filled in. He was at the golf course at 5:30am and golfed until he met up with me at the Breinholts at 12:30. Then he headed back to golf for several hours with Adam until 7:30. A perfect day of golf with a total of 67 1/2 holes of golf!

We met at the Breinholt’s home at 12:30 ready for a full tour of their beautiful newly built house. It’s so gorgeous. So much fun hearing about the building process and their designer. While we were in the master closet then Brian whipped out a golf hat for Chris - a souvenir from a recent trip. We ate our Pizzeria Limone lunch out on the patio and the girls changed to enjoy the pool and go for a swim. It was such a fun several hours. Love these friends!

Thursday night we hosted a birthday party for Katie and her friends. Katie’s co-worker from HXP, Tanna, has a birthday close to the same time so they decided to join up and have a party together. It was so fun getting to know her - she’s awesome - and then so fun to talk to all of Katie’s roommates and friends including the newly engaged Abbey, Brian, Annie, Zoe from Colorado, Maggie and Romney and so many more. Owen came to hang out with Megan and brought Anders to hang out with Matt.

We set up the lights outside and had a big spread of food on the table downstairs. I think they enjoyed being outside playing ping pong and spikeball and chatting and playing games inside. Happy Birthday Kate.


Chris and I drove down to Mapleton to have lunch with Heidi and Mark Nelson and Megan G and Brooklyn. Fun to get caught up and reminisce about our Germany days. Brooklyn has her mission call to Lansing, Michigan. Chris is so happy for her!

I reserved Friday night for our Family Greece party! We watched Mama Mia 1 and Mama Mia 2 and ate greek food and talked all about our GREEK CRUISE and all of the excursions we have planned every day. It was a lot of fun!


We enjoyed a hike in close-by Wasatch National Park and then picked up some cinnamon rolls from the Midway Bakery on the way home. A great morning! Then we headed to the pool for a few hours. The Waltons are headed our way this evening!!

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