Welcome Home Weekend

Jetlag from Australia to St. George was good to us. We flew for 13 hours from morning to night and enjoyed movies, food and space to stretch out since our flight was only half full. We landed in LAX at 6:00am right when we were starting to feel tired. None us felt like sleeping on the plane but as soon as we Ubered to Susan and Bill’s house, visited and picked up our car and then got on the road the boys and I quickly went to sleep. In Vegas he dropped me off at Target to get some groceries while he and the boys ate some pizza and then back on the road. Chris did a great job driving. At home we unpacked, did five loads of laundry in record time (so glad to be back in the States) and then headed out to a couple of ‘Parade of Homes’ houses and then to Costco to do some grocery shopping. It was about this time when I started to feel like I might laugh and cry at the same time but we tried hard to stay up until 10:00 and then slept well through the night.

We had a meeting with Lori in the morning and went over Plumbing choices - which was fun. We enjoyed more of the St. George Parade of Homes and then headed home to Taylor and the girls here from Provo and helping with dinner. So good to have everyone home. We ate and then headed to the Red Cliffs Temple Open House where we met Taylor’s parents, siblings and grandparents. Wonderful people. So fun to get to know them. The temple was beautiful and Taylor and Katie were cute holding hands walking through the sealing rooms - which made Megan a little emotional. We took a few pictures afterwards and then headed to Handels for Ice Cream.


Saturday Dad, Megan and Matt played soccer and then Taylor, Katie, Em, Chris and I headed out to enjoy the Parade. Lots of fun houses with massive resort backyards and cool features. Fun to wander through together. We met up with good friends for lunch at Pizzeria Limone and it was so fun to catch up. That afternoon we played pickleball with Taylor’s family and it was so fun. Nancy and I sat at the side and talked for hours while everyone played. Later that night Taylor and Katie and Chris and I sat down to talk. Taylor started by saying… “I’m madly in love with Katie” and soon both Chris and I were in tears. So excited for these two and their adventures ahead. So grateful for what a good influence they are on each other and on the whole family. Love them both so much.


Chris headed off to WY on Sunday morning and the girls and I had great talks, listened to an Anthony Sweat podcast about the temple and headed to church where Megan was able to share her mission call news and testimony with the ward. She did such a great job and it was so fun to stand beside her after church as everyone wanted to say hi and congrats. So grateful for such a good ‘Welcome Home’ weekend. Glad to be back.

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