Mind Map

Coming home from a wonderful two months in New Zealand and Australia and back to normal life in St. George had my brain filled with so many thoughts -  and when it feels overwhelming it’s time to get all my swirling thoughts out of my brain and  down on paper.  Talking to my friend, Yvonne, recently I learned that the process of writing them out, talking them out or even walking and thinking through things is enough to pull them from the left side of the brain: the side associated with anxiety and depression, and into the right side of the brain: the processing, action side of the brain. Everything just feels more manageable when it’s talked through and written out.  I just found this ‘mind map’ in my desk drawer and thought it might be fun to jot all of these thoughts down as a way to journal.

CHRIS - date nights, develop our relationship, work on good communication, think of ways to connect with him when he’s in WY, schedule and plan things for just us

RYAN & CASSIE - think through when we can plan a trip out to visit them and see their new house! celebrate upcoming birthdays and think of presents, how can we help and support with their struggles

KATIE & TAYLOR - upcoming engagement, picking a wedding date, Katie’s birthday, bridal showers, a fun girls trip with her roommates and moms, all things wedding! more talking on the phone

EMILY - thinking through grad schools and applications, Brynn coming home and finding an apartment together, spent lots of time together - trips down to St.. George with her friends

MEGAN - Mission shopping: dresses and clothes, temple prep: read and discuss Anthony Sweat books with her, listen to podcasts, celebrate her birthday, go through the temple - when/where?, move her out of her Provo apartment, pack for a mission, make her farewell meaningful

LUKE - driving hours, figure out and complete drivers course and call about drivers hours, lead him in finding a job, talk to the counselor for plans for next year: maybe one day at home - one day at school, figure out a good routine for March - May for the end of full-time online school, try to figure out ways to improve the boys relationship, encourage scripture reading

MATT - celebrate birthday, get him set up for his driving permit test, talk to the counselor for plans for next year: maybe one day at home - one day at school, figure out a good routine for March - May for the end of full-time online school, try to figure out ways to improve the boys relationship, golf program for the summer, possible track and field?

GATHERINGS - easter and easter baskets, BYU graduation and parties for Katie and Taylor, Easter Palm Sunday gathering? trip to the Lodge? meet up with friends

WALTON FAMILY - call and check on my mom more frequently, and talk to my siblings more, Annie temple and farewell? figure out a Walton gathering for the summer - June? Wedding?

HEALTH -FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO FOR MY BACK! slowly start exercises, physical therapy? hormone testing? make an dr’s appointment, get a referrral for GYN for pap smear and IUD, EXERCISE, take my supplements, eat better food, take care of my hair and skin

SPIRITUAL - Read the Book of Mormon everyday, temple prep with Megan, study with Inklings every week, Podcasts, meditate/pray every morning, figure out how to put my phone away more, reach out to Ali and Megan and serve my friend Jessica who is pregnant., have the boys continue to do baptisms at the temple

HOUSE - work on choices for the new house, think through ideas for pool/landscaping, take pictures of the process,

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