December Day by Day - Part 2

Monday, December 16th

P-Day for Megan in NYC! Fun to talk to her.

I blew up balloons, set out a sign and strung a big CONGRATS in balloons above the island. Chris was so excited for Emily to see it he practically gave it away by yelling at me that she was coming downstairs. I think she was surprised and got just a little emotional. So proud of her to have graduated and done so well in her classes. She’s working on essays for GRAD SCHOOL now and we’ve all been helping.

Emily took Luke and Matt shopping to Target to help them find things to give to Kamry and Kylee. The night before they had gone into her room and asked for ideas. So grateful for her showing interest and going with them. She’s the best.

Dad worked all day from home and frequently went out to the work out room to watch the progress on the gym assembly. He hired a guy from Las Vegas to come up and put it all together — which took ALL DAY. He’s SOOOO EXCITED to have it ready to go!

We went out to dinner at BENJA’s to celebrate Emily’s Graduation. Fun to pepper her with questions all about her college years, favorite teachers and classes.

Home to wrap presents while watching WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING. Such a good one!

12 Days of Christmas

Ryan outdid himself this year and did the 12 days of Christmas for Cassie. On the first day, December 14th, Cassie sent a picture and a text to Chris and I and said… “Just wanted to let y’all know you raised your son right!! (Not that you didn’t already know that) He started the 12 days of Christmas for me today!”

On the THIRD DAY of CHRISTMAS Ryan gave Cassie three Instagram Stories — and then continued with three more everyday until Christmas! It was so cute I had to add them here!

The whole 12 Days of Christmas was quite the production! So cute to see what was next every day and follow along on Instagram. Nice job, Ryan!

Tuesday, December 17th

The boys and Kamry headed off to spread some Christmas Cheer at the Kolob Care and Rehab for combined YM/YW tonight. When they came back Kylee came over and they hung out together for awhile and then discovered the CHRISTMAS POSSUM lying on the front door with a note. Someone in Matt’s friend group had started it and you had to take a picture with the possum and then get it from friend to friend [crossing your own name out on the list] without being caught. His friend group is the best.


Wednesday, December 18th

We woke up early. Chris started working and then dashed over to the DMV to register his car. I ran around straightening the house and cleaning the outside windows and then KATIE and TAYLOR drove up at 10:00am. So excited to have them here! Taylor went straight to work and Katie and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and then did a arm/back workout in the workout room. We ate parmesan crusted almond flour quesadillas for lunch and Mongolian Beef for dinner with some house to do’s in the middle.

Geneva and Jared sent down a Christmas/Housewarming present — the cutest green giant Minky Blanket. Love it! They are the BEST.


Thursday, December 19th

Chris and Taylor worked from home today. Katie and I worked out using a great app she’s been using lately.

GIRLS DAY!! Katie, Emily and I did some shopping and then met the boys for lunch at AUBERGINE and then dashed off to Zion’s Massage College for amazing MASSAGES! It was so fun and mine felt so good that I went right in and booked with the same gal for January.

For dinner we enjoyed Costco soups and homemade pear feta cheese salad. We played a game of SEVEN WONDERS, and finished watching THE HOLIDAY in the theater room. LOVE that movie!! (Next year we need to do a Christmas fettuccini night!). We enjoyed the hot tub and then Taylor read us all a Christmas story in front of the tree. Fun day! The holiday partying has started. We can’t wait for Ryan and Cassie to join us on Saturday night!

Friday, December 20th

Cassie’s cute parents, came home from their mission in the Phillipines TODAY and Ryan and Cassie were there to pick them up at the airport. What an exciting day for the BEAN family. It’s been so fun to follow along on their journey this last year as I’ve read their weekly emails.

Saturday, December 21st

So excited that our gym is almost done! Just waiting for the sauna to be delivered the day after Christmas!! We love this set up! Fun to have the work out room filled with family this morning!

Snowmen pancakes for Katie and Matt.

Family North Pole puzzle.


Christmas Movie in the theater room.

Wrapping Presents.

All the things.

Sunday, December 22nd

Ryan and Cassie got in late Saturday night. Dad drove down to pick them up from the Las Vegas airport at 2:00am and then didn’t get back until 4:45am! CRAZY.

Still, Ryan was the first one awake and dressed and so excited to see everyone in the morning — with matching socks ready for all the guys!

We had a great Christmas Centered Christmas discussion about MARY and THE ANGEL. So great listening to all these wise married kids talking about pondering and their favorite Christmas hymn lyrics. So great.

M A R Y - R E M I N D S   U S   T O   P O N D E R

We need to find a moment to ponder the events of that sacred night in Bethlehem.  In that moment we celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth, and the gift that Heaven gave.

Christmas Hymn… Silent Night. #204        A Story to Tell... Luke 1:26-56 and Luke 2:5-7

C H A P T E R   N O T E S  from A Christ-Centered Christmas by Emily Belle Freeman

“There are no words to adequately describe a mother’s heart at Christmas, nor the thoughts that are pondered within.  As the season approaches there are so many meaningful details that must be taken care of and arrangements to be made.  Part of the holiday preparation includes pondering moments — every mother wants every part of Christmas to be just right.  We agonize over the perfect gifts: we contemplate how to create lasting memories; and we long for meaningful celebrations.”

Mary was a remarkable woman who magnified the Lord and who rejoiced in her knowledge of the Savior.  She recognized the tender mercies and the great things that filled her life.  She knew God’s strength and His holiness.  She testified of the good things that come from devotion to Him.

After the events of the evening of Christ’ birth had died down and the parade of visitors had left the stable, “Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) Mary spent the first Christmas doing what every mother does – she pondered.

Surely she must have reflected, just like all new mothers do, on the baby’s tiny fingers and wrinkled newborn feet.  Her thoughts were probably caught up in the wonder of the recent delivery and the miracle of birth. Somewhere there must have been gratitude for the blessing of finally finding a quiet place to deliver the Son of God, even if that setting was rustic and simple.  Perhaps she thought of her overwhelming love for a loyal husband who had stood by her through so much.And as humble strangers sent by angels filled that rustic stable, did she long for the familiarity of family and friends who normally would have been there to support and sustain her?

I imagine Mary’s heart was full to almost bursting on that night.  Thoughts of wonder, contentment, and gratitude must have warmed her heart – celebration for the moment, anticipation for what lay ahead.  The blessing.  The burden.  The responsibility.  The gift.   As she sat surrounded by heaven’s hosts, humble strangers, a devoted husband, and the shelter of unexpected circumstance, I wonder if Isaiah’s prophecy filled her heart: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given… and his name shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELLOR, THE MIGHTY GOD.  THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. (Isaiah 9:6)

In my mind’s eye, I can see Mary.  Her head is turned to one side, and I can see her smile.  Her eyes sparkle, and I see the baby nestled within her arms – cherished, protected, content.  Amid the comings and goings of that first Christmas, I wonder if Mary felt a sense of peace and assurance in her heart: happy memories of what had already taken place, hope for good things that would come.  

She could not know that her son would one day…

  • teach profound lessons from the scriptures to multitudes of people

  • that men would leave behind their livelihood to follow Him

  • that His hands would be the means of healing the sick, raising the dead, calming the sea.

  • nor could she know that one of His closest friends would betray Him; that those who once honored Him would crucify Him

  • that above all else He would choose to follow His Father’s will.  

  • she could not visualize the crown of thorns on His head, the nails in His hands, the cross that He would bear. 

  • she could not foresee the feelings that would enter her heart in the moment when the tomb was found empty or when the disciples she revered would testify boldly, “He Lives”

In the stillness of that evening as she watched over her sleeping, swaddled son, she little knew the extent of what was to happen within the next thirty-three years.  Mary knew only what she felt in her heart.

When I think of Mary, I think of her heart. That thought has led to a Christmas tradition that focuses on the importance of heartfelt pondering.  It is a tradition that allows me to set aside my reflections over the details, the arrangements, and the planning of the holiday, and spend an evening just like Mary did, pondering the night of Christ’s birth. 

T H E A N G E L - R E M I N D S   U S   T O   S H A R E   T H E   J O Y

The angel embodies a heart that runneth over with the good tidings and great joy of the season.  A reminder that the anticipation of good things to come should fill our hearts with warmth overflowing.

Christmas Hymns… All of them!     A Story to Tell... Luke 2:9-14

Listen to or sing your favorite Christmas carols or look them up in the Hymn book — jot down your favorite phrases!  There’s SO MANY! It was fun to take a minute to listen to beautiful music and search through hymn books for our favorite phrases. At the end I pulled up old Christ Centered Christmas packets from when the kids were young and Ryan was happy to see that some of his favorite song lyrics were the same!


Our Ward Christmas Program

Our Ward Christmas Program was wonderful. I loved that we took up a full pew… everything there but Megan. We have some talented musicians in the ward and everything was beautiful.

  • I loved the song: “Mary, Did you Know?’ — specifically the line that says… ‘the baby you delivered will soon deliver you’.

  • Also loved WHEN WE SEEK HIM — It’s the cutest primary song — so good! …’he doesn’t ask us to journey so far, because he will be with us wherever we are’.

  • And of course I always love a good impromptu choir: ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH — Katie, Emily, Cassie and Taylor went up to sing. So powerful. I just cried.

After church we had chips and salsa, played games and then Katie and Taylor made us a delicious dinner.

Then we gathered in the living room for Dad’s special activity. CHRISTMAS THEMED FAMILY FEUD with Target giftcard prizes. He divided us into two teams and we took turns going up to the front to see if we could answer the question first and then run back to our team to think up more answers for each Christmas question. It was really fun and I think Dad liked putting it together.

Monday, December 23rd - Christmas Adam

Family workout time first thing in the morning. So fun to be in here together!

After protein shakes/breakfast we got ready and headed to HOME GOODS for our silly gift-giving adventure. Each of us pulled a name of someone in the group to pick a present for and then out of another bag - two adjectives to help in our gift search. …turquoise, glittery, smooth, long, red, whimsical, natural, animalish… we split up and wandered the isles looking for the perfect gift for that person using our given adjectives. It was funny and hard and silly. Then we met up in the back of the store and presented our gifts — always ending in a funny handshake. It was a good time!


Then off to SEVEN BROTHERS for burgers, loaded fries and drinks. We sat outside in the sun and it was perfect.

Gingerbread Houses and Crepes


What we thought would be a quick hour activity turned into an all afternoon experience — all because of a possible $10 TARGET GIFTCARD awarded for the most creative house!

I laid out the giant charcuterie of candy and gave everyone a mini house from which to start.

These kids really are creative. It was so fun to watch them all go to work.

Dad tried for a byu stadium. I did the most classic gingerbread house I could think of.

Ryan build a gingerbread street. Cassie’s was an adorable gingerbread tree house with a rope swing.

Katie build the Emerald City with the yellow brick road and it was truly amazing! Taylor build a house complete with mechanism to swirl like it was in a tornado and landed on the wicked witch of the west. You can tell we have WICKED (Part 1 movie) in our heads these days.

Emily build the most impressive UP gingerbread house with candy balloons.

The boys both went with a little darker theme. Luke’s is an apocalyptic zombie gingerbread house and Matt’s was old ruins and a spooky graveyard.

We paused and ate savory crepes and then crepes with berries and cream. It’s a Christmas Adam tradition!

Tuesday, December 24th - Christmas Eve

Swig Run and boxes of candy for our Christmas Eve movie in the theater room - THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER. We LOVED it! It’s now one of my top favorite Christmas movies!

As dinner finished cooking we gathered in the living room for our Christmas Eve Devotional. Chris had asked everyone to prepare something to share.

  • Matt talked about the names of Christ. THE DOOR. THE ADVOCATE and shared a quote from President Nelson

  • Luke talked about the Book of Mormon and how he finished reading Moroni and then shared a cool video.

  • Emily talked about Stoicism and the virtues of wisdom, temperature, patience and justice

  • Katie talked about the gift of Christ and the gift of PEACE

  • Taylor talked about angels and spiritual promptings that may come from angels. He read Moroni 7:22 and shared a quote from Pres Holland.

  • Cassie shared a cool personal experience about angels and then talked about Sister Runia’s quote: “if He is anyones, He is yours” and how this is the true meaning of Christmas.

  • Ryan talked about the Book of Mormon as well and to celebrate everyday that HE lives. He referred to ‘the Living Witness of A Living Christ’ - Causse.

  • Dad and I had an opportunity to share some thoughts as well. It was a great night.

Jesus was born for the Herdmans as much as he was for us. We’d be missing the whole point of the story it we turn them away.
— Grace Bradley

We had a nice Christmas Eve Dinner — roast, potatoes, gravy, creamed corn, sweet potato casserole, pretzel jello, martinelli’s. I don’t think we got a picture but it was delicious and fun to be together. I took a Mom nap after dinner while everyone jumped in the hot tub to chat about favorite Christmas movies. haha! Felt so good!!

Then Christmas Eve stocking pics, which are getting more and more elaborate every year. haha. The kids pulled all their mattresses into the loft so they could sleep together on Christmas Eve. Dad and I went upstairs to get them excited just as they were settling down. Tradition.

Just a good reminder from Brooke Romney as I headed to bed…

Wednesday, December 25th - Christmas Day

Our Christmas was just wonderful — especially our hour to chat with Sister Megan Johnson and exchange presents with her. More pics on the Christmas Morning post.

Megan’s Package

Hey family! Merry Christmas! Chris, Lisa, Ryan, cassie, Katie, Taylor, Emily, Luke and Matthew! I love you guys. I had high hopes and dreams for this christmas package I was sending home but i just started too late and things just didn’t work out so at the end of the day, all i have is this letter. you know me and my letters. sorry for my lack of planning. I hope this will do the job.

I want to start by sharing some of the best christmas memories. I believe wholeheartedly that we do christmas best (with the beans and woods in second place). thanks to our hype parents and chris’ love for this holiday, we have had the best times. These are so random, I hope you enjoy.

  1. the harry styles cardboard cut out and how we would put all the new clothes on him

  2. thinking we were getting a trampoline when we got the trip to europe

  3. dad making christmas breakfast in his byu shorts

  4. saying “for mexico!” after opening every present that one year

  5. ryan immediately putting his new shirts on

  6. matthew being so excited for everyone else and giving them a hug when it wasn’t from him

  7. saying “Christmas ain’t Christmas till somebody cries” every single time someone cries - which is a lot!

  8. watching moana in ryan’s room on christmas eve

  9. switching ryan and katie’s presents accidently

  10. chris always tricking lisa and getting her something she didn’t think she was getting

  11. “go to bed, go go to bed!”

  12. so many pranks and laughs and tears and hugs

I could really go on and on but I should stop now before I cry. Have so much fun making new inside jokes this year! I will miss you guys this year but i am so excited to be a missionary over christmas in nyc. It’s such a blessing to be able to focus fully on jesus christ. I know He is the reason for the season. You are all such good examples of Christ’s attributes to me so I wanted to share a christlike attribute from preach my gospel that each of you have.


(D&C 88:118) Dad, I love how you seek knowledge, especially spiritually. You study the scriptures and words from prophets and apostles and are always able to answer gospel questions and have such good insights! I so appreciate your wise counsel and example of knowledge in my life.

LISA - C H A R I T Y and L O V E

(Moroni 7:45-48) Mom, you are filled with charity and love. You listen, you are quick to forgive and you always serve others. I know charity leads to action and I hope I can act on love as well as you do. Thanks for loving me hard.


(John 7:17) Ry you have always been the best example of obedience. You always choose the right no matter what. I look up to you and the high standards you set for yourself and the people around you. You make each of us better.


(Moroni 7:41) You are a really good example of hope to me. No matter the circumstance, your faith in jesus christ is grounded and you expect good things to come. You are always so fun and happy to be around. I miss you!


(Ether 12:6) Katie, your faith in jesus christ is one of the reasons I am out here. You exercise your faith by studying the sciptures and general conference talks. Thank you for sending me all that content to build my faith as well and thanks for your example of confident faith — my queen.


(Moroni 9:6) Tay! You are a very diligent guy. You are consistently putting in effort and finding so much joy from it. Thanks for showing me to continue to do good even when it’s hard. I love your advice and experiences from your mission!


(D&C 124:15) You are such a good example of integrity to me. You do not lower your standards or change yourself for anyone. You are honest with yourself and others always. I have so much respect for you and I trust you so hard for this. Thanks for teaching me to have more integrity.


(2 Ne 28:30) Lukes! You have patience with others around your. Even when things are hard you always try again and are patient with yourself. You are quick to forgive others every single time. You are always working, helping and exercising your faith. Thanks for your example kid.


(D&C 25:2) You are such a good example of virtue. You strive to be clean through your thoughts and actions. You are so good and wholesome. Your testimony is strong because of your desire to live virtuously. Thanks for always standing up for who you are and what you believe.

Ok Fam. I love you all so much. Each of you have strengthened my testimony of jesus christ. thanks for your love and support! Merry Christmas!

Love Sister Johnson

Thursday, December 26th - Boxing Day

We had a fun day with workouts in the gym, a pickleball tournament (won by Matt and I!) and then a cold plunge in the pool. We stayed in the cold water for 60 seconds and then hopped in the hottub which felt so good!

Grandma and Brian arrived at 2:00 for their quick 48 hour trip. We played board games, did some more cleaning around the house and a house tour to Brian. Ryan and Cassie made dinner tonight and it was delicious. Sausage tortellini soup and cheese rolls. Thanks guys!!

Nikole, John, Tyler, Kayla, Bode and Kayla’s friend came over after dinner and we opened their presents to us (they spoiled us!!) and then played epic games of NERTZ. Then we finished our intense airport movie in the theater room called CARRY ON. We enjoyed it.

Friday, December 27th

  1. Grateful for Ryan and his enthusiasm for spreadsheets and pulling everyone together for games.

  2. Grateful for Cassie and her smile and cheery disposition - especially when we pulled into Zupa’s for her favorite lunch.

  3. Grateful for Taylor and his mango cutting skills and help in the kitchen. (Yummy deluxe tacos for dinner!)

  4. Grateful for Katie and her suggestion we book appointments at the temple today. Sure appreciate her way of connecting with everyone.

  5. Grateful for Emily and her willingness to participate in every activity, game and movie and be excited about it.

  6. Grateful for Luke and his passion and ‘chill guy’ humor.

  7. Grateful for Matt and his desire to spend meaningful time with all his siblings.

  8. Grateful for Chris and his enthusiasm for ALL THINGS CHRISTMAS and FAMILY.

We worked out, went to do a session at the Red Cliffs Temple, went to Zupa’s for lunch, played ARK NOVA (Chris, Ryan, Emily and Matt), ate a big taco dinner.

Grandma Johnson came over and we opened her Christmas presents as well as played a fun game to win candy and cash. She’s the best for coming up with fun and quirky gifts and memories!! Then we watched Beast Games in the theater room. Fun day. Glad to have Grandma and Brian with us too!

Saturday, December 28th - Emily’s Birthday

We gave Emily a Bilie Eilish record, some pots from Costco, six cute movie posters for her dorm wall and pitched into a MacLaren F1 Racing Sweatshirt - also from Katie and Taylor. She got money from Granny J, utensils from Grandma Walton, a cute Eeyore keychain from Megan, a Hunger Games book from Ryan and Cassie and a few coupons for drinks and outings from the boys. Happy Birthday, Emily! We love you!


We decided to do our NEW YEARS JAR on Emily’s birthday while we were all together: we read for 10 minutes, had a SWIG RUN, watched Ryan’s entertainment presentations, performed IT’S RAINING MEN on Just Dance, Watched Studio C’s ‘You should get some rest, you look tired”, raced down the street, took a personality test, played Mario Chase, emailed Megan, had a dance party to Taylor Swift’s 22, opened Emily’s presents and ended with 2024 MONTHLY RECAP POSTERS - which was so fun.

Sunday, December 29th

T H E W I S E M E N - R E M I N D   U S   T O   J O U R N E Y   A N O T H E R   W A Y 

The Wise Men exemplify the journey each of us takes as we seek the Lord.  They remind us that as we draw closer to Him, we will be led to continue our journey another way.

Christmas Hymn… With Wondering Awe  #210     A Story to Tell... Matthew 2:1-12

What does it mean to journey another way? Only the wisest are inclined to journey another way – a way that will protect their belief in Christ.  The Wise Men remind us of our search to know the Lord, and how sometimes we have to journey another way to come closer to Him.  Just like the Wise Men, the journey may not be what we had originally planned: rather it is what we feel inspired to do.  Try to find a way to do things differently.  Make a change in your habits that will bring you closer to Him. Draw close to our Savior so that you will have the Spirit with you always.

Goals for the New Year to J O U R N E Y   A N O T H E R   W A Y :

  1. _________________________________________________________

  2. _________________________________________________________

  3. _________________________________________________________

We started our Sunday with a short WISE MEN devotional and encouragement to set goals for the new year. Dad also presented the final few target giftcard awards for people who remained off their phone most this last week, people who helped out and gave me a tearful shoutout for everything I do for the family — which was so thoughtful.

I got a calling today! I’ll be a YW specialist — working with the oldest group of YW. I’m so excited!! The other leaders serving there are really great — it’s going to be so good!

Ryan and Cassie took a shuttle from St. George to Las Vegas and flew back to Tulsa just as we were headed to church. After a quick dinner Emily and Matt took off for Provo and ended up spending time at my mom’s house with Silva’s and Waltons playing Scattergories. Emily suggested that he drive up with her and Matt LOVED the idea. Glad they could spend time just the two of them. When Emily arrived home at her apartment she walked in to find birthday presents and balloons from Brynn and Romney. They’re the best.

I drove Dad to the airport and when I got home Taylor and Katie had the whole kitchen cleaned and ready for a Kitchen Photo Shoot — which was so much fun. After an hour of editing then we relaxed in the theater room and watched TWISTERS.

Monday, December 30th - Chris and Lisa’s 29th Anniversary

It was a rough first half of the day and I’m not sure why.  I knew that all I needed to do was laundry and packing and wrap Mike and Carly’s present and exercise and call the Delivery guys about my table and text the Electrician and put a bill in the mail, and schedule the blinds guys to come next week, and help Luke answer Alix to Preference and pick up Emily’s movie posters for her birthday and drive to Provo – but those 20 things all took longer than I thought and soon my heart was beating and I started feeling anxious about the whole day.  My head tried to speak logic to my heart but it wouldn’t listen.  Megan called and said, “Mom, you’ve got this.  Just make a list and circle the most important thing and do that and nothing else for 5 minutes and get it done.”  Well, that was perfect advice, where on earth did you learn that from?  Oh, from me!   

Katie and Taylor packed up their things, washed and made their bed and even cleaned their bathroom and vacuumed – which was so helpful.  When Luke came home from the store with Mt. Dew’s and poster board Katie jumped in to help and the two of them produced a pretty epic poster.  What a lifesaver.  At 1:00 Luke and I headed out to drop off his answer, pick up some much needed SWIG, pick up the movie posters from Walgreens and then get on the road to Provo – just the two of us.  When I started driving I noticed my favorite song playing, and then my second favorite and then my third.  Luke had queued the playlist with my top ten favorites.  Thanks Luke.  Just what I needed.  

After the errands were done, Luke drove for the first two hours which gave me time to text, read missionary emails, and talk to Megan for a full hour - just the two of us - which was magic.  I’m so much more a phone call girl rather than a FaceTimer.  It just works better and that was definitely the case today.  Love my Megan girl.  

I drove the last two hours and we arrived at Brian’s house as everyone was finishing dinner.  So fun to see Amy and Chris, watch the Silva’s open their ‘party planning’ present from Brian, hear about Scott and Elisha’s trip to Hawaii, walk around and see Brian’s house with furniture and then play games of Double Ditto and Greed as we laughed and talked.  It’s going to be a great couple of days.  It’s going to feel great to relax, sleep in and not host (even though I love hosting!)

Happy Anniversary to my best friend – who’s working hard up in WY this week.  So grateful for everything he does for me and our family.  It’s been the best  29 years ever!

Tuesday, December 31st - New Year’s Eve

I slept wonderfully.  My bath convinced my legs to settle down, I feel asleep quickly and slept in until 8:15am when I could hear grandma and hector wandering around upstairs.  Mom and I did some weights, quickly got ready and headed to Sun River to meet Amy, Carly, Brian and Katie.  Most of us found some 50% off Christmas tree decorations for next year, took a picture or two with full bags and then headed to Target where we headed straight for the bedding section and picked out baskets full of bedding and pillows to try on Mom’s bed at home.  Amy and Chris, Mike and Carly and Chris and I went in together to purchase bedding for Mom for Christmas. I think we found a combination of things that look so cute and updated.

After lunch and a quick nap, Luke and I and Brian headed to Kohl’s to do a few returns.  I was anxious to become an excited new Kohl's shopper because of the great deals I found before Christmas but today I walked around and couldn't find anything.

Emily finished work and picked up Luke so they could go RACING to fulfill Emily’s Christmas present to Luke – He loved it.  

I met Mom at Called to Surf and bought a new oversized sweater and t-shirt.  Such a cute store!

I ran and got myself a SWIG and made it there just before it closed.  Hallelujah. Loving my new Swig candy cane swig mug.  Darling.

On my way over to Scott’s house I ran by Mike’s house and saw his little girls new crafting room (SO CUTE!) and delivered our Christmas presents to them.  Emily and Luke were there with me to witness the girls opening up their Bluey activity books and Tic Tacs.  They were so excited.  I explained that I had never seen an episode of Bluey and they queued up their favorite episodes and we snuggled up on the couch to watch a few - so fun!

Now we’re home and it’s 1:57am.  But since ‘writing in my journal’ (and later blogging/editing) is on my list of 21HARD goals I’m jotting down a few notes before I fall asleep – which will be so fast.  Love my family.  Miss my husband. Looking forward to a great new year!

Hanging out at Scott’s house for New Year’s Eve was great.  Good food, visiting and games.  We played another new group game called Poetry of Neanderthals where we all had to make people guess the two word phrase but couldn't use any words with two syllables.  It was hysterical and made us all sound like cavemen.  We laughed a lot. 

At just before midnight we paused our two games of QUACKS, gathered in the family room and let the confetti and streamers fly as we counted down to HAPPY NEW YEAR!  The kids loved it - except for Sam, who had been asking to go to bed and then after the countdown remarked… ‘This is all we stayed up for?’ … and Mara who couldn’t get her streamer to pop right and then was sad that she didn’t grab any streamer remains to save as a memento of the evening.  Luckily Sam got to go to sleep and we picked out streamers from the garbage for Mara and all was well.  Brian took the best photo of the night.  

A few more pictures of things throughout the first few days of January… dinner and games at Mike and Carly’s house, lunch, games and hiking up the canyon by mom’s house, dinner out with just the adults to a fun burger place and then back to Scott’s house to watch Beast Games. I got my hair done and so much fun talking with Elisa and Emily and then a fun Target shopping trip with Luke. On Friday back to St. George in time to pick up Dad from the airport. : ) Fun Week

Lisa JohnsonComment