Ryan - Preschool

Ryan’s Preschool Profile - Teacher Ms. Andrea - April 15, 2003

Physical: Fine Motor Skills

Strengths - Using stencils, lacing, cutting with scissors, and copying vocabulary words from cards.

Physical: Gross Motor Skills

Ryan demonstrates muscle skills - tumbling, walking on the balance beam, and peddling his bike with ease in any direction (Ryan does lean back when he goes over the small hill).

Self Help Skills

Ryan demonstrates good self-help skills - hanging up his jacket, putting on / taking off his own jacket, playing by himself, and pouring/preparing his own snack.

Language: Expressive (talking)

Engage in group discussion, recite the alphabet, express needs, and say his own name.

Language: Receptive Language (listening/understanding)

Follows 3+ step directions, recall details from a story, and follow and carry through with classroom rules.

Music/Art Skills

Ryan shows interest in creative art (if asked), He does enjoy drawing various pictures (on his own). Ryan shows small amount of interest with music, he however does sing with he group at snack time.

Social Skills and Play Skills

Ryan recognizes others name and demonstrates respect for others, self, and others belongings. Ryan is working on enhancing his social skills - to play with children more.

Emotional Skills

Ryan is a quiet child who does not express his feelings often.

Pre-academic Skills

Demonstration of shcool readiness… writing his first and last name, some pre-math skills, identifying and naming colors, and reciting alphabet.

Future Goals

*Social skills - enhancing and fostering his social/play skills. Ryan tends to play parallel more than with others.

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