Luke's Elimination Diet

Elimination Phase

The elimination diet that Luke is starting is more comprehensive than just removing gluten. There are also a few other foods that he showed low levels of reactivity to, so we need to eliminate all of these potentially contributing foods from his diet for a period of time. We were told 30 days by the first specialist we saw, but his neurofeedback doctors think it should be for 45 days. We are already making some changes to the way the family is eating for about the next 6-7 weeks, so that is the same time frame we will use for the first phase of Luke’s elimination diet. He will be circling June 3rd on the calendar.

Reintroduction Phase

Beginning on June 3rd, we will slowly start to reintroduce foods that are on the suspect list. We will introduce a new food for 2 weeks and pay close attention to how it affects him. We will then determine with Luke whether that food should be back on the elimination list or if he is okay to continue eating that particular food. After another week or two, we can then reintroduce another food on the suspect list and continue on in the same pattern until we have made a decision about all of the suspect foods.

Luke’s list of foods to eat and foods to avoid

I have already messed this up a couple of times. Peanuts, and therefore peanut butter, are on the suspect list. But on Saturday while shuttling kids to the 5 soccer games, the pinewood derby, and Luke’s all day scout fundraiser; I accidentally brought him a peanut butter and jam sandwich, forgetting to use his almond butter. Oops. That prompted me to create this post to formalize the list of foods he will be eating and not eating between now and June 8th. This will incorporate the gluten free foods to eat, the gluten containing foods we need to avoid, and the foods on his temporary elimination list.

What can Luke eat between now and June 3rd?

  • Unprocessed foods including fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and fresh meat.

  • Eggs

  • “Certified” gluten free products such as bread. Be careful of too much added sugar or other processing.

  • Almond milk

  • Beans, legumes, and nuts

  • Rice and starches

Gluten containing foods Luke definitely needs to avoid.

  • Learn to read the labels avoiding all wheat, barley, rye, flour, triticum (technical name for wheat), hordeum (technical name for barley), and spelt (a type of wheat).

  • Other terms that almost always mean “gluten” include malt and pasta.

  • Terms that may mean “gluten” include vegetable protein, dextrin, and maltodextrin.

  • Be careful of spices and glazes on hams and other meats.

Food on the suspect list.

  • Dairy - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, frozen yogurt, butter,

  • Peanuts and peanut butter

  • Corn and creamed vegetables

  • Margarine, processed oils, salad dressings, mayonnaise, spreads

  • Caffeinated beverages

  • Refined sugar, white/brown sugars, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane juice

  • Ketchup, relish, chutney, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, other condiments

  • Soybean products

  • Black pepper, Cayenne pepper, pistachios, Garbonzo, Lobster, Shrimp

Foods we will try to reintroduce to Luke’s diet

That suspect list sounds like a lot, but most of them are already on our list of elimination foods for overall health reasons. The foods we hope to successfully re-introduce to Luke’s diet after June 3rd include:

  • Dairy products - this can be done all at once, each item doesn’t need to be tested individually

  • Peanuts and peanut butter

  • Black pepper

  • Lobster and shrimp