Burg Eltz with Mike
Tuesday, once the kids were off on the bus, Mike, Luke, Matt and I took off for Burg Eltz… a castle about 2 hours north of us. From the parking lot we started hiking down until we got to our first view of the castle.
And then we took a break. You need lots of breaks when exploring with these little guys.
I love this castle. It’s been kept up well. I love the arches and the steep roofs and the red window frames, half timbered wood and accents. It has a neat inner courtyard that’s small and cozy. We waited about 15 minutes for the English tour to start and enjoyed roaming through the rooms and climbing the windy staircases to get to the next area. They showed us 14 or so of the 80 rooms. I always want to see more. Love the stairs up to the bed, the ‘master’ bathrooms right off the rooms, the kitchen with the hanging baskets to keep food out of reach, the fold out chapel in the bedroom and the intricate décor of the dining room – or where the three lines of ELTZ families who lived there worked out the details of close quarters living. Wish we could rent it out for a family reunion.