Exploring Heidelberg with Mike and Brian

Brian’s here!  Wednesday morning after the kids were off to school Mike, Luke, Matt and I drove up to the Frankfurt Airport again to pick up Brian who was flying in from Vancouver.  I hadn’t seen Brian since the Christmas before he left on his mission.  3 years and 9 months to be exact.  CRAZY.  We’d been skyping since he returned home from his mission but we hadn’t visited the states and he couldn’t fly here until now.  So exciting to see him again.  We wasted no time starting his ‘European Vacation’.  We headed straight up to the Monastery Ruins opposite the Heidelberg Castle and got playing.  Of course Mike couldn’t help climbing up the side.  Three Germans asked him if he needed help thinking they’d help pull him up from the top.   We laughed. 


A view of the Heidelberg Castle from the Ruins…


The Hitler Amphitheater…


The Monastery Ruins at the top of the Hill…  Mike and Brian were enjoying wandering around and taking pictures – Luke was good but Matthew wouldn’t do anything without wanting to be carried.  Rascal.    It was perfect weather again –  and we could have stayed longer but there was a ton more of Heidelberg we needed to see.


When Chris got off work he met us downtown and we headed out for dinner.  For some reason I have no photos of the night so I borrowed a couple off Brian’s facebook…  Thanks, Brian.  We looked over Heidelberg from the bridge and then walked to one of our favorite restaurants, Dorfshank.  Chris flipped a page of the all-German handwritten menu and accidentally ordered the wrong steak… but our meal was still good.  Love those German salads and friend potatoes.


After dinner we walked up onto the bridge and stayed there a while with Mike taking night shots of all of us racing into the picture to draw stick figures of ourselves with his lit phone.  We couldn’t ever quite get all of us in before the time ran out but it sure was fun.