Church and Prague Old Town

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It took us awhile to find the church in Prague.  We’re used to really having to search for the building and now we look for office buildings and places that aren’t quite so ‘American looking’ but the address threw us off and the GPS had us on the right street but quite a distance away.  When we finally got there we were a little late and the last ones to pull in to the parking lot.  I really should have taken a picture of the parking lot itself.  It looked like it could fit about 8 cars, but had 20 instead packed in like sardines.  There’s no way anyone could get out until everyone left in exactly the order they came.  The chapel was packed so we found a seat in the overflow which was also the Relief Society Room.  We sat behind the most friendly and adorable 3 year old girl and consequently had a hard time focusing on anything but her.   But once again, even though the language is different, the spirit is the same.  And the pictures on the wall, and the distracting toddlers, and the wonderful friendly people, everywhere we’ve been.  After church we stopped to take a picture and then headed back to the apartment.  After eating lunch and changing clothes we headed into Prague again, saving the best for last.  OLD TOWN.

Emily waiting for the trolley.

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We hopped off the trolley and walked down the street to Prague’s Famous Charles Bridge, but before starting across it, we climbed the first bridge tower we came to, excited to check out the view of the bridge from up high.

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It took us awhile just to cross the bridge but there were so many pictures to take, statues to look at and vendors to check out.   I loved it.

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The kids sat down and took a little break while Chris and I tried to pick a souvenir of Prague.

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We ended up with this one… of the Charles Bridge (exactly where we’re standing) with the Prague Castle behind it.  I love it!


The statue was missing from this post so the boys felt like they needed to stand in.

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I sure love this girl… what a cutie.

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Walking into OLD TOWN.   That Luke sure is a great big brother.

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The astronomical clock on the Town Hall strikes on the hour.  It’s a pretty complicated clock even telling the time of sunrise and sunset each day.  Complex even now, it must have been quite something 500 years ago.

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The Old Town Square… with the Church of St. Nicholas on the left.

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The National Gallery and the Tyn Church behind…

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Playing around in OLD TOWN Square…

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Second tower climb of the day… this time up the Town Hall for the view of the Old Town Square.

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It was really great to see Prague from up here… especially views of the Tyn Church.  It was a beautiful day and I was glad we saved the Old Town for the best weather of the weekend.  Hanging out on top, and taking pictures in all directions with Brian and Mike, was one of the highlights of the trip.

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Mike taking a picture with his Android – something he did somewhere in each new city.Prague Edited-72Prague Edited-73Prague Edited-76Prague Edited-74Prague Edited-75Prague Edited-78

After the Town Hall Tower Climb and the kids raced down the ramps trying to beat those of us who opted for the elevator… and narrowly lost.  We enjoyed the main square just a little bit more and then headed off to the market and then to find something to eat… ending up at the end of the main NEW TOWN road we visited the night before.

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Although the Czech Republic joined the European Union in 2004, it’ll be another few years before they officially begin using the euro.  For now, the Czech Republic continues to use it’s traditional currency, the Czech crown.   19 Czech crowns = about $1 so everything seemed way overpriced until you divided by 19.

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We had the best sandwiches at this place and ate them sitting in covered tables out in the walkway.

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On our way out of town, walking through a narrow cobble stoned alley from the Old Town to the Charles Bridge I found a little shop with these wooden dolls and I think I might have squealed out loud.  I first saw these when I was with friends in Poland.  They were behind glass in the Hotel we stayed at and I fell in love with them and took the card that told me they were Russian dolls made in St. Petersburg.  I took the card with me on our Baltic cruise and asked our tour guide in St. Petersburg if she knew where these dolls were but we hardly had time to shop at all.  I even tried ordering them online but without any luck.  I was so excited to see a whole shop full of them on our last night in Prague.  Chris and I  wandered around, he looking at and picking out another FATHER FROST, and me deciding which THREE girls I would get.  I love the ones I got… but looking at all of these makes me want some more.  I do love a good collection. 

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My Eastern European wooden doll Souvenirs…


A family picture on the bridge before heading back to the apartment…

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Prague Castle at night…

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