A Great Sunday

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It was a really great Sunday.  --  Church at 9:00 -- A few traditional ‘after church pictures’ and ‘after church nachos’. -- Choir practice at 1:30  -- Homemade buttermilk waffles with strawberries and cream.  -- Wonderful and emotional family time writing birthday letters to Grandpa Johnson – An equally emotional Family counsel where we talked to the kids about new goals for our family regarding spending our money and spending our time.  -- Two new family motto’s: I’d rather go to Europe and Communicate, Connect and Feel the Spirit – Matthew’s GREAT TO BE 8 Fireside.  He sat in the front row with all the other eager seven year olds and smiled back at us nearly 100 times.  Boy, he’s adorable.  Can’t believe he’s our last to be baptized.    We definitely communicated, connected and felt the Spirit today.  It was a great Sunday.

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