Writing Letters to Grandpa

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Grandpa’s birthday was Monday, January 30th.  To celebrate and think of him on that day, we decided to write letters to him on Sunday afternoon.  It was a really neat experience for the family.  We spent some time writing our letters individually and then silently read each others.  We were pretty emotional.  I had Emily read Dad’s letter out loud and we were all crying.  We had planned on tying the letters to balloons to release the next day but Chris had to work late and so we met at Olive Garden (one of Del’s favorite restaurants) to eat dinner instead.  

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I added the original letters to each of the kids Family History binders but I will include the typed version here:

Chris' Letter: Dad, I have sure been thinking about you a lot lately.  I guess most of that has been thinking about all the things you were dealing with a year ago.  By the time your 70th birthday arrived, I think we all knew you were not going to recover, but it was still surprising how quickly everything happened.  I am so glad I was able to fly out to be with you on your birthday, and that we were able to go to Cabo together, and that I was able to be with you for your last few days. There were all hard times, but also oh so sweet.  I dread those memories but I also cherish them.  I miss you so much.  It still doesn't feel right that I can't reach out to call you or visit you.  You were such an amazing father and I am so grateful for all that you did for me and all that you taught me.  You were such a good man and your legacy lives on in your children and grandchildren.  Thank you for watching over Ryan in Albania.  Mom is doing ok.  She misses you but she is hanging in there.  I think everyone else is doing pretty well most of the time but we all think of you and talk about you often.  All of the firsts are hard without you around.  Christmas was hard.  Your birthday is harder.  The 1 year anniversary of your death will be even harder.  Mom has been here to visit three times without you.  That still doesn't seem right, but we appreciate her coming and I think it is important for her.  It is hard to think about you not being here for big events like Ryan's mission and Matt's upcoming baptism.  But I believe you are still a part of those events, I just wish we could share them with you.  I wish I could call you and talk about how hard it is to have Ryan gone for 2 years.  I wish we could talk about my other kids and how great they are all doing.  I wish we could talk about BYU and go to some games together.  I wish I could get one more Priesthood blessing from you.  I hope you know how much you are loved and missed by all of us.  That is a testament to how wonderful you are.  I love you, Dad.  Chris

Lisa's Letter: Del, I miss your sweet smiling face and twinkling eyes, but I know that you are closer to us than we even realize.  Thank you for peeking in on us from time to time -- especially for protecting Ryan in Albania.  Please watch out for us and send us inspiration and help when we need it.  I am working hard to strengthen my testimony and teach my kids correct principles so that we can all be together in the eternities.  I know family is everything.  You knew that here on earth and I bet you know it even more where you are.  I miss and love you.  Lisa -- your favorite daughter-in-law

Katie's Letter: Grandpa -  I miss you so much!!  You're so amazing and fun.  You're the best grandpa ever.  I remember how you would always joke around with me and cuddle with me and tell stories.  I always knew that you loved me.  You are such an amazing example to me.  You're such a hard worker and a faithful church leader.  It's really sad when I go to your houses and you are not there!  I cannot wait to see you again Grandpa!!  I hope you have a good birthday.  I will be thinking of you the whole time.  Happy birthday, Grandpa!  I love and miss you!  Katie

Emily's Letter: Grandpa - Happy 71st birthday!  I miss you so much!  You are the best Grandpa I could have asked for.  You were kind, and knowing, and quiet.  You were on amazing example to me, and you tuaght me a lot.  Thank you for all of that.  I am happy to be able to celebrate your birthday and think of you today.  I know you had a really strong testimony.  I love hearing stories of you and your life.  You were the best parent, husband, brother, and friend and especially, Grandpa.  I know that anyone who knew you would be able to say the same things that I have said.  I hope you are doing amazing, wherever you are, and that you will receive these letters, maybe not in paper, but in your heart.  I love and miss you so much.  Love Emily

Megan's Letter: Grandpa, Happy Birthday!  I love you a lot.  I also miss you.  I can't wait to see you in Heaven.  I know you're very happy up there.  I miss your smile.  I love how you loved to golf and watch everything from the side.    You were an amazing example to me.  You had an amazing testimony. You were the best Grandpa ever.  I love visiting your grave and remembering the many great memories we had, like Lake Powell.  You are very humble, reverent, righteous, loving and kind to everyone.  I miss so so much.   I can't wait to see you again.   I love you tons!  I hope you are happy up in heaven.  Happy 71st Birthday!  Love Megan

Luke's Letter: G: great R: reverent  A: awesome  N: nice  D: diligent  P: protective  A: amazing        I miss you grandpa!  I'm so excited to see you in heaven some day.  I love you so much!  I wonder of what it's going to look like in heaven and how do you know and find out of what plan of salvation planet type thing you're in?  I have so many questions about heaven and even I have questions about earth too!  I love you.  Love Luke

Matt's Letter:  Dear Grandpa, You are the best Grandpa ever.  You are very good at golf.  I miss you so much.  You are a great person and a great dad to Chris and all of your kids.  I am almost 8 and I will get baptized.      You are cool.  You like golf.  You are awesome.  You are kind.     DELMAR:  D: delightful  E: excellent  L: lovely  M: marvelous  A: awesome  R: reverent

Ryan’s response after reading all of our letters

My amazing family,

I cried reading those. I actually thought earlier this week that I would share something for him too in my email, because it is his birthday, and I always share something for everyone's birthdays. I sure love him, and all of you. I am so impressed with all of you and the changes you are making. In fact, on my mission, I have repeatedly received revelations and thoughts for how I can be better in all aspects of my life during and especially after my mission. I want to be better. I am glad you do too. I always learn new things and new stories and all sorts of things that I just wish I could share with you. The mission has been such a blessing for me. Though I wish I could share more of what I have learned with you in person, I would never have learned these things if I had not come here to serve the Lord. 
You are all my very best friends. I love you all so much!

The best part about a mission is that everything is in the right context. Everything I think about, do, and am is centered and focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and The Plan of Salvation. It is so special for me, and I hope that I will never lose that focus and center for the rest of my life. I still make mistakes, but oh how wonderful it is that we can përmirësohemi (improve). It is such a sacred experience to rely on the Savior every day. He will lead us where we need to go. Elder Larsen and I spend basically every morning and night listening to BYU Devotional talks and General Conference talks and it is tradition I plan to continue. I learn some amazing truths and gain faith and hope from them. 

I love Grandpa Johnson. I know he is looking out for me. He was such an amazing example for everyone he knew, and he is my role model. I want to be just as loving and caring as he is. I know he is looking out for you too. Right now, he is in the spirit world, working, much like I am, and getting some well-deserved rest. I know he is close. Some of my most special experiences in the MTC, were nightly prayers, praying for all of you, and for Grandpa. There were many nights where I definitely felt that he was close. I guess I sent some letters to grandpa that way, through my prayers. Grandpa loves us. And I know we have countless other ancestors, posterity, and close friends on the other side cheering us on and they are all around us. I miss Grandpa, but I equally miss all of you. 

Well, thanks again for breaking my crying streak. I went 6 full months without a single tear, and then you all just had to break me. I love you so much. At times I wish my life was easier, but that is not the way it is supposed to be. Life is supposed to be hard, so that we can learn to rely on each other and on our Savior. We are all going through trials and pressure, so that someday, like the rock turned into a diamond, we can become perfect, like God is, and we can praise Him forever for His everlasting love and mercy. I miss you all. I love you all pa fund. (without end)

Love Elder Johnson 
