Mexico–Headed to Sayulita San Pancho

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It was great to have Doug as our designated driver for the week.  (Not all the roads are perfect – one led us right through a mud puddle.) He loves to get lost in the side streets like I do.  In Sayulita he wanted to get as high as he could and kept taking roads that led up.  We got stuck a few times, but were able to maneuver our way out.  It’s so great to be able to see where people live on steep streets at the top of a town. Great exploring!

We stopped in San Pancho and wandered through the market. 

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The guys spent some time on their rented boogie boards and we relaxed under the shade of an umbrella.

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We split up and wandered around Sayulita for an hour.  Things I loved about Sayulita…  The flags hanging everywhere, watching the local boys skateboard, (one of them wanted me to take his picture), brightly colored buildings and watching three darling little sisters walk home.

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After walking around Sayulita for almost an hour we decided to find somewhere to eat.  We found a restaurant, headed upstairs for a table and ended up with the most delicious chicken fajitas and homemade tortillas.  So good!

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