Mexico—The best Massages

I went on another walk around Punta Mita and this time brought my camera and headed for the pier that we could see from our balcony. It’s so great to be able to walk around outside in the warm air… I just love it.

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Once we had all finished exercising we decided to head down to the town and see if we could get massages.  We ended up finding a great little place.  Missy started her massage while Geneva and I hung out on hammock’s nearby.  It was perfect.  This little massage hut was made of bamboo poles and sheets draped and pinned together.  As we enjoyed our massage we could hear the faint conversation of cooks in a nearby kitchen, people walking by, birds chirping overhead, a lady sloshing a bucket of water on the sidewalk and this little town’s life going on around us.  It was really cool AND it was only $30.  How can you beat that?  Definitely one of the (many) highlights of the trip.

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Missy went home with Doug while Geneva and I had our turn.  When we were done, Geneva picked up Miami Vice’s for us and we took a little golf cart’s tour of the town before heading back to the resort. 

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