Update from Elder Johnson–February 2017


Feb 6, 2017-6Feb 6, 2017-7Feb 6, 2017-1Feb 6, 2017-3Feb 6, 2017-4Feb 6, 2017-5Feb 6, 2017-10Feb 20, 2017-1

Feb 6, 2017-8Feb 20, 2017-2

Feb 6, 2017-9Feb 6, 2017-12Feb 6, 2017-13

Feb 20, 2017-3Feb 20, 2017-4Feb 27, 2017-1Feb 27, 2017-2Feb 27, 2017-4Feb 27, 2017-5

Feb 27, 2017-3Feb 27, 2017-6

Monday, February 6th

Hello everyone,   It was a great week.  I've been looking for the Hand of the Lord in my life this week. 

Tuesday: Elder Larsen and I had delicious food for breakfast at the Stephen Center. Then, Transfers happened. Elder Ingram is my new companion and he's awesome.   He is an amazing Elder, really diligent, hard-working, knows how to do missionary work and is willing to look for the guidance of the spirit.  Looking forward to being able to learn from him for the next six weeks. 

Wednesday: I gave a training during district meeting and it actually turned out really good. I taught about the power of the atonement and how we can access it through good goal-setting. It was great, and I am excited to apply it further in my own life. - Also, We were looking for some less actives and could not figure out which pallat (little apartment building) was number 7. We searched up and down the road, when one nice lady asked what we were looking for and showed us Pallat # 7 and # 3. - Also, I felt impressed to buy some cookies and bring them to this ladies' house and we were able to set up a meeting with her and her husband for Thursday. Very random impression really. But it was great.

Thursday: We went back to that road from Wednesday and found out where one of the less actives on that road had moved to. Then we were about to leave, but I felt like we needed to check pallat # 3 for the other less active. We had no idea where in this huge pallat they could be. We walked past the first entrance and then I felt like we needed to go in that entrance. But, I kept walking. Then, my companion (He is awesome) decided we should say a prayer to know where to go, so we did, and then I really knew that we needed to go in the first entrance. So, we walked in, and knocked on the first door there. A lady answered and when we asked about the name, she just pointed to the door across from hers. So, we knocked on that one, and it was a friend of the less active, who knew her very well, and knew that she was in Italy. So, that was sweet. - Then, we went to a funeral for a less active lady in our ward. That was sad. It was the first funeral I had been to since Grandpa's. But, it was really special. Lots of the members were there, and the family really appreciated us being there. We said 'Ngushëlime!' (comfort). But, the cool thing was that on the side of her coffin, it said, "prapë do të takohemi." (We will meet again.) Bishop Dervishi did the grave dedication. (And afterwards the family hosted a delicious lunch. It was so good. Another hand of the lord.) - Also, we had the lesson with the couple and it went great.

Friday: We did weekly planning and set some great goals and plans for this coming week.

Saturday: We were able to meet with a new investigator. His name is Jozef. He is awesome and he was very attentive and shared some cool stories from his life with us. - Also, the sisters have an investigator named Bona and I got to translate as she did an interview with Elder Maxfield. That went well. 

Sunday: Jozef came to church, and Xhenis came to church. They are both solid, awesome guys. And, we visited with Vëllai Toska, the best member in our ward. The spirit was so strong during that lesson.

It was a great week. Today, I played Frisbee with all the Tirana elders, ate breakfast at the Stephen Center, had personal study, cleaned my apartment, got a haircut, and emailed. It was a good day. P-days are always sort of busy, but a lot better now with the new schedule. 

The hand of the Lord is so apparent in his work. I love the Lord and love serving Him in Albania.  I am just trying to work hard on the language and trying to teach with more Charity and power so that my investigators will 'get it' and desire to make those changes they need to make. I love my Heavenly Father so much.  I have a invitation for you: If anyone asks you what Mormons believe, say, we believe that God is our Heavenly Father and that He loves us. (and then, you can say other stuff too, but start with that)

My spiritual thought for today is that if you want to know how to become children of Christ, read Mosiah 14:8, the beginning of Mosiah 15, and the beginning of D&C 39. It is AWESOME! 

I love you all.  Love, Elder Johnson

Monday, February 13th --

How are you all? Good? good.   My week was absolutely amazing, thank you. Another solid district meeting. We talked about D&C 39. My new favorite chapter of the entire standard works. For now at least. I love it.

We met someone new this week. He called us from a pass-along card. (There is a first time for everything.) So that was amazing. His name is Lutfa. We have had two lessons with him. He asked if we could baptize his grandson too, so that is always a good sign.

I had a great experience this week. I stopped and talked to a lady who was sitting in a park, and basically talked to her for 40 minutes and answered all her questions, which questions led perfectly into the Restoration and then the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I gave her a Book of Mormon, and she was so nice. I hope to hear back from her later. The best part of the mission is experiences like those. I also had a really great experience reading Preach My Gospel, CH. 1 with Elder Ingram. Our purpose as missionaries. I love being a missionary here sharing the truth with those who are seeking it. That is why 'Investigators' are called 'Kërkuesit', which literally translates to 'seekers'. It is so great to help those who are truly seeking the truth. Another cool thing this week was talking to Egezon. We gave him to the other elders (for a variety of reasons). But it was great to talk to him, and assure him that we are still friends, and that I would be attending his baptism. I love him. He is an awesome guy. Mission life is THE life.

I want you all to know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. He loves us and He will guide us to the promised land, if we will just get over our pride and hardheartedness. Follow the Savior. Be teachable and lovable. Don't murmur. It is possible through the Savior. but, It can't be done lazily. It is not supposed to be easy. Let us each find ways we can improve every week and change our attitudes. It will make a huge difference in the world we live in. As we rely on the Savior, He makes our burdens light, or more accurately, He gives us the strength to carry our burdens with joy. I love Him. I know He loves you. I love you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.     Elder Johnson

Monday, February 20th --

The Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - - That is what the Book of Mormon contains. Why should you read this book? Because it contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is true. It is a gift from God to us because He loves us.   I love teaching people about the Book of Mormon. I love talking to everyone, and just being their friends. It is so great. I really enjoy serving with Elder Ingram. We are doing some great stuff. It is awesome.

Our district consists of us, The Zone Leaders (Elders Samuel and Miller) and sisters (Sister Soldonia and DiCoursey.)   So 6 people.   There are 2 districts in Tirana. The Tirana Zone consists of the 2 Tirana districts, the Durrës district, and the Shkodër district. We have district meeting every Tuesday at the church... this Tuesday I taught a lesson on Charity since it was Valentine's Day.  Our district covers half of Tirana. There is a map of the areas of each ward and branch on lds.org somewhere.

Well, we have been teaching Denis, who is making significant progress with smoking and we are trying to help understand the covenant of baptism. He has a great desire to be baptized. But, he doesn't quite understand everything. We also have been teaching Lutfa, our new investigator from the pass-along card, and that is going great. We taught him the Restoration and watched the Restoration film with him. He committed to read the Book of Mormon, and we are anxiously awaiting our next lesson with him to follow up on that. He has loved the things we teach.  It is going very well with him. 

Other than that, lots of having fun this week. (Having fun = Street Contacting) I love it.

Today, I made a Byreke for the first time. (Classic and delicious Albanian food).  We played Frisbee and Football (European Football), got haircuts, went Bowling (just a 121 today), and emailed. All the missionaries in Tirana were there at Frisbee and Bowling. It was so fun with such a big group. Tonight, we will go to a young single adult FHE with Denis and visit a member in our ward. At least, that is the plan.

I love my life, and I love serving the Lord here in Tirana with Elder Ingram. Life is good. We see lots of blessings and help from on high, and are continually pushing ourselves to improve. It is truly the best two years. I hope to never be the same again.     -- Elder Johnson

Monday, February 27th  --

Hi!  Matt's video was awesome.  Who is that boy? and what happened to his voice? I can only imagine how different they will all be when I get home. Crazy. So funny. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGES. I got grandma Johnson's Christmas package and your valentines package. You are all so awesome. Thanks for the notes and the heart shaped Yorks and Reeses. They made my day. 

Well, this was a solid week. How is it that every week is better than the last one?

First of all, Today was a good day. We got to deep clean our apartment and now it looks spotless. We also practiced piano, ate great food and emailed. So, successful day. After this, we are going to the youth FHE with Dorian and Përparim, and, turns out, we are teaching the lesson. Sweet.

This coming week is going to be pretty sweet. I have an exchange with the zone leaders on Thursday through Friday. We have Stake Conference on Saturday and Sunday, and Mission Conference next Monday. So Pday will be on Wednesday next week.

The highlight of the week was Egzon's baptism. It was so amazing. He was the investigator who loves speaking English, and a few weeks back, we gave him to the other Elders. Well, he got baptized on Saturday, and I gave the talk on Baptism. It went really well.  Egzon is a stud. Ai është njishi.

This week, we found lots of new people to teach. One of them is Dorian.  Përparim brought him to Egzon's baptism.  We will continue teaching him throughout this week, and I am looking forward to some good times. I know the church is true, It is the church of God restored on the Earth. I love sharing this 'good news.' I love you.

Love, Elder Johnson
