A Day with Megan–Garden of the Gods and Pride Soccer

Dad took Katie, Emily, Maggie, Luke and Matt skiing for the day up at Monarch.  Megan was sad to miss out on a day of skiing but couldn’t miss her soccer game.  At 7:50 she was sitting on my bed just waiting for me to wake up.  We made a big breakfast of fried eggs and toast and then got ready to hike at the Garden of the Gods.  It was fun to go just her and I.  I let her sit in the front seat and be controller of the music.

Garden of the Gods with Megan-1

Garden of the Gods with Megan-2

Garden of the Gods with Megan-3

Garden of the Gods with Megan-4

Garden of the Gods with Megan-5Garden of the Gods with Megan-7

Garden of the Gods with Megan-6

Garden of the Gods with Megan-8

She found an old penny and when I asked what year it was, she looked and then shouted, “RICHARD!”  (Somewhere in Time)  It was pretty funny.  She deemed it her ‘lucky penny’ and kept it with all day.

Garden of the Gods with Megan-9

Garden of the Gods with Megan-11Garden of the Gods with Megan-10

Garden of the Gods with Megan-12

Garden of the Gods with Megan-13Garden of the Gods with Megan-14

She is a fun one to hike with.  The hike up to Siamese Twins isn’t that long and once I got my camera out, she said, “This hike is turning into a photo shoot.”  Sorry Meg.  We didn’t have much time though, so we got back in the car and headed home to jump in the shower and head to her soccer game. 

Bob played SO well.  They ended up winning with a score of 6-0.  Bob scored 3 and Ashley scored 3.  Two hat tricks!!  Actually Bob scored  four times but they called one of them ‘off sides’ even though our Coach and parents were positive that it wasn’t.  It was a fun game to watch.

Bob and Ashley-17

Bob soccer-2Bob soccer-4Bob soccer-8Bob soccer-9Bob soccer-10Bob soccer-13Bob soccer-14Bob soccer-15

Bob soccer-16

Once Bob and Ashley had both scored Coach Ted took them out and had them sit on the bench for awhile and then go in – Bob as Defense and Ashley as Mid.  Bob loves playing FORWARD but it was fun for her to go back and play defense again.  Nothing passed Bob.

After the game Megan and I headed to Old Navy to try on clothes and she walked away with some shorts for our Mexico trip.  Then we headed up to Costa Vida for dinner and then Sprouts to get some fruits and vegetables.  Back at home we grabbed our fury grey matching blankets and cuddled up on the couch watching some ONCE UPON A TIME.  It was a good day with Megan.  I love that girl.
