Baptism 101–From Elder Johnson to Matthew

Ryan emailed Matt and sent home a link to google docs entitled ‘Matthew – Baptism 101’  Every week for a month he updated it with more and more activities and lessons to do before he was baptized.  He’s such a great big brother.  Matthew was pretty excited about all of it.  We printed it up and taped it to the wall in the kitchen.  We didn’t get them all completed on the right day – but we did most of them.  So grateful for my good kids.

Matthew at 8-1

Matthew Baptism 101

Monday, May 1st - w/ Emily

  1. Read Colossians 3:20 in the Bible with Emily.
  2. Talk to Emily about how you both can obey mom and dad more.
  3. Anytime that mom or dad asks you to do anything, listen quietly and do it quickly.

Tuesday, May 2 - w/ the Fam

  1. Gather the family together and sing ‘Families can be together forever.’ Then, tell everyone you love them and give them hugs.

Wednesday, May 3 - w/ Katie

  1. Read 2 Nephi 32:5 with Katie.
  2. Have Katie explain to you what the Holy Ghost is.
  3. Go outside to the trampoline.
  4. Before you get on the tramp, jump as high as you can.
  5. Now get on the tramp and jump as high as you can.
  6. Talk about how the gift of the Holy Ghost helps you jump higher spiritually.

Thursday, May 4 - w/ Dad

  • Read Helaman 4:24 and 1. Cor. 3:16-17 with Dad.
  • Talk about the following questions:
    • How can you be like a temple to have the Spirit of the Lord with you always?
    • What are some blessings you receive by having the Spirit of the Lord with you always?

Friday, May 5 - w/ Megan

  • We show our love for Christ and invite the Holy Ghost by keeping the commandments.
  • One important commandment is the Word of Wisdom.
  • Talk to Megan about the Word of Wisdom. Discuss:
  1. What is it?

  2. What should we not drink or use?

  3. What should we eat?

  4. Why do we have these ‘rules’?

  • Read D&C 89:18-20 to find some of the incredible blessings we receive from living the word of wisdom. I testify that the Word of Wisdom is a commandment given from God and that we will be very blessed as we live it. I know that God gave this commandment for us to be happier physically and spiritually. I love it.

Saturday, May 6 - w/ Mom and Dad

I have a strong testimony of the living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and I felt a strong confirmation of that testimony listening to this talk.

  • Watch President Thomas S. Monson’s address from General Conference - The Power of the Book of Mormon. 

I also have a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon, and that testimony has only came through sincere prayer and study and faith.

  • Talk about the Book of Mormon and the blessings that come from reading it. Ask Mom and Dad to share their testimonies of the Book of Mormon. Challenge each other to read the Book of Mormon every single day.

Sunday, May 7 - by yourself

  • During Power Hour, go into a room by yourself, start with a personal prayer and read an entire chapter of the Book of Mormon out loud. (maybe read 3 Nephi 27) Then, pray out loud to Heavenly Father to ask if it is true. Matthew, I promise that if you do this, you will receive an answer that it is true. You will have a good feeling. This is how God tells us that He loves us and that He is proud of us. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. Whenever I read it, I feel a great feeling of peace, love, and amazement. I marvel at God’s love for us, His spirit children. He lives and loves us. He wants us to be happy. He sent us the Book of Mormon to help us be happier. I know that Jesus Christ loves us too. He is our Savior and Redeemer. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, May 8

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are the best brother ever. Have an awesome day and do some fun stuff to celebrate!

Tuesday, May 9 - w/ the fam

  • Read 3 Nephi 18:18 - 21 for family scripture study and talk about how to pray. Whenever you pray, try to remember that you are addressing your Father in Heaven who loves you and is listening to you.

Wednesday, May 10 - w/ siblings

  • Have a super awesome secret sibling meeting. Gather with your siblings and talk about Faith. Talk about anything that you can do to be nicer to each other and happier every day. Open and close with a prayer. (Have Katie take charge for the meeting.)

Thursday, May 11 - w/ Mom

  • Take some special time with Mom. Talk to her. Tell her how you are and ask her how she is doing. Ask her about the principle of repentance. Ask and discuss:
  1. What is it?

  2. How we do it?

  3. Why is the Atonement of Jesus Christ is so important in this process?

Friday, May 12 - w/ the Fam

  • Have a restoration lesson with a special emphasis on the restoration of the priesthood as God’s power and authority to baptize. (taught by Dad probably) Have dad show his priesthood line of authority.

Saturday, May 13 - w/ Luke

  • You know what that is right? The triforce! Ganondorf, Link, and Zelda each have a piece. Power, Courage, and Wisdom. But, I will tell you a secret. The triforce actually represents the Godhead and the sacred covenants that we do on the Earth.
    • Power - God (see 1 Nephi 17:48)
    • Courage - Christ (see Matthew 26:39)
    • Wisdom - The Holy Ghost (see John 14:26)
  • Read D&C 20:37 and Mosiah 5:8
  • When we are baptized we take upon us the name of Christ, similar to taking the Triforce of Courage.
  • When we are confirmed we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, similar to receiving the Triforce of Wisdom
  • You will receive a lot of blessings and sacred covenants when you are baptized and confirmed. Remember to be an example for the rest of your life because you have taken the name of Christ upon you. (similar to how I have His name always on my nametag, you have his name always in your heart.) and you have received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  • Now, ask Mom for permission, and then play Super Smash Bros. (as Link or Zelda maybe) and think about what it means to fight for the truth and be an example.

Sunday, May 14 - w/ the Fam

  • Catch up on the ones you have not done, especially the Power Hour one. That is important.
  • Talk to me on skype! I am so excited to see you and hear you. I love you, Matthew.

Monday, May 15 - w/ Katie

  • Read John 13:34-35 and Proverbs 17:17
  • Make a goal to be nicer to Luke

Tuesday, May 16 

  • Only 4 More days.
  • Color a picture. On the back, write a note to one of your siblings and secretly put it under their pillow.

Wednesday, May 17

  • Only 3 more days
  • Once you get home from school, ask Mom what she needs help with. Do that, and then quickly do all your chores (homework, clean room, etc.) with a smile on your face.

Thursday, May 18

  • Only 2 more days.
  • Have a great day. Listen to mom and dad and do everything they say without complaining or being sad. Have a good attitude and tell everyone you love them throughout the day.

Friday, May 19

  • Only 1 day left
  • Talk about the Great Plan of Salvation. Talk about why it brings you joy and what baptism’s role is in God’s plan.

Saturday, May 20

  • Today is the big day. Don’t forget to start the day with a prayer. Tell Derek how excited you are. This is such a special day for you. Listen to mom and dad, and be happy. You will remember this day forever. I love you Matt.  Today, you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  That is so exciting!  Remember to always keep the commandments and listen to the still small voice.

Sunday, May 21

  • Today, you will take the sacrament. When you take the sacrament, you renew your baptismal covenants. Say a prayer and thank Heavenly Father for your many blessings.  Now you are a baptized and confirmed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Don’t forget that when you were baptized, you promised that you would follow Christ. Don’t forget to pray and read the Book of Mormon every day. It is super important. I love you so much and I am so happy for you.