Bob’s Spring Soccer–An Undefeated Season–Coach Ted

Red 05 Team for Spring of 2017:  Bob, Ashely, Kami, Ashling, Marin, Brooke, Helen, Charlee,  Jamison, Carolyn, Emma, Savannah, Kennedy

Started the Spring season by winning the Pueblo Tournament.  Usually it’s cold the first weekend in March, but this weekend was beautiful.  We enjoyed two games and stayed to picnic with the team in-between.

The team tied the championship game on Sunday afternoon which led to an intense shoot out. AND THEN THEY WON!  Megan wasn’t there on Sunday but Coach Ted called her that night and filled her in on all the details.  Love that.  So so fun!

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This next sequence of pics was Bob getting a goal…

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A hat trick for both Bob and Ashley!  Nice job girls!!

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Last game… warm ups and last minute team talks…

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Love how this girl just beats the defense every time…

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And again…

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A win on the last game makes an undefeated season…   team huddle…

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Running to the parents…

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Team pics… close up since I had my 85mm on and couldn’t stand far enough back…

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One of Megan and Charlee’s favorite teachers, Mr. Patterson,  came to watch their last game!

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Ted’s email at the end of the season:

“The girls did an amazing job yesterday and today and it was a great way to finish the season!!  The two teams we just played are basically tied for second and the Storm team from today beat the Ft. Collins Arsenal team 2-1 last week so winning 5-0 today is a really great way to finish the season.  We played this Storm team in the fall and tied 1-1.  As I have said before, this is a very special group of girls and I am extremely proud of all of them!  It is almost impossible to finish any season 8-0 and with the Pueblo tournament the girls are 12-0 this spring and I think we are one of the only teams (or the only team) in the state to be 12-0 in the spring.   I hope the girls will remember this season for a very long time – I know I will! 

The girls have won the U12 GOLD LEAGUE and we finished with 30 goals scored and 8 goals against – which is amazing.  We have girls that are sick and injured and tired but they all fought through it this weekend and all season long. This team always plays with intensity and definitely has great mental toughness and not all teams have that.  We were behind in at least 5 of the 12 games this season so to come back from all of those is very hard to do.”

We had a great party at Ashley’s house at the end of the season.  

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Coach Ted said some really great things about Bob.  He was a great coach.  After he found out that Bob made the United team he emailed us saying “Please tell Megan/Bob congratulations and good luck!  We will really miss her and I really enjoyed coaching her this last year.  She was an absolute pleasure to coach!”  Ted

Mia Hamm Quotes from Coach Ted:

  • The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking.
  • I've worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down.
  • Every single day I wake up and commit to myself to becoming a better player.
  • Sports can do so much. It's given me confidence, self-esteem, discipline, and motivation.
  • Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.
  • You can't just beat a team, you have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again.
  • I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.
  • The most important attribute a player must have is mental toughness.
  • Somewhere behind the athlete you've become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back... play for her.