EFY Week for Katie and Emily

This was Katie’s last year of EFY and Emily’s first – Just like this coming year of High School.  Fun that they could overlap one year and go together.  Emily went with Brooke Starbuck and they had a great week together.  Katie went by herself but quickly made great friends with her group.

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We met up with Monae, Brianna, Austin and Brooke Starbuck and checked into EFY.

Fun to run into some friends from the Pine Creek ward… Abby, Brynn, Calvin and Josh.

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Katie was excited to be going the same week as Ally Cook – and so excited to meet up with TENLEY – BYU Freshman.

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Katie’s Favorite EFY memories:

  • My company was the bomb
  • party music all day long
  • seeing SO many friends!
  • visiting Tenley at her dorm
  • fun meals (mediocre food ha)
  • chocolate milk
  • karaoke
  • teaching Jackson how to swing dance and getting a crowd
  • up late with my roommate
  • games night
  • all the counselors- heidi, patrick, alex
  • efy games
  • testimony meeting I bore my testimony
  • etc etc etc. :)

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Emily’s Favorite EFY memories:

  • The dances
  • The variety show
  • Testimony meeting
  • The dorms
  • Hanging out with company
  • Doing our skit
  • Getting to know Brooke
  • Games night
  • Pizza night
  • Morningsides
  • Free time
  • Playing uke and guitar with company and counselors
  • Kylie

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