Utah Trip–Hanging out with the Waltons

Wednesday morning we left the Cooks house and headed to Scott and Elisha’s house.  It was fun to meet our new nephew and cousin, Benjamin John Walton, who is now six weeks old.  Even though Scott and Elisha just say he’s getting bigger, he’s not!  He is a teeny little newborn and looks just like all of Scott and Elisha’s other kids.

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I left Megan at the Walton home and took Foster, Luke and Matthew to Lehi to see my brother Brian's new office and where he works. It was fun to have him show us around and see his desk. It's a pretty modern office and was neat to see. Then we went to a restaurant nearby called Village Baker and he bought us lunch, which was a great treat!! It was fun to have the boys with us and fun to have a great conversation with Brian over lunch. I just love him.

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Wednesday night we had dinner at the Walton home and Brian came over. Fun to talk and play games. Brian taught us a new game that he just bought, called zombie dice, which is a quick dice game similar to greed. It was pretty funny!

Thursday I woke up and exercised, watched the kids while Elisha had a doctors appointment, worked on a blog post or two and then ate lunch and headed to a new park with the splash pad. It was a fun afternoon and I had a great time talking to Elisha. From there she went home and put her two-year-old Owen down for a nap and I headed straight to seven peaks again with my three and Molly and Foster.  We found a good location and I sat in a pool chair under a big canopy while the five kids ran off to have so much fun. I read my book and talked to my mom on the phone for an hour which was fun.  After Scott came home from work, he and Elisha and the little boys joined us at seven peaks. More great conversations. On our way home we stopped at Brian's house to see his apartment. It's fun to know imagine where he lives and what is place looks like. He has done a really great job decorating his living room. It's really cool! Then Brian followed us to Scott's house and we had a really great barbecue.

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Friday I took my kid to meet spent the whole day with Monae and her kids. It was so fun to get caught up and have a really great tour of the new house they purchased and will be renovating. Then we grab some lunch and headed to the park so the kids could play at the playground. And then back to their house for more talking! She has her hands full with her little kids. It was so so so so great to catch up with her. She had a great week sending Brianne off on a mission. She's in the MTC right now! She's a missionary mom just like me. It's the best!  Friday night back at Scott's we had Greek salad and pita bread for dinner, which was so good.

Late Friday night I drove to the airport to pick up dad to join us for a quick weekend. On Saturday we went to BYU early to pick up Katie and Emily and then picked up some buns, bread and bananas and juice to take home to everybody for breakfast. It was so fun to listen to Katie and Emily share their stories of such a great week!  Then we headed to seven peaks again with the whole family. Scott and Elisha and their kids came and Nikole and her kids met us there.

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