Trip to Canada–Bridal Veil Falls, Alexandra Bridge and Othello Tunnels
First stop of the day was to Bridal Veil Falls up towards Hope. Some of us climbed up to the base of the falls with the mist. The Falls were gorgeous!
So close that the mist covered my camera in just a second.
The kids just LOVE Whitney. She sure does get a lot of attention from us. Today everyone was singing Girls Camp Songs trying to make her smile. She loved it.
The forests in British Columbia are so beautiful. I just love walking through the dense green. After enjoying the falls for awhile, we headed back to the picnic area and ate lunch.
And then off to Alexandra Bridge We walked down the trail to the bridge and canyon below. Such a cool bridge…
Happy 17th Birthday to this beautiful girl. Love you Kates!
Last stop was the Othello Tunnels just outside of Hope. Favorite stop of the day. I couldn’t remember them until after I was there. Then I vaguely remember coming with Ryan when he was about one. The Othello Tunnels used to house train tracks… Now it’s just a scenic walk thought a gorgeous canyon. So great!
Amy was carrying Alice but then had to go back to the car to bandage up Peter’s cut hand. She handed off Ali to Grandpa and he handed her over to Chris. She was NOT happy. Definitely the wrong Chris.
The tunnels were pretty cool. Fun to walk through and take some pictures…
Grateful that my Dad had the energy to go on all these long day trips – he’s still recovering from Prostate Cancer and dealing with the side effects of Radiation and Radioactive pellets.
Dan the man.
Love this picture of my Chris – lost about 20 pounds recently due to some family goals to eat better.
Annie and Megan –12
A full day… but so fun to explore these beautiful areas. We drove the almost two hours home and ate a late dinner together and then celebrated Katie’s 17th birthday with raspberry cake and ice cream. Annie and Leah were so cute to put this poster together for Katie’s birthday. Cute cousins!