Back to School -- Matthew

First day - Matthew-1First day - Matthew-5

First day - Matthew-3First day - Matthew-6First day - Matthew-7

Matthew – Funny.  Confident.  Sweet.  Daring.  -- and now a 3rd Grader at Chinook Elementary School.  He’s excited about Running Club, Soccer with Anders and Coach Theurer, Cub Scouts and now Piano.

Megan and I walked Matt to school on the first day (since 7th graders start school on the second day).  Fun that she took this pictures on our first walk to school.

First day - Matthew-10First day - Matthew-12First day - Matthew-14First day - Matthew-15

He is pretty excited about his new teacher: Mrs. Owens.  Megan had her as well and she is just about the nicest teacher ever.  Matt’s the only one to be at Chinook this year!  He thinks that’s pretty great since he gets to be in the ‘oldest or only’ category and bring home all the important papers.

First day - Matthew-16

Love this cute kid.

First day - Matthew-17First day - Matthew-18

First day - Matthew-19
