Back to School–Luke

This is a big year for Luke.  4th Grade at School in the Woods.

Luke School in the Woods-1

Luke and I vacuumed, dusted and sharpened pencils for a couple hours the Friday before school started at Luke’s new school: School in the Woods.  It’s a cool year-long program with a unique science integrated curriculum for 4th Grade ‘naturalists'.  He'll be spending a lot of each day learning and working outside in all kinds of weather.  We applied last year and he was one of 15% that got a spot in the school.  Lucky kid.

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Luke is a Reader.  Fast.  Loving.  Funny.  Luke is excited about a year of outdoor learning, Soccer with Coach Richins and friends, cub scouts, Piano with a new teacher, and now Archery.

First day - Luke bus-1

School in the Woods is located in the Black Forest – about a 16 minute drive from our house.  But he’ll be on the bus for 45 minutes instead.  He gets on the bus in Wolf Ranch, heads to a school to switch buses and then heads out to Black Forest.  He leaves the house at 7:25 and walks back in the door at 4:45.  It’s a long day for sure – but at least he gets all his reading and homework done on the bus.
