Everyday Life–August
After Chinook I took off with Ali to visit the Middle School and take glasses to our kids. Megan was in the cafeteria with her friends so I had the whole group of them come outside and take turns. It was fun.
Getting another height measurement done right before school started.
We happened to dress all in the same colors for church one day… me and my girls.
Cute Emily girl… 14 and a half years old.
Traditional ‘Back to School’ YM/YW Ice blocking activity…
A trip downtown Colorado Springs to Josh and John’s one Friday night after soccer practice. Katie and Emily are always hanging out with friends and heading to school activities so more and more it’s just Dad and I and the younger three. I love hanging out with them though. We walked down to get ice cream and then back to the park to play soccer.
Katie and Emily had to quickly remember their lines and songs for an encore performance of their girls camp musical “I’ve Learned for Myself.” They put it on for all the Beehives in the Stake. My girls did such a great job. So grateful they had the opportunity to be involved in such an amazing production.
A couple of last days at the pool…
Cute Matt drew this picture of Link – from Zelda.