January Normal Life

January Stuff: Dad and the kids went skiing  -  School Started  -   Dad was on-call with work  -  we had the missionaries over for dinner and a lesson on the Plan of Salvation   -  we went to Mexico with the Johnsons  -  Mom volunteered at School in the Woods  -  Emily had Piano and voice  - Katie, Emily, Megan, Luke and Matt had Swing Dance  -  Dad spent 4 days with the National Guard in Denver  -  YW in Excellence at the Hales home: Emily played the piano, Katie sang with all the laurels and I gave a talk on Personal Progress  -  we visited the Family History Center so Dad could start scanning old photos  -  Emily went with the 4th years on the FREEZERIE  -  We went to Crested Butte for a ski trip with the Jacksons  -  I organized a fun Missionary Night for the youth with four speakers who talked about their missions: Ali Theurer Winter Quarters, Saralyn Campbell Brazil, Kent Stilson India, Cameron Perigo Germany.  We rotated classrooms.  It was awesome.  -  We celebrated Grandpa’s birthday by going to Olive Garden and sharing special memories of him.

Ski trip to Monarch – January 3rd

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Dad on a ‘mission’ to organize his pictures, documents and his Dad’s memories.  And then over to the Family History Center to have Emily help him scan photos.  Emily and Katie volunteer at the FHC every Thursday evening.

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Emily and all the 4th years enjoyed an overnighter ‘FREEZERIE’ with the Stake YW leaders for their 4th year hike. 

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Matthew working on his talk for Primary. 

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January 30th was Grandpa Johnson’s birthday.  Like last year, we went to Olive Garden to celebrate and remember him. 

On the right, one night the girls came into our room and sat on our bed.  They rated boys.  We laughed.  They fell off the bed.  It was fun.  Love these three.


On the 31st Luke’s School in the Woods homework was to watch the moon and record how it changed.  It was a ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ and that’s something that hasn’t happened for 150 years.  Fun to sit bundled up on the front steps and be with Luke.  He was pretty excited about the eclipse and then the full moon turning reddish. “Mom, I kind of feel excited like I do on Christmas.”   Fun homework. I left the moon photographs to NASA – but we did catch a beautiful sunrise.

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