A Visit from Ashlyn and the boys

Dad had the day off on Thursday.  We organized some things and then Dad went through mission photos and documents and ‘minimalized’ some stuff.  At 3:00 he picked up Matt and Luke from school and then took them up to Denver to pick up Ashly, Derek, Dallas and Cash from the airport.  Meanwhile I took Emily to choir, sent Megan to Swing, sent Emily to the Family History Center and went to Relief Society Meeting.  Ashlyn and the boys were home when I returned and were just finishing the Curry Soup that I had put in the crockpot.  The boys were already so excited to be with each other.

Friday the kids had no school.  It lightly snowed overnight and was a pretty cold day so we decided to spend the day at home.  The boys thought it would be so fun to play outside in the snow, the girls relaxed and got some things done, and Ashlyn and I made food, cleaned up food, and talked.  In the afternoon Emily, Megan, Ashlyn and I played Quirkle and then Ticket to Ride.  When Chris got home we played Hand in Foot and then Dad, Ashlyn and I went out to dinner to Biaggi's.  Nice to have a good meal and be able to talk and talk.     When we got home we decided to teach Ashlyn how to play CASTLES of BURGANDY.  We hadn't played that since before Ryan left on his mission.  It was so fun to get that out. We played two games ending at 2:00am.   Ashlyn won the first and Dad won the second.

Saturday Megan had a tournament soccer game up in Denver.   Megan's team won 2-0 and Megan played really well. It was a chilly day but with the sun shining it felt pretty good.  The boys ran around the soccer fields and ate popcorn on the sidelines. 

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We were pretty close to the Red Rocks Amphitheater so we headed up there to take in the view.  SO many people there exercising. Running or jumping up the stairs, doing squats or just sitting on the benches looking out at the view.  It was fun.  We've been there for a concert but have never been there during the day to just hang out.  The boys were determined to go up and down as many times as they could. So impressive – since coming up is quite the task.  Matt even decided to take his shirt off to give him the extra energy needed to head up one more time.  Crazy boys.

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We headed to Torchy's for lunch -- a Mexican place that we had heard about in Denver -- which was really good.  I’m sure we’ll be back.  Then over to Union Station in Denver for ice cream.  Definitely a splurge.  The boys played with their DS's any time we were in the van so they didn't mind the driving too much.  When we got home we played two more games of Castles of Burgandy -- this time with Emily.   

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Katie spent the weekend babysitting for a family from Friday night to Monday morning.  So Emily and Katie didn't come up to Denver with us. Plus Katie and Emily already had plans to go to the BEST OF YOUTH event on Saturday afternoon from 2:00 - 10:00.    Katie and Emily had a great time at the youth event.  They went to three classes, then went to a great fireside, had pizza and then enjoyed a dance.  

Sunday, Dad made Christmas breakfast, we read scriptures as a family, and headed to church. I went with Ashlyn to Relief Society instead of going to YW since the advisor was teaching.  It was a really great discussion.  After church we ate nachos, watched home videos and then SISTER GODFREY came over and gave us Ryan’s presents.   Sunday evening we spent lots of time talking, playing Castles of Burgandy and Istanbul, eating crepes and  homemade vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

Monday was 'President's Day' so Dad didn't have to work and the kids didn't have school.  Ashlyn and the boys were still here so we started the day with breakfast and then went straight into games.  We played more Castles of Burgandy and Istanbul -- which ended up being our two favorite games of the weekend.   Around noon we got ready and then headed to one of our favorite new restaurants: MOD Pizza and then took the little boys to the SPRINGS to jump on the trampoline.    Then home for more games.

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Tuesday we woke up to snow and a 2 hour delay -- which was great since we had stayed up so late playing games the night before.  At 9:30 the kids headed back to school -- except Matt, who we let stay home so he could hang out with Derek.   Ashlyn asked if I would take pictures of her kids so we spent an hour doing that and then had plenty more discussions on finance, debt, self reliance   and marriage.   Dad took Ashlyn and the boys to the airport Tuesday afternoon and several days later she sent a text that said... "I love this quote... "The whole intent of the gospel plan is to provide an opportunity for each of you to reach your fullest potential.  Spencer W. Kimball"  Ashlyn continued... "You guys are great examples of living your full potential.  Some people looking from the outside may think that you have things "easy" but I recognize all of your deliberate decisions and the hard work you have put in to making a good life.  Thanks for being awesome and helping me along the way."       I love that.  Grateful that she could come out and stay with us.  Love her and her family.

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