10 Things about Us

10 Things about Matthew…

  1. I’m doing Parcc testing at my school.  3rd Grade
  2. I’m doing the water temple in Zelda Twilight Princess.
  3. Soccer just started. (I’m on Coach Theurer’s team with Anders and Ian)
  4. I got a lot of candy for Easter.
  5. We went to a museum and found out that our ancestors were apes.
  6. We have 9 weeks of school left.
  7. We have a 3rd grade fieldtrip to the Pioneer Museum sometime in April.
  8. The Pinewood Derby is this month.
  9. My 9th birthday is in 1 month and 6 days.
  10. My favorite movies are the Greatest Showman, Star Wars and the Last Jedi and Jumanji, Welcome to the Jungle.

10 Things about Luke…

  1. I’m already to the water temple in Zelda Twilight Princess.
  2. Soccer just started. (I’m on Coach Richins team with Andrew and Thane)
  3. We got pictures of Jesus for Easter.
  4. I just learned how to do a backflip on the trampoline with Katie – for the fourth time.
  5. We are starting Spring Field projects at my School in the Woods.  I’m in the group of Forestry.
  6. We went to a museum with the Chuggs and we went to Paint Mines with them.
  7. I have 9 weeks of school left.
  8. The pinewood Derby is this month!
  9. I have a lot of ticks.
  10. I am in TAG (Talented and Gifted) in my school for fifth grade.

10 Things about Megan…

  1. I got my braces off.  I like it better.
  2. My birthday is in 5 days.
  3. My favorite movie is Jumanji and Wreck It Ralph.
  4. I still play soccer on the United team.  I love it!
  5. I started track and field at school.
  6. My favorite candy is skittles and hershey’s.
  7. I love swing dance.
  8. My favorite General conference talk was from M Russel Ballard’s talk on Faith in the Lord.
  9. I love Spaghetti and Hawaiian haystacks.
  10. I am so excited for Ryan to come home.  It will be so fun to visit Ryan and Katie at college.  Also I really want to go to BYU!

10 Things about Emily…

  1. I take piano and voice lessons after school.
  2. I just started reading Leven Thumps, which is a pretty cool series.
  3. I play Lord of the Rings, Hamilton, and La La Land on the piano.
  4. My favorite book and move is Harry Potter, always.
  5. My favorite season is winter.  I LOVE snow!
  6. I love musicals, like the Greatest Showman and live action Beauty and the Beast.
  7. During the last week of April, Mom, Dad and Katie are going to Chicago and I am babysitting the kids.  I am excited for that.
  8. In May I have a voice recital and a choir concert.
  9. I’m trying to start waking up at 5:45 so I can get a lot done in the morning.
  10. I’m so grateful for the gospel and for General Conference so we can hear messages from God through his prophets and apostles!

10 Things about Katie…

  1. I just signed up for housing for BYU!!
  2. Summer= random roommate building 7  Fall= bldg. 14 w/ Daylee
  3. I’m studying for 2 AP Tests: Stats and Human Geography
  4. Graduation is in 44 days!
  5. I still eat peanut butter all the time.
  6. I leave for Chicago in 22 days! (Where I will see Hamilton!)
  7. I listen to a lot of musicals, High School Musical and Church music!
  8. I watch Gilmore Girls, This is Us, and Pride and Prejudice.
  9. I make around $250 a month babysitting and cleaning.
  10. I rarely have homework – just studying for tests.

10 Things about Mom…

  1. April is one of the busiest months for me!  Tons of kid activities.  Emily: piano: W  and voice: Th  -    Megan: track: M-Th and soccer M, T and Th.  Luke soccer: T and F and Matt soccer: T and Th.
  2. I spend a lot of time editing pictures, blogging, writing Ryan and working on our Family History Binders.  Lots of computer time for me but I love it.
  3. Our yard is not doing well so I’m meeting with landscapers and lawn specialists to get it all fixed.
  4. I will be away from home 12 1/2 days this month!  Katie and Emily will each be in charge for 4 or 5 days.  So nice to have responsible girls.
  5. I’m really excited for my parents to live in Utah.  They move into their new house on April 11th.  My Dad just bought a JEEP.
  6. It’s fun to follow Mike and Carly on Instagram.  They are in Portugal now.
  7. I’m in love with Chris.  Love spending time with him.  Can’t wait to go on vacation with him to Europe.  Time is speeding by.
  8. I love playing Castles of Burgandy, Istanbul, Splendor and Quirkle.
  9. I’m tired all the time.  Afternoon naps are wonderful – when I can make it work – which is about 1 or 2 times a week.
  10. I got a new lens for my camera… and a new camera bag… that I saved up for by being really wise with my budget in January and February.

10 Things about Dad…

  1. I am obsessed with working on Family History.  I am at the Family History library all the time scanning photos.
  2. I spent a week cleaning and organizing my Mom’s house in Utah, with 2 car loads to the DI and over 20 bags of garbage to the dump.
  3. I have changed y diet and workout program to try and put more muscle on.  It is working well.  I usually work out during lunch at work.
  4. I am mostly listening to Podcasts instead of audiobooks.  My recent favorites are the Minimalists, Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger, and Dave Ramsey.
  5. I have listened to a lot of Dave Ramsey and am making some changes to our finances and planning to teach these concepts to my older kids.
  6. I have made a 6 year financial spreadsheet for Katie and a 4 year financial spreadsheet for Ryan to get them through college and how much money it is going to cost.
  7. I decided to not buy a tesla and get my $1000 deposit back, but I am still thinking about car purchases all the time.
  8. I am excited for my trip to St. George with Lisa and our couple friends from Maryland.  I need to hit the golf course before we go.
  9. I can’t wait to go to Chicago for Katie’s Senior Trip in 3 weeks.  I am excited for Hamilton, a Cubs game, and nonstop time with Katie and Lisa.
  10. Less than 4 months until we fly to Europe to pick up Ryan from his mission.  I can’t wait for that but I am so glad he has been such a fantastic missionary.