Conference and Easter

Saturday we watched Conference -- complete with Conference Cash and Candy to purchase.  We did it last Conference and the boys were adamant that we do it again.  It was wonderful to participate in the Solemn Assembly -- taking turns standing up to sustain the new prophet.  Really a neat spirit.   All the kids did such a great job taking notes and paying attention.  It was a great session.  In between sessions everyone headed to the park again to play soccer but didn't last too long because of the wind.  Then back for second session and chocolate chip bread, chips and dips and fruit. (As you can see we didn't stay to a good diet this week.)  Saturday night Geneva and I shopped while the boys watched Priesthood Session -- then we made Belgium Waffles and played one last game of Istanbul before heading to bed.

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Dying Easter eggs…

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My annual package of German chocolates from my friend Yvonne!!

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Sunday morning the Chuggs left early and we tried to get some much needed sleep.  When we woke up the kids found their Easter baskets and we started Conference.  It was a great session and wonderful to hear from our prophet.  What a great man.    In between sessions I started editing pictures of the week.   Second session was fantastic as well.  I was quite emotional and felt the Spirit very strongly.  So grateful for the Savior, and for families, the Holy Ghost and revelation.  Excited about the changes from Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching to the new program of 'Ministering'. 

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The kids loved eating their Easter candy while we watched Conference.  A wonderful Easter Sunday.

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