Senior Luncheon

Monday was Katie's Senior Luncheon so all the kids went to school except for her.  She and I drove Luke to School in the Woods and then took some Senior pictures there and then over at the Cordera tunnel before getting dressed up and heading to the Broadmoor for the big event.  Actually, this was a morning of tender mercies for me.  Graduation announcements need to be sent out quick and being able to take some great pictures quickly, stopping by the mailbox to find the new dress we ordered for Katie that we were NOT expecting to get here in time, and having the lawn care people show up to fertilize the yard add topsoil to the dead areas in the only 15 minutes I had at home were huge blessings and I was completely aware of them.    I said a prayer of gratitude and off we went to the Senior Luncheon - Katie dressed in her new dress.  The event was really great.   Just Katie and I went as Dad had to work.  We sat with Daylee Kirkham and her parents.  The decorations and dinner were great.  I was able to 'cap' Katie and loved being up there with her as the reader read some of Katie's thoughts.  Katie’s sweet tribute: “My mom is the person I want to be most like.  She is a wonderful teacher and example.  She has always been there to talk, make me laugh, and of course watch dramatic chick flicks with me.  I am so lucky to have her and will forever be grateful for our relationship.  There will be lots of phone calls made to her from college!  I love you Mom!”    Love this girl!




Katie - Senior Luncheon-1

Katie Daylee Luncheon-1Katie Daylee Luncheon-4

Katie Luncheon-2Katie Luncheon-3Katie Luncheon-5

Katie Mom-1Katie Mom-2
