Hobbit Halloween



This was a fun Halloween.  The boys were pretty excited about being Hobbits.  I couldn’t find anything great online, so I borrowed a few things from some friends, picked up a vest from the Goodwill and made matching cloaks.  It was a hit. 





They had no trouble at all convincing Anders and Ian to be Hobbits with them.  It only makes sense that there are four of them… Froto, Sam, Meri and Pippin.   It was a blizzard on Halloween Eve so there was snow all over the grass.  They took pictures on the rocks but their little feet were freezing! (Matt’s face!)

 The 4 Hobbits-1

 The 4 Hobbits-4

 The 4 Hobbits-5

Matt, Anders (and Ian in the back)

 The 4 Hobbits-8 The 4 Hobbits-10

 The 4 Hobbits-7

LisaHalloween, Luke, MatthewComment