October Miscellaneous

The Fall Choir Concert. Emily’s Sophomore year. Maggie and Emma. Riley and Caroline. Mr. Gepson leading the Chamber Singers.

Matt’s crazy hair. — Cute Emily in the van with me. — Luke’s cute cartoon drawing while at church today. Age: almost 11.

Cub Scouts Hike to the Painted Mines - Matt and friends

Two new cars in one month! Dad’s new Honda Clarity and my new Chrysler Pacifica- so excited to get TWO hybrid plug ins. We looked and looked for another good van option (new and used) and other SUV’s as well, but ended up liking this Pacifica the best. So glad we got it! Love the gas savings as well!

Elementary school Fun Run

Party with all of Megan’s friends! Love this group!

Reading the Book of Mormon before the end of the year as per President Nelson’s challenge to all women. Right now I’m studying Lehi’s Dream and pulled out this book my mom gave us last Christmas. Such great insight and collective quotes.

Hiking with Emma and friends. Adventure Thursdays!

Watching the BYU game with my boys. Chris is on his golf trip.

Matt Reading Harry Potter in bed.

— Institute classes with Brother Brady — Soccer Practice for Megan, Luke and Matt — A trip to Utah for General Conference — Voice lessons for Emily — Golfing prep for Chris — A St. George golf trip for Chris — Lunch with Megan Jackson — Lunch with Mary Seaquist — Matt in Winter Park with Theurers for the Weekend — National Guard for Chris — Stake Conference — YW Presidency Meeting at Tiffany’s — Young Women’s Activities — Lisa teaching Young Women’s — Ward Fall Festival — BYU Football Games — Halloween —

Swing Dance Recital (in November) - The kids have SUCH a good time at practice and especially at the performance. We love this in our schedule. Lots of kids x lots of rehearsals = a busy October and November.

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