Luke’s 11th Birthday

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Luke’s birthday was the day before Thanksgiving this year – just like it was the year he was born.  I remember bringing him home from the hospital on Thanksgiving Day and hanging out on the couch while Chris put a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner.  Good memories.  We really should have had frozen pizza just for fun – but he picked tacos.  Fun to have Ryan, Katie, Brian, Grandpa and Grandma here for the celebration!

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Movies on iTunes from Mom and Dad.  SOLO and Antman and the Wasp.

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Luke was excited right when he saw the boxes.  He got Frodo and Sam from Ryan and Megan and Mery and Pippin from Katie and Matthew.

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Books 3, 4 and 5 of Series of Unfortunate Events from Emily.

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Luke was pretty excited about a remote control car from Grandpa and Grandma Walton.

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…and about a giftcard for video games from Uncle Brian.

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So fun that we could all be here to celebrate Luke’s birthday.  Happy day!   Luke wanted tacos for dinner and then brownies and ice cream for dessert.  We watched Antman and the Wasp downstairs and really enjoyed it!  A fun day, Luke!

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