A Spirit of Gratitude

“Our loving Heavenly Father knows that choosing to develop a spirit of gratitude will bring us true joy and great happiness.”  -  Elder Dieter F. Uchdorf

A Spirit of Gratitude – LISA

The gospel, my Heavenly Father, my covenants, the temple, the Holy Ghost and how easily I can feel the Spirit, my testimony, my husband, the amazing talks we’ve had lately about what really matters to us, my marriage, the opportunity to reflect lately on gratitude while preparing for my talk, communication, my children, Ryan and Katie being at BYU together, my children having testimonies of the gospel, my children reading the Book of Mormon, President Nelson’s challenge to read the BofM by the end of the year. (I’m doing it!), my house, living in Colorado Springs, our friends!, the ward, my calling in Beehives with great women in the presidency, Christmas decorations, Pottery Barn, Athleta, getting good deals, managing my budget well, hot chocolate, healthy foods, lunch at Modern Market, being with my family, playing games, watching movies, getting enough sleep, watching shows with Chris (Poldark, This is Us), Walton and Johnson extended families, vacations, trips with friends, trips with Chris, broadway shows, FHE about ancestors, my new candy cane sheets.

A Spirit of Gratitude - RYAN

My Family, extended family, BYU, Living close to my grandparents and Brian, my classes, audiobooks, the world that God created, loving and gracious parents, the book of Mormon, CHRISTMAS, Christmas music, Christmas giving and receiving, Christmas Breakfast, the Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, My mission, Presidents Anderson and Weidmann, Albania, Kosovo, Albanian language, Gheg, albanians and Kosovar, Suflaqe, pilaf and fasule, the church, Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice, Elder Uchdorf, President Nelson, The first Presidency and Quorum of the 12 apostles, President Monson, Hot chocolate, playing with my brothers, Avengers/Marvel, Nintendo, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Dominion, 7 Wonders, Board Games, Brandon Sanderson, J.R.R Tolkien (and Peter Jackson for that matter), Dad’s video-making skills, Mom’s Blog, Europe, Germany, Having my best friend at BYU with me, Waltz, Watermelons, my roommates, pancakes for breakfast.  (For a more comprehensive list, refer to the lists of all my siblings.)

A Spirit of Gratitude - KATIE

The atonement, Forgiveness, Repentance, my family (duh!) general conference, the Book of Mormon, my house, Colorado Springs, BYU, an education, Thanksgiving and time with my family, modern technology, the prophet, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Spirit, all the people in my life!!! (Seriously though!!!) my mom, my dad, trips and vacations, everywhere I’ve lived, how to lose a guy in 10 days, While you were sleeping, shopping, pie, peanut butter, Oreos, cookies and cream milk, chocolate covered cinnamon bears, also healthy food : ), swing and ballroom, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, London, mission, trials, music, moves, more music and movies, the Temple, my ward, callings. 

A Spirit of Gratitude – EMILY

The gospel, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, padre, lisa, kt, meegan, ryan, luke, matt, the book of Mormon, prayer, repentance, extended family, prophets, all my friends, general conference, the atonement, holidays, BYU, Christmas socks, Hershey's chocolate, goldfish, microwave popcorn, food in general, Harry Potter, Hamilton, Marvel, Disney!, Disney World!!, dogs, snow!, chocolate ice cream, fun memories, Christmas, friends, swing dance, skiing, choir, Michael Bublé Christmas Album, bread movies, peanut butter.

A Spirit of Gratitude - MEGAN

Family, Church teachers, parents, gospel, Bishop, the Book of Mormon, Dad, Mom, Ryan, Katie, Emily, Me, Lukey, Matt, life, animals, Personal Progress, Beehives, Cousins/Aunts/Uncles, Grandparents, the prophet, the Temple, my body, soccer, BYU!, friends, chocolate, Marvel, movies, internet, gummy bears, parties, basketball, Christmas, food, Germany, Stranger Things, rainbows, TV, clothes, Graycie, Natalie, Brynnley, Emma, Vacations, Spaghetti.

A Spirit of Gratitude – LUKE

Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, Matthew, Megan, Emily, Katie, Ryan, Mom, Dad, Cousins, Grandmas, Grandmas, the Book of Mormon, prophets, the gospel, FHE, the earth, life, food, water, the Bible, Aunts and Uncles, soccer, swing dance, music, Wii, WiiU, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, 7 Wonders, Board games, Burritos, tacos, video games, BYU, watermelon, Christmas, Christmas breakfast, Honey nut cheerios, Hershey’s, for being thankful, chubby cute babies, my beautiful hair, laughing, chocolate milk, Zelda, Super Mario and Pokémon.

A Spirit of Gratitude - MATTHEW

My family, Heavenly Father, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, Mom (Lisa), Dad (Chris), Ryan, Katie, Emily Megan, Luke, Me, my body, the Book of Mormon, prophet, the bible, the gospel, our house, food, my life, BYU, the world, money, clothes, water, friends, Wii U, Wii, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, all Nintendo, candy, vacations, games, toys, Zelda, watermelon, chocoalte, chocolate ice cream, soccer, basketball, golf, football, volleyball, tennis, skiing, babies, swing dance, movies.

A Spirit of Gratitude – GRANDMA WALTON

My family, the gospel, the Book of Mormon, David, new house, the Temple, the Savior and the Atonement, doctors, prophets and apostles, new ward friends, old friends, my body and my health, living closer to family, food – healthy, cell phones, GPS, Instagram, heat, clean water, hot chocolate, BYU, transportation, fun movies and series, sunshine, dark chocolate, DB bookshelf, internet.

A Spirit of Gratitude – BRIAN

Jesus Christ, the Atonement, Heavenly Father, my parents, my siblings and siblings-in-law, my super cool nieces and nephews, access to food and clothing, a wonderful home to grow up in, an education, art, talents and skills developed, answered prayers, faith in God and Christ, vacation, friends, this beautiful earth, waterfalls, trees, the color green, the Book of Mormon, the prophet and apostles, laughing, communication tech, my job, my ancestors, vacations, video games, board games, all games, movies, my incredible sense of fashion, my home décor, borrowing “sue” from Mike, my camera, my laser cutter, my house under construction, my good looks, my humility, mashed potatoes, beef stew (favorite meal), cheesecake, cool fight scenes in movies, Star Wars, Thanksgiving thankful lists, funny YouTube videos, Christmas, Halloween. 
